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Import Alternate Units of Measure field definitions


Add and update each product's various purchasing units of measure in bulk using the Alternate Units of Measure (UOM) templates.

NOTE: Each UOM must already exist in Unleashed's Settings, System, Unit of Measure page prior to importing the Alternate Units of Measure template.

Import template field name

* denotes mandatory fields

*Product Code The unique Product Code for the product.
*Alternate Unit of Measure The name of the alternative UOM the product can be purchased as.
NOTE: The UOM must already exist in Unleashed, see Units of Measure.
*Conversion Rate The number of base units required to fulfil one alternative UOM.
*For Purchases


Alternate UOM can only be used in Purchase Orders and when set as TRUE. 

Pack Size Pack size of the product's Alternate UOM.
Barcode Barcode for the product's alternate UOM.
Weight The total weight in kilograms of one alternate UOM.
Width The width in meters of one alternate UOM.
Height The height in meters of one alternate UOM.
Depth The depth in meters of one alternate UOM.
IsObsolete TRUE or FALSE
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