Import Alternate Units of Measure
* denotes mandatory fields. Ensure that you enter correct values in the template before importing into Unleashed.
Field Name | Description |
*Product Code | Product code (max length = 100). |
*Alternate Unit of Measure | Alternate unit of measure for Product e.g. Box, Crate, Pallet etc |
*Conversion Rate | The number to multiply the base unit by for 1 alternate unit |
*For Purchases | TRUE or FALSE - assign TRUE for units you want to purchase in otherwise FALSE |
Pack Size | Pack size of the alternate unit of measure for this Product (used to limit what quantities can be entered e.g. packs of 10, 100 etc.). |
Barcode | Barcode for the specific Alternate Unit of Measure (not Base unit) |
Weight | Weight of the Product. The measurement unit can be specified from Settings | Company | Details tab | Measurement Units drop-down list. |
Width | Width of the Product |
Height | Height of the Product |
Depth | Depth of the Product |
Is Obsolete | TRUE or FALSE. If set to TRUE, this unit will be obsoleted |