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How to obsolete products in bulk


Update multiple products to obsolete status in a single import or action. Provided the selected products have no current stock on hand and are not included on any open transactions or Bill of Materials (BOM) they can be obsoleted in bulk by either:

  1. Obsoleting from the View Products page.
  2. Obsoleting with a CSV import template file.

Obsolete multiple products from the View Products page

  1. From the main menu, go to Inventory, Products and click on View Products.

  2. Use the checkboxes to select multiple products listed in the current page's view. 

  3. Hover over the Action Cog in the grid's header column and select Obsolete.

  4. The products will update to obsolete status and will only be available to view in the View Products page when it's filtered for Obsolete: Yes or All.

Obsolete multiple products with an import template

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory, Products and click on Import/Export.

  2. Go to the Export dropdown menu in the top right of the Import/Export page and select Products

  3. A pre-populated Product Template file will be downloaded, listing all your current products and their existing details. (We recommend saving an original copy of this export and making edits to a duplicate copy).

  4. Update the exported Product file, changing the IsObsolete column to Yes for any products that are due to be obsoleted. 
    NOTE: Do not remove any columns or details from the Product file as their details will be cleared from Unleashed upon import. 

  5. When the Product file is updated and saved, upload it to the Product's Import/Export page. 

  6. Any changes made per row to the column fields (e.g. the IsObsolete detail) in the Product file will apply to the appropriate product records. 

For more details on using the Import/Export function, see Import/Export Products.

For more details on obsoleting records in Unleashed, see Obsoleting old and unused master files.


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