File Library
File Library Central Access
Email Attachments
File Storage
File Library Central Access
The File Library can be accessed under the "Settings" menu:
File Library is automatically available for Account Owners and users with the Superuser role.
To grant access to the File Library, add the permission to the User role:
The File Library contains all your uploaded and attached files and provides a central area for file administration.
From the File Library, you can:
- Upload files
The following filetypes can be uploaded via the Attachments tabs or File Library:
png .gif .jpg .jpeg .bmp .webp .csv .pdf .doc .xls .xlsx .docx .msg .dwg .stp .dxf .ppt .pptx
Please Note: .webp filetypes are not supported in Doc Designer so not recommended as default image or default label image settings. - Filter your files
- Search your files
- Attach & Detach files
An uploaded file can be attached to 50 "entities" - in this example, a file is attached to a Customer:
Once attached, the file will be available via the "Attachments" tab for that Customer:
Use the "Detach" option if you want to remove the association. This will not delete the file. - Delete Files
Delete single or multiple files via the File Library. These files will have any associated attachments removed, and move the file to "Trash". You can restore the files from Trash should you need to.
Note: Files in your "Trash" folder will still consume storage space. - Empty Trash
Clicking on "Empty Trash" will permanently delete any files in the Trash folder and free up that storage. - View your storage usage
Your total used and total remaining storage are available at the bottom of the File Library pages as well at the Attachment tabs:
"Attachments" tabs are available for:
- Products
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Purchase Orders
- Sales Quotes
- Sales Orders
- Assemblies
- Warehouse Transfers
The attachments tab provides you with a facility to upload or attach associated files to your Products, Customers, Suppliers and Transactions (referred to as "entities" below).
We currently support uploading of the following file types: gif, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp, pdf, csv, doc, docx, xls, xlsx, webp
Individual files can be a maximum of 20 MB in size.
Entities can have a maximum of 50 files attached to them, and an individual file can be attached to 50 entities.
Used and remaining storage is displayed underneath the attachments on all entities.
You can delete or detach files via the Attachments tab. If you attempt to delete a file that is attached to other entities, you will be warned:
Drop files onto the upload area or click on "browse local files" to select files from your computer.
Once a file is uploaded, you can access it via "search uploaded files" where you can attach it to other master files or transactions:
Note: This list is limited to the first 100 files matching the search filters.
Use the following filters to refine the list:
Images (will only display files of type gif, png, jpg, jpeg, bmp and webp) vs Documents (will only display files of type pdf, csv, doc, docx, xls and xlsx)
Recently attached (shows the files most recently attached to other master files or transactions)
Recently uploaded (shows the files most recently uploaded to the file library)
Most attached (shows the files with the most associations to other master files or transactions)
Email Attachments
When emailing transactional documents from within Unleashed, you have the option to attach other files that are associated to that transaction. An associated file or files include:
- attachments for products that are included in the transaction
- related transaction attachments (sales quotes related to sales orders)
- Customer attachments from sales quotes or orders
- Supplier attachments from purchase orders
Click on "Attach Files" in the email window:
A window will pop up with all associated files available to attach.
In this example, a sales order for Customer John Snow and for an 8-seater dining suite, a box of screws and a tube of sunscreen offered the following files for attaching to the Order email:
In the example, the Sunscreen Safety Sheet is being emailed to the Customer along with the Sales Order.
File Storage
Your account has a storage allowance of 10 GB (10 240 MB). Should you reach your storage allowance, you can purchase more via the Billing page (subject to billing permission).
On the billing page, you can update your plan's products and purchase ‘Extra Storage’. Additional storage is available in increments of 10GB.
The additional storage takes effect immediately.
Large Extra Customers - please contact our Customer Engagement Team for assistance with additional storage.
If you downgrade your extra storage, your files will remain, but you won't be able to add any new files unless you delete enough files to take you back to within your current storage allowance.