Import Sales Orders field definitions
Follow* denotes mandatory fields. Ensure that you enter correct values in the template before importing into Unleashed.
Field Name | Description |
*Order Number | Unique sales order number. |
*Customer Code | Customer code that the sales order is for. |
Tax Code | Tax type of the tax rate, can be set under Settings | Taxes. It can only be set if the Taxable field is set to TRUE on the customer. |
Tax Rate | Specify the tax rate as a numeric value e.g 20 for a 20% VAT. If you have selected a tax code and do not specify a tax rate, the first tax rate setting from the taxes list that matches the rate will be selected. |
Exchange Rate | Exchange rate for the specified sales order. |
Customer Reference | Customer reference for the specified sales order. |
Comments | Any additional comments relating to the specified sales order. |
Order Date (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY depending on your Settings>Company) | Order date for the specified sales order. |
Quote Expiry Date (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY depending on your Settings>Company) | Quote expiry date for the specified sales order line. |
Required Date (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY depending on your Settings>Company) | Date by which the order must be delivered to the customer. |
Warehouse Code | Warehouse code that the stock is located in. You can find these codes under Settings | Warehouse. |
Delivery Contact | The Customer's Contact to be used for Delivery. These Contacts are created under the Customer | Contacts tab. |
Delivery Name | The delivery name (person, or company etc.) for the sales order. |
Delivery Street Address | Delivery street address line 1. |
Delivery Street Address 2 | Delivery street address line 2. |
Delivery Suburb | Delivery suburb. |
Delivery City | Delivery city. |
Delivery Region | Delivery region. |
Delivery Post Code | Delivery post code. |
Delivery Country | Delivery country. |
Discount (%) | Specify the discount percentage as a numeric value. |
Sales Order Group | Name of the sales order group for the specified sales order. Can be found under Settings | System | Sales Groups. |
Sales Person Email | Email address of the sales person for the specified sales order. Can be found under Settings | System | Sales Persons. |
*Line Number | Line number of the related sales order line. This should increment based on how many lines there are on a sales order. |
*Product Code | Existing product code (max length = 100). |
*Order Quantity | Quantity (numerical amount) for the specified sales order. |
Line Discount (%) | Specify the line discount percentage as a numeric value. |
Unit Price | Unit price for the specified sales order line. This price is GST/VAT exclusive. |
Line Comments | Any additional comments related to the specified sales order at line level. |