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Import Sales Quotes field definitions


* denotes mandatory fields. Ensure that you enter correct values in the template before importing into Unleashed.

Field Name Description
*Quote Number Unique sales quote number.
*Customer Code Customer code for the sales quote.
Tax Code Tax type of the tax rate, can be set under Settings | Taxes. It can only be set if the Customer Taxable field is set to TRUE. 
Tax Rate Specify the tax as a numeric value. If you have selected a tax code and do not specify a tax rate, the first tax rate setting from the taxes list that matches the rate will be selected.
Exchange Rate Exchange rate for the specified sales quote.
Customer Reference Customer reference for the specified sales quote.
Comments Any additional comments related to the specified sales quote.
Quote Date (DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY depending on your Settings>Company) Quote date for the specified sales quote. 
Quote Expiry Date (DD/MM/YYYY or

MM/DD/YYYY depending on your Settings>Company)

Quote expiry date for the specified sales quote line.
Warehouse Code Warehouse code the stock is located in. You can find these codes under Settings | Warehouse.
Delivery Name The delivery name (person, or company etc.) for the sales quote.
Delivery Street Address Delivery Street Address Line 1.
Delivery Street Address 2 Delivery Street Address Line 2.
Delivery Suburb Delivery Suburb.
Delivery City Delivery City.
Delivery Region Delivery Region.
Delivery Post Code Delivery Post Code.
Delivery Country Delivery Country.
Delivery Instruction Delivery instructions.
Discount (%) The percentage discount. Specify the discount percentage as a numeric value.
Sales Order Group     Name of the sales order group for the specified sales quote. Can be found under Settings | System | Sales Groups.
Sales Person Email     Email address of the sales person for the specified sales quote. Can be found under Settings | System | Sales Persons.
*Line Number Line number of the related line. This should increment based on how many lines there are on a quote.
*Product Code Existing product code (max length = 100).
*Quote Quantity Quantity (numerical amount) for the specified sales quote.
Line Discount (%) Line discount percentage for the specified sales quote.
Unit Price Unit price for the specified sales quote line.
Line Comments Any additional comments related to the specified sales quote at line level.
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