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Import Suppliers field definitions


* denotes mandatory fields. Ensure that you enter correct values in the template before importing into Unleashed. 

Field Name Description
*Supplier Code Unique supplier code (max length = 500).
*Supplier Name Name of Supplier (max length = 500).
Notes Any notes related to the Supplier.
GST/VAT Number Tax number of the Supplier – this is also known as the ABN (Australia), GST Number (New Zealand), VAT Number (UK) or Tax ID Number (US and global).
Currency Code The currency used for transactions with this Supplier; e.g. NZD, USD, EUR etc.
IsObsoleted YES or NO value.
Taxable TRUE or FALSE value - If it is left blank then it defaults to taxable if the supplier currency is the same as your base currency and vice versa — if it is a foreign currency.
Tax Code The tax code to be used for this supplier. Enter this value only if the Taxable field is set to TRUE. 
Bank Name Supplier bank name.
Bank Branch Supplier bank branch details.
Bank Account Supplier bank account number.
Payment Term Description Payment terms for the Supplier. This should match a payment term under Settings | Payment Terms. For more information, see Payment Terms.
Postal Address Name Unique name for Postal Address of the Supplier.
Postal Street Address Postal Street Address Line 1.
Postal Street Address 2 Postal Street Address Line 2.
Postal Suburb Postal Suburb.
Postal City Postal City.
Postal Region Postal Region.
Postal Country Postal Country (Please note - e.g. USA should be added as United States; The Netherlands as Netherlands)
Postal Postal Code Postal Code.
Physical Address Name Unique name for Physical Address of the Supplier.
Physical Street Address Physical Street Address Line 1.
Physical Street Address 2 Physical Street Address Line 2.
Physical Suburb Physical Suburb.
Physical City Physical City.
Physical Region Physical Region.
Physical Country Physical Country.
Physical Postal Code Physical Postal Code.
First Name First name of the contact person (max length = 255).
Last Name Last name of contact person (max length = 255).
Email Email address of contact person (Purchase Orders will default to this address) (max length = 500)
Office Phone Phone number of the Supplier’s office.
Website Supplier’s website.
Phone Number Supplier’s telephone number.
Fax Number Supplier’s fax number.
Mobile Number Supplier’s mobile number.
DDI Number Supplier’s direct dial phone number.
Toll Free Number Toll free phone number.
Purchase Template

Name of the Purchase Order template set up in Doc Designer. Leaving this blank sets it to the default.

Supplier Return Template

Name of the Supplier Return template set up in Doc Designer. Leaving this blank sets it to the default.

Lead Time (days) The number of days lead time your Supplier requires to fulfil an order.
Cost Distribution Method Valid values:  NULL, Value, BaseQuantity, Weight, Volume
Reminder Any reminder notes you want to display when creating purchase orders.


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