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Import Purchase Orders field definitions


Use the Import Purchase Orders template to create Parked Purchase Orders in bulk.

For more details, see Import Purchase Orders

Ensure that you enter correct values in the template before importing into Unleashed.

Import template field name

* denotes mandatory fields

*Order Number The unique transaction reference for the Purchase Order (PO).
*Supplier Code

Supplier code for the purchase order.

Suppliers must exist in Unleashed prior to import.

Tax Rate

Tax rate for the order line, provided as a numerical value, e.g: 20% tax rate will be entered as 0.2.
Note: Leave the tax rate blank if the Supplier is not taxable.

Supplier Reference Supplier reference (alpha-numeric) for the PO.
Comments Any comments related to the specified purchase line.
Order Date

Order date of the specified purchase line.

Date format: DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY depending on your Company's settings.

Delivery Date

The date the PO is expected to be delivered by. 

Date format: DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY depending on your Company's settings.

Warehouse Code Warehouse code where the stock is due to be receipted, see Warehouses.
*Line Number

Line number of the purchase line per PO.

The line number must incrementally increase.

*Product Code

The product code for the item on order.

Products must exist in Unleashed prior to import.

*Order Quantity The number of units ordered, based on the chosen unit of measure.
Unit Of Measure

If left blank, then the following Hierarchy is applied:

  • Supplier quantity pricing unit
  • Supplier pricing unit
  • Default purchasing unit
  • Base unit

Else any valid purchasing unit for that product, see Multiple Units of Measure.

Unit Price

The per unit purchasing price, based on the Supplier's currency.

If left blank, then the following hierarchy is applied:

  • Supplier quantity price
  • Supplier price
  • Default purchase price
Line Comments Any additional comments related to the purchase line.


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