Import Supplier Quantity Prices field definitions
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Use the Supplier Quantity Prices templates to add new or edit existing supplier specific purchase Quantity Prices for products in bulk.
Download Supplier Quantity Prices Template File field definitions
To add new Supplier Quantity Prices to your products the blank "Download Supplier Quantity Prices Template File" available on the Import/Export's Supplier Quantity Prices' tab.
Import template field name * denotes mandatory fields |
Description |
*Product Code | The unique Product Code for the product. |
Product Description | The description of the product. |
*Supplier Code |
The product Supplier's unique Supplier Code. NOTE: The Supplier must already be saved in the product's Purchase Suppliers tab. |
Supplier Name | The product Supplier's unique Supplier Name. |
Unit of Measure | The supplier's default purchasing Unit of Measure, as saved in the product's Purchase Suppliers tab. |
*Min. Quantity |
The minimum quantity required for the Supplier's price/discount to apply per Purchase Order. Numeric value up to 4 decimal places. |
*Price/Discount |
The value to be applied as either a fixed price or discount when the minimum quantity is purchased from the Supplier. If using Price Type "Discount %", only enter a numerical value between 1 and 100. |
*Price Type | Accepted values are either Fixed price or Discount %, and will determine how the *Price/Discount value applies to the product's quantity sale price. |
Comments | Any additional notes related to the product's Supplier Quantity Prices. |
Export Supplier Quantity Prices field definitions
To update supplier specific purchase prices and discounts based on minimum order quantities per product use an exported Supplier Quantity Prices template.
Export template field name * denotes mandatory fields |
Description |
Guid | The unique code generated by Unleashed for the product's specified Supplier Quantity Price. |
*Product Code | The unique Product Code for the product. |
Product Description | The description of the product. |
Default Purchase Price | The product's Default Purchase Price, populated in the product's Purchase tab. |
*Supplier Code |
The product Supplier's unique Supplier Code. NOTE: The Supplier must already be saved in the product's Purchase Suppliers tab. |
Supplier Name | The product Supplier's unique Supplier Name. |
Supplier Default Price | The Supplier's Default Purchase Price for the product, populated from the product's Purchase, Suppliers tab. |
Unit of Measure | The supplier's default purchasing Unit of Measure, as saved in the product's Purchase Suppliers tab. |
*Min. Quantity |
The minimum quantity required for the Supplier's price/discount to apply per Purchase Order. Numeric value up to 4 decimal places. |
*Price/Discount |
The value to be applied as either a fixed price or discount when the minimum quantity is purchased from the Supplier. If using Price Type "Discount %", only enter a numerical value between 1 and 100. |
*Price Type | Accepted values are either Fixed price or Discount %, and will determine how the *Price/Discount value applies to the product's quantity sale price. |
Discounted Purchase Price | The product's Supplier Quantity Price after the Fixed Price or Discount % has applied. |
Comments | Any additional notes related to the product's Supplier Quantity Prices. |