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Import Product Pricing field definitions


Use the Import Product Pricing template to add new or edit existing Quantity Prices for a given product. Upon import, the detail is displayed in a product record's Sale tab, under Quantity Prices (see Create Products: Quantity Prices).

To make amendments to sales Quantity Pricing for products, you will first need to delete all product prices and then re-import. Use the "Delete All Product Prices" button in the Import/Export page's Product Pricing tab to remove all Quantity Pricing on for all product records.

WARNING: The Delete All Product Prices button will remove all Quantity Prices set for all products in Unleashed. Ensure that you have exported the existing Product Pricing as a back-up copy before deleting all product prices.

NOTE: The import cannot be used to remove or delete existing Quantity Pricing in a product's record. To remove Quantity Pricing from a product record, you must go to the product's Sale, Quantity Prices tab in Unleashed and use the bin icon to delete it.

Import template field name

* denotes mandatory fields

*Product Code The unique Product Code for the product.
Product Description The description of the product. 
Min. Quantity Minimum order quantity required for the the fixed price or discount to apply.
Valid From (DD/MM/YYYY)

The date the fixed price or discount will be applied from.

NOTE: If chosen, Valid To becomes mandatory*

Valid To (DD/MM/YYYY)

The date the fixed price or discount will be applied to.

NOTE: If chosen, Valid From becomes mandatory*


Specify the value for the fixed price or discount % to be applied, based on the value you have entered in the Price Type field.

If using Price Type "Discount %", only enter a numerical value between 1 and 100. 

*Price Type

Accepted values are either Fixed price or Discount %, and will determine how the *Price/Discount value applies to the product's quantity sale price.

Show Discount (Yes/No)

Accepted values are either Yes or No.

Tip: This option will determine whether to show the quantity price as a discount on the Sales Order.

Comments Any additional notes related to the product's Quantity Prices.
Discount From Type

Values are either Customer Price Tier or Default Sell Price.

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