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Import Product Suppliers field definitions


Use the Import Product Suppliers template to add new or edit existing default Suppliers and Supplier specific details (e.g. descriptions and purchase prices) per product record. Upon import, the detail is displayed in a product record's Purchase tab, under Suppliers (see Create Products: Purchase tab).

NOTE: The import cannot be used to remove or delete existing default Suppliers in a product's record. To remove a Supplier from a product record, you must go to the product's Purchase, Suppliers tab in Unleashed and select Delete in the Action Cog options. For more details, see Product Suppliers.

Import template field name

* denotes mandatory fields

*Product Code The unique Product Code for the product.
*Supplier Code Supplier Code for the product's default Supplier.
Supplier Product Code The Supplier's unique code for the product.
Supplier Product Description The Supplier's description for the product.
Supplier Default Price The product's default purchase price for the Supplier.
Is Default

True or False.

When importing as True, this Supplier will replace the previous Default Supplier.

Unit of Measure

The default purchasing Unit of Measure for the product from this Supplier. 

Minimum Order Quantity The product's minimum required order quantity for Purchase Orders made to the Supplier.
Lead Time (days) The expected number of days from when a Purchase Order's placed with the Supplier to when it will be receipted.



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