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Initial support response times


The time it takes for our Support teams to respond to support cases (tickets) depends on your account's Customer Success Plan (CSP) level, as well as the priority of your query.

Priority levels

We prioritise each query according to the impact your case has on your business, following the below guidelines.

Priority Definition
Priority 1 Significant loss of service or performance - Requires immediate attention.
Priority 2 Moderate loss of service - your business can continue in a reduced manner.
Priority 3 Minor issue with service - your business can function.
Priority 4 No impact - a "How to" type query.

Customer Success Plan levels

Standard and Premier CSPs will get faster response times compared to Essential CSP's, with each priority case. When raising a query with the support team you must ensure your Unleashed user is enabled for support. Go to Settings, Security, Users and use the checkboxes available under Support to manage support access for your users.

The below table outlines the expected response time per priority and Customer Success Plan.

Priority Essential CSP Standard CSP Premier CSP
Priority 1 Up to 2 hours Up to 2 hours Up to 1 hour
Priority 2 Up to 2 business days Up to 2 hours Up to 2 hours
Priority 3 Up to 2 business days Up to 4 hours Up to 4 hours
Priority 4 Up to 2 business days Up to 1 business days Up to 1 business days


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