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How to share a cost between multiple Purchase Orders


You can split a single cost across multiple Parked, Placed or Receipted Purchase Orders using the Add Shared Cost function, available in the View Purchases' Action Cog options.

In instances where a Purchase Order has been split into multiple Receipted orders or when multiple Purchase Orders have been consolidated into a single transport, use this option to split a sum cost between more than one Purchase Order.

NOTE: A shared cost cannot be added to completed Purchase Orders.

  1. From the main menu, go to Purchases, Purchase Orders and select View Purchases

  2. Use the checkboxes on the left of the grid layout and tick to select the Purchase Orders that will be sharing a single cost. 

  3. Hover over the Action Cog icon in the header above the checkboxes and select Add Shared Cost.

  4. A pop-up window for Add Shared Cost will be shown where you will inform all the details relevant to that cost, as you would do with individual costs.

    • Supplier: Enter the Supplier for the Shared Cost.
    • Cost: Enter the total Shared Cost's value, this is the value that will be distributed among your selected Purchase Orders.
    • Taxable: Use the tick box to confirm whether the Shared Cost will be taxable. 
    • Exchange Rate: Will auto-populate from the Currency Rates in your settings.
    • Cost Date: The date that will be added in each Purchase Order's cost line.
    • Reference: Enter any reference number provided from the Supplier.
    • Comments: By default, will populate a list of all Purchase Orders included in the Shared Cost. 

  5. Once all details have been entered and checked as correct, select Add to share the cost against the selected Purchase Orders. 

  6. The cost entered in the pop-up will then be split proportionally among all the selected orders based on the Supplier's default Distribution Method. 

  7. If you wish to manually change the distribution of those costs, please make sure to manually update all orders that share that cost to avoid discrepancies when reconciling it.  

  8. The Shared Costs will update a product's Landed Cost and value once the Purchase Order has been updated to Complete status.

Note: The existing Landed Cost of the products in the Purchase Order must have a value greater than 0.01 in order for the Shared Cost to apply successfully.

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