How to review Products that have been shipped in a specific date range
FollowUse the Transaction Enquiry to review the Sales Shipments that have been completed on a per product basis. Filter the report by a specific date range to better understand the stock movements that have been processed in a given time too.
Review Sales Shipments with the Transaction Enquiry
The Transaction Enquiry enables you to view all Completed/Dispatched/Receipted transactions (open transactions are excluded) based on the filters applied:
- From the main menu, go to Reports, Inventory and select Transaction Enquiry.
- Set a start date in the Date From field and an end date in the Date To field, for the date range to be reviewed.
- In the Transaction Type dropdown menu, select Sales Shipments.
- Apply any further filters if reviewing specific products or warehouses, then select Run.
- The report will populate all Sales Shipments that were completed in the given date range.
- Drag and drop the Product Code column above the grid's header row, for a summary of the total quantity shipped per product.
For more details on creating custom grid layouts, see How to create and share default grid layouts.