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How to review Products that have been shipped in a specific date range


Use the Transaction Enquiry to review the Sales Shipments that have been completed on a per product basis. Filter the report by a specific date range to better understand the stock movements that have been processed in a given time too. 

Review Sales Shipments with the Transaction Enquiry

The Transaction Enquiry enables you to view all Completed/Dispatched/Receipted transactions (open transactions are excluded) based on the filters applied: 

  1. From the main menu, go to Reports, Inventory and select Transaction Enquiry.

  2. Set a start date in the Date From field and an end date in the Date To field, for the date range to be reviewed. 

  3. In the Transaction Type dropdown menu, select Sales Shipments.

  4. Apply any further filters if reviewing specific products or warehouses, then select Run.

  5. The report will populate all Sales Shipments that were completed in the given date range. 
  6. Drag and drop the Product Code column above the grid's header row, for a summary of the total quantity shipped per product.

For more details on creating custom grid layouts, see How to create and share default grid layouts.


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