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How to customize the Transaction tab in your product records


The Transaction tab in a product record replicates your user's default grid layout in the Transaction Enquiry. Create a custom grid layout in the Transaction Enquiry to see the same view when looking at our products' Transactions.

Create a custom default grid layout in the Transaction Enquiry

Navigate to the Transaction Enquiry from your main menu, by selecting Reports, Inventory and Transaction Enquiry. Follow the below steps:

  1. In the Transaction Enquiry, click on the Show Toolbar tab, above the grid's layout. 

  2. Click on Hidden Columns and a pop-up window will appear listing the additional column headers that can be included in the grid layout. 

  3. To add a header from the Hidden Columns list, drag and drop the header into the grid's layout.

  4. To remove a header from the grid's layout, drag and drop the header into the Hidden Columns list. 

  5. Apply groupings to the grid's layout by drag and dropping a header above the grid layout's header row.
    NOTE: By default, the grid will display a collapsed summary of the transactions, grouped by the header's content. Use the More drop-down option to Expand or Collapse all grouped results. 

  6. In the toolbar, select New.

  7. A pop-up window, Add New Grid Layout, will appear where you can provide a Grid Layout Name for the custom layout and select Add

  8. In the toolbar, with the new Grid Layout selected, tick the Default check box and Save

  9. Once saved as a default, the custom grid layout will be the same view shown in your product's Transactions tab. 

For more details on creating custom grids, see How to create and share default grid layouts



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