Batch Complete
FollowThe Batch Complete page in the Sales module enables you to complete open Sales Orders in bulk, provided there is stock available to fulfil them.
To view and use the Batch Complete page, from the main menu go to Sales, Orders and select Batch Complete.
Header button descriptions
At the top of the Batch Complete page, two action buttons are available:
- Select/Unselect All: Click the "Select/Unselect All" button to either select or deselect all Sales Orders currently populated on the Batch Complete page.
- Batch Complete: Once more than one Sales Order has been selected, click on the "Batch Complete" button and Unleashed will attempt to complete the selected Sales Orders, provided there's stock available to fulfil them.
Filter field descriptions
Use the filter fields available in the Batch Complete page to efficiently select the appropriate Sales Orders that require completion. The filter fields available in the Batch Complete page are:
- Status: Use the drop down menu to populate Sales Orders based on their current Sales Order status. Custom Sales Order Statuses are included in the filter field's dropdown menu.
- Customer Name: Use the search field to select an existing Customer to populate open Sales Orders that currently exist for them.
- Delivery Address: Only available when a Customer has been selected in the Customer Name field, use the "Delivery Address" search field to filter Sales Orders by a Customer's Delivery Address. The Delivery Address field filters by the "Delivery Address Name" provided in the Customer record's Delivery tab.
Header descriptions
The headers available in the Batch Complete page provide an overview of the Sales Orders that have populated. New or additional headers cannot be added to the Batch Complete page and the existing headers cannot be removed, but they can be re-arranged to suit your preferred view. Just note that any adjustments made to the Batch Complete page's view cannot be saved for future use.
- Select: Provides a checkbox per Sales Order row that allows you to select that Sales Order.
- Order No.: Displays the Sales Order's transaction number as a hyperlink that will open the Sales Order in a new tab.
- Order Date: Displays the Sales Order's given Order Date.
- Required Date: Displays the Required Date set in the Sales Order.
- Customer Code: Displays the Sales Order's Customer Code as a hyperlink, which opens the Customer's record in a new tab.
- Customer Name: Displays the Customer of the Sales Order as a hyperlink, which opens the Customer's record in a new tab.
- Warehouse: Displays the Warehouse currently set in the Sales Order's "Order Warehouse" field (this may differ from the Shipping Warehouse selected in the Order's Shipment).
- Status: Displays the current status of the Sales Order.
- Currency: Displays the Customer's currency.
- Cost: Displays the current on hand value of the stock on the Sales Order.
- Margin: Displays the current margin of the Sales Order, based on the Order's value and sale price.
- Sub Total: Displays the current sub-total price of the Sales Order, including charges but not including tax.
Footer descriptions
At the bottom of the Batch Complete page the following summary totals are displayed, based on the Sales Orders currently populated:
- Total Turnover: The total revenue across all Sales Orders.
- Total Profit: The difference between the total revenue and total cost across all Sales Orders.
- Total Sales Order Value: The total sales value across all Sales Orders, including tax.
- Sales Order Count: The number of Sales Orders populated.
- Average Profit: The total profit, averaged across all Sales Orders.
How to use Batch Complete for Sales Orders
- From the main menu, go to Sales, Orders and select Batch Complete.
- Filter the Batch Complete page to populate Sales Orders that require completing.
- Use the checkboxes available in the Select column to manually select multiple Sales Orders, or use the "Select / Unselect All" button to bulk select all Sales Orders.
- Click Batch Complete.
The Sales Orders selected will either complete successfully or a red banner will be displayed to identify any Sales Orders that have failed to complete. The red banner will highlight reasons as to why each Sales Order could not be completed, allowing you the opportunity to resolve any errors or stock issues before re-attempting the Batch Complete process.