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Managing Sales Invoices


Managing Sales Invoices

NEW Marking a Sales Invoice when a Payment is Received

Complete Sales Invoices

Managing Sales Invoices

When a Sales Invoice is in a "Parked" status it is open and available to edit, in line with the Sales Order's current state. A Sales Invoice can be completed prior to the Sales Order being completed, but a Sales Invoice cannot remain in a Parked (open) status if the Sales Order is completed. 

Marking a Sales Invoice as Payments Received

Use Unleashed's "Payments Received" feature to easily identify which or your Sales Invoices have received their payments and which remain outstanding. This will further help both you and your teams manage your sales processes accurately and efficiently!

Some key benefits to using the manually managed "Set Payments Received" are:

  • Indicate that a deposit, part or full payment has been received from your customer.
  • Communicate that a payment has been received to other Unleashed users in your company.
  • Streamline shipping processes where part or full payment is required upfront.

When a Sales Invoice has been flagged as "Payments Received", the Invoice, it's Sales Order and the View Invoices page will update to confirm this, allowing your teams to have full visibility of the invoice's progress.

NOTE: The "Payments Received" function is not currently integrated with any accounting platforms (e.g. Xero, Quickbooks or Access Financials) and must be manually applied. The "Payment Received" is a flag and does not change the status of the invoice.

Set Payments Received for Invoices

A Sales Invoice of any status (e.g. Parked or Completed) can be marked "Payments Received" at any time. Similarly, the "Payments Received" status can be removed at anytime too, providing your sales and accounting teams with full flexibility to accurately manage payments for your Invoices!

Sales Invoice(s) can be flagged (and unflagged) as "Payments Received" from:

  • The Invoice.
  • The Invoice tab in a Sales Order.
  • The View Invoices page.

Mark a Sales Invoice as Payment Received 

To set a Sales Invoice as "Payment Received" from the Invoice directly:

  1. Open the Sales Invoice and select the Invoice dropdown menu from the top right corner. 

  2. Select "Set as Payment Received".

  3. Once set, the Invoice will be stamped as "Payment Received". 

  4. The "Payment Received" column will be ticked in the View Invoices page and in the Sales Order's Invoices tab at the same time. 

To remove the "Payment Received" stamp from an Invoice, navigate to the "Invoice" dropdown menu again and select "Clear Payment Received". The Invoice will be updated and the tick icon will be removed for the Invoice in the Sales Order's Invoice tab and the View Invoices page. 

Mark an Invoices as Payments Received from it's Sales Order

  1. Open the Sales Order that's received a payment for it's Invoice and click on the "Invoice" tab. 

  2. Along the Invoice's row, hover over the Action Cog icon and select "Set Payment Received". 

  3. The Invoice will then be updated as "Payment Received" and the Invoice tab's "Payment Received" column in the Sales Order will update to show a tick icon.

To remove the "Payment Received" stamp from an Invoice via the Sales Order's Invoices tab, hover over the Action Cog icon and select "Set Payment Received" again. This Invoice tab will update to remove the tick icon under "Payment Received", the Invoice will be updated and the tick icon will also be removed for the View Invoices page. 

Mark Sales Invoices as "Payments Received" from the View Invoices page

If you've received payment for one or more Sales Invoices, you can mark them as "Payments Received" in bulk from the View Invoices page:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, go to Sales, Orders and click on "View Invoices". 

  2. Filter the View Invoices page to display the appropriate Sales Invoices and use the checkboxes available to select the Invoices you've received payment for.

  3. Hover over the Action Cog icon above the checkbox column and select "Set Payments Received".

Alternatively, you can flag individual Invoices as "Payments Received" from the View Invoices page as below:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, go to Sales, Orders and click on "View Invoices". 

  2. Filter the View Invoices page to locate an Invoice you've received payment for.

  3. Along the Invoice's row in the View Invoice page, hover over the Action Cog icon (by default displayed on the right) and select "Set Payments Received".

To review the "Payment Received" status of an Invoice from the View Invoices page:

  1. Click on the "Show Toolbar" tab and select "Hidden Columns". 

  2. Drag and drop the "Payments Received" header into the grid layout. 

  3. Any Sales Invoice that's been set as a "Payment Received" will show a tick icon, otherwise the column will show as blank. 

To remove the "Payment Received" stamp from an Invoice via the View Invoices page, either hover over the Action Cog icon on the Invoices row or select multiple Sales Invoices and hover over the header's Action Cog and select "Set Payment Received" again. This View Invoices page will update to remove the tick icon under "Payment Received", each Invoice will be updated and the tick icon will also be removed for the Invoices tab in their respective Sales Orders. 

Complete Sales Invoices

Open Sales Invoices (in a Parked status) can be completed using any of the following processes:


  • Click Complete in the Invoice's page itself

  • In a Sales Order, go to the Invoices tab and hover over the Action Cog to select Complete for an Invoice.

  • In the View Invoices page, use the checkboxes available to select multiple Invoices and hover over the Action Cog in the column header to select Complete. Or, hover over the Action Cog in an Invoice's row to select Complete for the specific Invoice.
    For more details, see View Invoices

  • Hover over the Action Cog in the Invoice Enquiry's grid and select Complete for an Invoice.
    For more details, see Invoice Enquiry


Complete a Sales Order with Partial Invoicing

When Part Invoicing is activated, Sales Orders should only be completed after all Invoices have been completed. If you decide to complete a Sales Order with open Invoices, the open invoices will be automatically completed.

If there are products that have not been added to an Invoice and you complete the order, all open Invoices will be completed and Unleashed will automatically create and complete an additional Invoice including the outstanding products.

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