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Obsolete Products, Customers and Suppliers


This topic describes how you can obsolete old or unused products, customers and suppliers. Obsoleting will not delete the file however it will hide it from any searches or view pages. This enables you to:

  • Stay within the thresholds for our Mobile Sales App
  • Keep a historic record of how these files are used
  • Make searching faster and easier
  • Remove clutter on all of the "View" pages (View Customers, View Products, View Suppliers)

Points to note

  • You cannot obsolete a product, customer or supplier if they are currently included on an open transaction, including Bill of Materials.
  • You cannot obsolete a product if it currently has stock on hand.
  • Products, customers and suppliers can be obsoleted in bulk using the CSV import templates available.
  • Products, customers and suppliers can be obsoleted directly in Unleashed, within their records.
  • Once a product, customer or supplier is obsoleted it cannot be found using the global search field in the top right of your Unleashed page.
  • Once a product, customer or supplier is obsoleted it's previous transactions are still available to view and report on. 
  • Once a product, customer or supplier is obsoleted it's "code" cannot be used to create a new record.

Obsoleting an individual Product/Customer/Supplier

If you only have a few products, customers or suppliers that you need to obsolete, then you may want to do this on the file itself. To do this:

  1. Find the Product/Customer/Supplier you want to obsolete. You can use the global search if you know the code, name or description or go to the relevant "View" page and use the filters available.

  2. In the Product/Customer/Supplier Details tab, select the Obsolete toggle so it updates to green (as shown below) 
    Screen Shot 2023-08-14 at 5.17.21 PM.png

  3. Click Save.

Once saved, the product/customer/supplier will be obsoleted and by default will not show in the View Products, View Customers or View Suppliers pages. However, you can use the Obsolete filter, selected with Yes, in the relevant View page to locate and edit obsoleted records.

Bulk Obsolete

You can mark multiple products, customers or suppliers as obsolete using the appropriate Import/Export option:

  • Products: Go to Inventory, Products, Import/Export. Click on the Export dropdown menu, then select Products.

  • Customers: Go to Customer, Import/Export. Click on the Export dropdown menu, then select Customers.

  • Suppliers: Go to Suppliers, Import/Export. Click on the Export dropdown menu, then select Suppliers.

Each of the above exports will download a pre-populated CSV file of your record details.

Open the exported file and in the IsObsolete column, type Yes for the products/customers/suppliers you want to mark as obsolete. Save the file in a CSV format and import it back into the appropriate Import/Export page and your records will update accordingly. 

For more details, see Tips for importing Products

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