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BI Foundation




BI Foundation is the free version of the Business Intelligence (BI) module available to all subscribers and provides key KPIs with time comparison charts on the Production, Sales and Customer pages.


Purchases Tutorial Video

The Purchases context page provides you with 6 KPIs and 3 visualizations related to Purchases. On this page we do not compare values over 2 periods and also do not have any change panels as the main focus is on the current status of purchase orders. We, however, do have the easy date buttons to enable you to easily check the values for Month to Date (Default), Quarter to date, Year to date, Last month, and Last quarter.  The 6 KPI tiles at the top of the page are:

  • Created purchase order value with the count of the number of transactions.
  • Open purchase order value with the count of the number of transactions (Limited to Open PO for the last 12 months.)
  • Completed purchase order value with the count of the number of transactions.
  • Order cost and cost to order ratio.
  • Average delivery duration in days. (Calculating the number of days between the date the order was placed and the date the product/order was receipted/completed. For example, we placed the order on the 16th of the month and received the product/order on the 20th, so the duration is 4 days)
  • Supplier return value with the count of the number of return transactions.


The "Explore more >" links below each KPI will take you to BI Vision for Purchases if you subscribed to BI Vision.

Underneath these KPIs, you will find a timeline chart showing you the Value of purchase orders created for the period selected, with an indication of the current status. Hovering over the bar you can see the value of orders created on the specific day/month. (Tip: Export this visual or data behind it to different file types using the kebab menu.) 


Click on the 9dot menu available at the top right-hand corner of the chart to view the data behind the visualisation which you will be able to Export if required, just click on the 3 dots(kebab menu) to export.

You can also toggle labels on or off for this graph to only show PO values linked to selected statuses only.


Below this timeline chart, we are looking at the most important status for Purchase orders "Open". This "Open order value by status" view, will display the value of all orders per open status which includes "Costed", "Parked", "Placed", "Receipted" and "Unapproved".  We also provide a table grouping these open purchase orders into age groups indicating the number of days they are in an open status. 


With these KPIs, you will be able to easily answer Purchase-related questions such as: 

  1. How many orders were created last month and what are their value.
  2. How many orders are Open and what are the values and statuses of all those Open purchase orders in my account?
  3. Do I have any purchase orders open for more than 90 days and what are their value?
  4. On average what is the expected delivery duration/lead time for all of my products receipted?


Inventory Tutorial Video

The Inventory page shows your KPIs related to stock, including costs and average days to sell. The Inventory context page has 5 KPI tiles showing the latest values for:

  • Stock on Hand value. 
  • Allocated Stock value.
  • Available Stock value.
  • Open Purchase Order value. (Landed Cost value where PO status = Placed, limited to the last 24 Months - we will not count open POs older than 2 years)
  • Average Days to Sell.  

Underneath these 5 KPI tiles, we also provide you with one, time series chart showing Stock on hand value per day (if we only have data for the last 3 months) and Monthly values up to 12 months if we have more than 3 months of data. (Below example is an account with more than 12 months of SOH data so we display the values as of the 1st of each month with the latest value based on the last Stock transaction recorded 04/04/2022 as at 10:30am.)

With these KPIs, you will be able to easily answer Inventory-related questions such as: 

  • What is the current value of my Inventory/stock on hand and how did it change over the last few months?
  • What is the value of my stock currently allocated (to open sales orders, assemblies or stock transfers)?
  • What is my available stock to sell (not allocated to any transactions.)
  • What is the value of my stock on order, still to be received?
  • Based on prior sales and inventory history, what are the estimated average days to sell my current inventory?


(Remember the zoom-in feature available to select a specific date range on the time series charts to look at SOH values at a specific point in time)

Selecting Explore more> or clicking on the Vision tab will take you to more visuals related to Inventory but only if you subscribed to BI Vision. (For beta testing this will be included at no charge.)



Production Tutorial Video

With BI Production we display KPIs related to Completed Assemblies only. Similar to the design and layout of BI Sales and BI Customers we give you comparison tiles/cards and timeline charts below each of them.

These KPIs and values are for Assemblies only, therefore, exclude Disassemblies.

The default date selection for this page is Month to Date, similar to the other contexts with date selection available.

The KPIs and change panels (comparing Current and Prior periods) for Production are:

  1. Total Assembly Cost (The sum of the cost of the assemblies plus any additional supplier costs for the period.)
  2. Completed Assemblies (Number of Assemblies completed for the period selected.)
  3. Avg. Cost per Assembly (For the period selected this is the average cost per assembly including additional supplier costs.)
  4. On-time Assembly. (Calculating the average days between Assemble By Date and Assembly Date for all assemblies completed in the period to determine if assemblies were on average completed Early, On-time, or Late. If, on average assemblies were done before the Assemble by date then the value in days will display negative days on the timeline chart.)
  5. Wastage as % of Assemblies (Cost of waste / the cost of completed assemblies.)

The timeline charts are comparing Current period values with Prior period values, they are:

  1. Total Assembly Cost: Comparing the total cost of assemblies completed over 2 periods based on the date selection.
  2. Completed Assemblies: Comparing the number of assemblies completed over 2 periods based on the date selection.
  3. Avg. Cost per Assembly: Comparing the average cost per assembly completed over 2 periods based on the date selection.
  4. On-time Assembly: Comparing the average days late or early over 2 periods.
  5. Wastage as % of Assembly Value: Comparing the cost of wastage as a percentage of total assembly cost over 2 periods.

Navigating to BI Vision using the “Explore more >” link under any of the 10 visualizations or by clicking on the Vision tab.


Sales Tutorial Video

The Sales context page shows you 5 KPIs that compare the current sales figures with prior sales. The default view for all KPIs is the current month-to-date sales figures compared with the same period of the prior month.

The 5 KPIs are:

  • Sales Revenue 
  • Gross Profit
  • Gross Profit % (The average gross profit % for all Invoiced Sales Revenue for the period selected.) 
  • Sales Orders (Count the number of unique Invoiced sales orders for the period selected.)
  • Avg. Revenue per Order


Sales revenue values are calculated as follows and are exclusive of tax:

Sum of Invoiced only or Invoiced and completed Sales orders, including charges, for the period selected minus credits(Credits linked to Sales Invoices and Free Credits)

Eg. Invoiced Sales Revenue including charges minus credits displayed on the KPI tile = 394 000, the calculation of this value:

Sum of invoiced sales orders, using invoiced date: 444 000 + Order Charges: 5 000 - Sales credits: 55 000

Sales Revenue = (Completed Invoices + Order Charges - All Credits) 

NOTE: On the Classic dashboard, we also display a value for Sales Revenue which will be different from Sales Revenue in BI. This value is the sum of all Sales orders Completed for the period including charges and does not take credits into account.

The KPI tiles available for BI Sales are: Sales revenue; Gross profit; Gross profit %; Sales order count and Average revenue per sales order.

The timeline charts can be exported to different file types to reuse in reports or presentations and you can also view the data behind these charts, just click on the grid icon to view the table


With these KPIs, you will be able to easily answer sales-related questions such as:

  1. What was my sales revenue and gross profit for:
    • Last completed month compared to the prior completed month? (Using "Last Month" date selection.)
    • Last completed quarter compared to the prior completed quarter? (Using "Last quarter" date selection.)
    • Last completed financial year compared to the year before? (Using "Last Year" date selection.)
    • The current month to date compared to the prior month?
    • The current quarter to date compared with the prior quarter?
    • The current financial year to date compared to the prior fiscal year?
  2. What is/was my gross profit % compare to prior periods?
  3. What is/was the number of sales orders for the selected period compared to the prior period.
  4. What is/was my average revenue per Sales order.


Customers Tutorial Video

The Customers context page shows your KPIs related to your customers. These are:

  • Total Customers
  • New Customer
  • Active Customers (Using invoiced Sales orders for the period selected.)
  • Average orders per customer (per active customer)
  • Average revenue per customer (per active customer)


The timeline charts for these KPI's can also be exported to different file types to reuse in reports or presentations and you can also export the data behind them to a CSV file if you need a table view.


With these KPIs, you will be able to easily answer Customer-related questions such as:

  1. How many customers (not obsolete) do I have in Unleashed?
  2. How many of them are new for the period selected?
  3. How many customers have placed sales orders for the period selected?
    1. What are the average orders per active customer and
    2. What is the average sales revenue per active customer for the period selected?


Follow this link to view BI KPIs with tooltips and calculations. BI KPIs with tooltips and calculations


Take me to: BI Vision (pay-to-use module)


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