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Shopify Integration Setup


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Points to Note

Points to Note

  • Third-party apps or Add-ons in your Shopify store may conflict with the Unleashed integration. It is recommended to thoroughly test this with an Unleashed Trial account or a Sandbox before integrating into your live environment. If you have any queries, Submit a request in the Support Portal.
  • It is recommended that you go through all the configuration options and review the functions before activating the integration. 

Shopify Integration Setup Tutorial Video

Note: this video is up to date until 13/12/21

Overview tab

The Overview tab provides you with the opportunity to install a Shopify store or configure a store that's currently integrated with Unleashed. 

Install a Shopify Store on Unleashed

Once subscribed to the Shopify eCommerce Hub module, install a Shopify Store with Unleashed:

  1. From the main menu, go to eCommerce Hub, Shopify and select the Overview tab. Click Install.

  2. You will be redirected to the Shopify app store listing, where you can click Install and provide your Shopify login details. 

  3. Click Install to provide data access and finish the installation 

  4. You will be redirected back to Unleashed and can now configure the store's setup.

Each shop you install to the Shopify - eCommerce Hub is displayed on the Overview tab. You may add up to five shops to the Shopify module by default. If you need to exceed the five shop limit please Submit a request in the Support Portal.

Configure your shop

Each Shopify store integrated with Unleashed is setup and configured independently. To manage each store's configurations settings, warehouse mappings, stock configurations and data select Configure in the store's tile, under Your Shops.

The configurations applied at the point of installation can be updated and amended at any time and will take effect as soon as the new configuration is saved, using the green Save Configuration button. 

Configuration tab

From the Configuration tab, you can manage the store's status in Unleashed whilst maintaining an active integration, uninstall the Shopify store completely from your eCommerce Hub or refresh the store's current connection.

Store status

At the top of the store's configuration pages, you will see a toggle which allows you to set the store as open or closed:

  • ON: The shop's status is set to open, meaning orders, products and customers will sync between Shopify and Unleashed.
  • OFF: The shop's status is closed, meaning orders, products and customers processed or updated from either platform will no sync to the other. 

Uninstall App

If the current store is no longer needed or is being replaced, select the red "Uninstall App" link in the Configuration tab. This will delete the store's current integration from Unleashed. Any data that has previously synced or imported from Shopify will remain in Unleashed after the store is uninstalled, but no further updates or imports will be made from the Shopify store to Unleashed. 

Refresh Connection

If you are experiencing connectivity or permission issues with your integrated Shopify store, select the red "Refresh Connection" link in the Configuration tab. You will be redirected to a new browser page, requiring Shopify login details. Follow the steps outlined in the new browser page to refresh your integration's connection without losing any of the configuration settings currently selected for your store. 

NOTE: this will require Shopify Admin role permissions.

Configuration options

Use the Configuration tab to manage how orders, products and customers will sync between Unleashed and Shopify. Once the settings are up to date, click the Save Configuration button at the bottom of the page to apply them to the integration. 

Configuration options Description
Order Import Options

Select one of the following options:

  • Create an order and a customer based on each Shopify order.
  • Use a single customer for all Shopify orders. (*Multi-currency is currently not supported in this option)
    NOTE: If you select this option, you must allocate an existing customer in the Single Customer field.
Currency Preferences for Orders Import

Select one of the following options:

  • Use Shop Currency - Orders will be imported in your Shop currency. 
  • Use Payment Currency - Orders will be imported in the currency which they were paid for via Shopify Markets


Shopify Order Status

Select the status Shopify orders will import from:

Payment Statuses

  • Authorised: The payment has been approved but not yet captured. This status will also encompass any orders that are marked as Pending, Partially Paid, or Paid.
  • Pending: The payment is awaiting completion or is in progress. This status will include any orders that are Partially Paid or fully Paid.
  • Partially Paid: A portion of the total payment has been received. This status will also encompass any orders that are fully Paid.
  • Paid: The full payment has been successfully received.

NOTE: The hierarchy is structured so that a status of Authorised will include all subsequent statuses (Pending, Partially Paid, Paid), and so on down the line.

Fulfilment Statuses

  • Partially Fulfilled: Some items in the order have been shipped, but not all. This status will include orders that are fully Fulfilled.
  • Fulfilled: All items in the order have been shipped and the order is complete.

NOTE: Similar to payment statuses, the Partially Fulfilled status will encompass the Fulfilled status.

If orders import from Fulfilled, the shipment and tracking details will also be imported.

Unleashed Order Status

Select the status orders will be imported as in Unleashed:

  • Parked
  • Placed
  • Completed

NOTE: If orders import as Completed, but there is not enough stock available to fulfil the order, it will import as Parked instead. 

Unleashed Manual Order Edits

Enable this option to allow open Sales Orders imported from Shopify to be edited.

NOTE: Edits will not sync back to Shopify. Please ensure that any changes made align with the Shopify sale prior to completing the edited Sales Order.

Shopify Restocks and Refunds

Enable this option to create Free Credits from your Shopify Refund and Restock actions.

If enabled, select the following

  • Free Credit Status:
    • Parked
    • Completed
  • Free Credit Customer: Allocate an existing customer for the Free Credits to allocate against.

For more details, see Shopify Refund and Restock.

*Multi-currency is currently not supported in this option

*Unleashed will automatically distribute the refund cost across the products based on weighted average cost.

Set a prefix of this shop Assign a free text prefix that will be added to all Sales Orders imported from Shopify. By default, the shop name is assigned as the prefix.
Add Sales Group to orders Select a default sales order group to be applied to all new orders. For more details, see Sales Groups.
Set Customer Type

Select a default customer type to apply to new Shopify customers and existing Shopify customers without a designated customer type:

  • New Customers: When a new customer places an order through your Shopify store, the selected Customer Type will be applied to them.

  • Existing Customers: If an existing customer places an order and they have a blank Customer Type, the selected Customer Type will be applied to their order.

NOTE: This setting will not overwrite the Customer Type for repeat or existing customers who already have assigned values for their Customer Type.

Automatically assign Batch or Serial Numbers

Here you can opt to have Unleashed automatically assign the oldest batch and/or serial numbers to orders coming from Shopify. Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate option:

  • Disabled
  • Batch Numbers only
  • Serial Numbers only
  • Serial and Batch

This will allow orders to self-complete if there is enough stock available.

NOTE: This is only available for serial and batch numbers if their tracking is enabled in the Company Settings.

Accounting System Invoice

Enable this option if you want to send Shopify Sales Invoices from Unleashed to your integrated accounting provider.

NOTE: We recommend integrating your Accounting system directly with Shopify to avoid any tax or order total inconsistencies. For more information, see the Shopify Help Center.

Product Synchronization

Advanced Settings

Enable this setting to sync product details from one platform to the other, depending upon which is set as the master:

  • Unleashed is Master: Changes made to products in Unleashed will export to update Shopify's SKU. 
  • Shopify is Master: Changes made to a SKU in Shopify will import and update the product in Unleashed.
    NOTE: Not available if more than one Shopify store is integrated.

Once a master is selected, click on Configure next to Advanced Settings to manage which product details can be updated through the integration:

  • Product Description (Product title)
  • Product Notes (Body (HTML)
  • Product Group (Product Type)
  • Weight (Weight)
  • Barcode (Barcode)
  • Default Image (Product Image)

For a full list of field mapping options, see After the Shopify Integration. All toggles there will be on by default, disabling any one of them will mean that specific field will not be updated when new changes are saved.

Examples, when Unleashed is Master:

  • If Product Notes (Body (HTML)) sync is enabled and Unleashed's Product Notes are left blank, Shopify's Body will be erased.

  • If Default Image (Product Image) is enabled, Shopify product images will be removed and replaced with a single Unleashed image. If Unleashed has no product image associated with a product, the sync will remove any existing Shopify image for that product.

NOTE: The Product Synchronization setting does not affect the export of stock on hand. Export of availability is controlled via Stock Configuration.

Auto Publish to Online Store

Only available to enable if "Unleashed is Master" is selected for Product Synchronization.

Enable this option if you want new products added in Unleashed to be visible in your Shopify store immediately.

Create Missing Products In Unleashed

When enabled, Unleashed will create a new product if the Shopify SKU does not already exist. 

The setting will apply if products are imported from Shopify to Unleashed or is an order is imported with a new SKU.

Product Sell Price Tier for this shop

Use the drop down menu available to select a Sell Price Tier to sync with Shopify's prices.

This option is only available if Product Synchronization is enabled:

  • Unleashed is Master: Selected Sell Price Tier will export to update the Shopify SKU's price.
  • Shopify is Master: Shopify SKU's price will import to update the Sell Price Tier selected, per product.
Customer Synchronization

Enable this option if you want any updates to customer records in Shopify to be automatically imported into Unleashed.

Note: Customers will be created in Unleashed upon order import. This prevents a customer record being locked to the Shopify store's base currency upon creation.

Shipping Charge Account

If integrated with an accounting provider, use the drop down menu available to select a default Sales Account that will apply to Shipping Charge Lines included on orders imported from Shopify.

Map delivery information between systems

Enable each of the following options to sync delivery details between Unleashed and Shopify:

  • Delivery Method: Will only sync from Shopify to Unleashed. Delivery Methods in Shopify that do not exist in Unleashed will be created upon import. See Delivery Method.
  • Shipping Company: Shipping Company's in Shopify that do not exist in Unleashed will be created upon import, see Shipping Companies. If the Shipping Company is not present in Shopify then this field will appear as "other" or blank in Unleashed's Shipment. If a Shipping Company is selected in Unleashed that's not recognized by Shopify and you have the Delivery Information options enabled, Unleashed will remove any Tracking URL that exists in Shopify when Unleashed makes an update.
  • Tracking Number: The latest tracking number will update from one system to the other. If Tracking Number is disabled, the Tracking Number provided in Shopify at the time of import will still import to Unleashed but will not update thereafter.
  • Retain Tracking URL:  determine if Unleashed will overwrite the Tracking URL in Shopify when posting Delivery Information to the Shopify Order. Disable this setting if Unleashed is the source of Tracking Numbers to allow Shopify to regenerate the Tracking URL with the correct information.

NOTE: If the Keep shipments and fulfillments in sync option below is disabled, then the Delivery Information will only import once during the import of the sales order. From there no further updates will occur, these features work best together.

Keep shipments and fulfillments in sync

Enable this feature to keep Fulfillments in Shopify in sync with Sales Shipments in Unleashed.

For each Shipment dispatched in Unleashed a fulfillment will be created in Shopify. 

This will also mark the Shopify order as fulfilled if the Sales Order in Unleashed is completed.

Email Notification: Enabling this feature will ensure that Shipping Confirmation & Shipping Update email notifications in Shopify are triggered when Unleashed updates the order. This can only be enabled if Keep shipments and fulfillments in sync is also enabled.


  • If Shipment is created within Unleashed's order and not dispatched, any Fulfillments created in Shopify will fail to import into Unleashed. Best to work off one system when making Shipments or Fulfillments!
  • Partial Shipments dispatched for a Sales Order in Unleashed will update the Shopify order to be Partially Fulfilled status accordingly.
  • Marking the Shopify order as fully Fulfilled will not complete Unleashed's Sales Order, but only create & dispatch a Shipment for this order.
  • Email Notification rules setup in Shopify to trigger based on Fulfilled status will not work with this feature. Watch this space for further iterations.

This feature works best with the Paid Import Status configuration. Fulfilled status will automatically create & dispatch Shipment in Unleashed as per existing behaviour.

Inbound Warehouse Mappings tab

This Inbound Warehouse Mappings tab introduces Shopify’s ‘location feature’ to Unleashed. Allowing for Shopify stores to utilize multiple locations and map orders to specified Unleashed warehouses.



Shopify Location

Use the drop down menu to select a Shopify location you would want orders and fulfilments for a specific Unleashed warehouse to import from.

The '*' Shopify Location denotes the default behaviour (which Unleashed warehouse to use) for if and when there is no location information set when the order comes through.

Import your Shopify locations from the Manage your Data tab

Unleashed Warehouse The warehouse in Unleashed where the Shopify orders are imported to.


The Inbound Warehouse Mappings can be updated at any time and will apply to any new orders synced from then on:

  • Remove a warehouse mapping but clicking on the bin icon next to the Unleashed Warehouse value.
  • Update the Unleashed Warehouse a Shopify Location is mapped to by clicking on the Unleashed Warehouse's dropdown arrow and selecting an alternative warehouse. 

Order Management Turned OFF

Regardless of Shopify configuration settings in Unleashed and the number of fulfillments created in Shopify, there will always be ONE shipment created during Shopify order import into Unleashed.

If Keep Shipment in Sync is turned ON in the store's configuration:

  • If during order import, there is one fulfilment for the whole order in Shopify, then this fulfilment will be linked to the shipment in Unleashed and updates will sync.
  • Otherwise, when the shipment is dispatched in Unleashed, this would trigger attempt to create a fulfilment in Shopify:
    • If there are no fulfilments in Shopify then this will create one fulfilment in Shopify and updates will sync.
    • If fulfilment(s) exists in Shopify, this will fail and updates will not sync.

NOTE: These changes will only affect your workflow if Order Management is disabled on your account.

Stock Configuration tab

The Stock Configuration tab allows you to control which Shopify Locations your available stock on hand in Unleashed exports to and how frequently it updates. Once the settings have been updated, select Save to apply them to the integration. 

NOTE: The Product Synchronization setting in the configuration tab does not affect Stock Configuration settings.



Export Stock On Hand to Shopify

When enabled, any changes to stock availability in Unleashed will update the count in Shopify with the "Available" amount of the product.

Available = Stock On Hand minus Allocated Stock.

Note: This setting will work ONLY if you have selected the product(s) on the Manage Your Products tab. 
Include quantities for auto-assembled products

When enabled, the Available Quantity will also include the Can Assemble quantity for auto-assembled products.

  • The Can Assemble quantity included is dependent upon the component product's being available in the mapped Warehouse selected in Stock Availability Warehouse Mappings.
  • Available only if the Export Stock on Hand to Shopify option is enabled.
The Frequency of Exporting Stock on Hand to Shopify

Use the dropdown menu to select a time interval for exporting stock on hand for all Shopify stores:

  • Every 15 min
  • Every 30 min
  • Every 1 hr
  • Every 6 hr
  • Every 12 hr
  • Every 24 hr

Stock Availability Warehouse Mappings

With the introduction of this functionality in February 2024, existing Stock Availability Warehouse Configurations are still active. If the Stock Availability Warehouse Mapping table is blank, your pre-existing configurations are still applicable.

For any new shops installed or if you are wanting to utilize the multi-location stock availability mapping function, simply import your locations via the Manage Your Data tab.

Fields Description
Shopify Location Use the drop down menu to select a Shopify Location you would want to specify stock availability for, from Unleashed's Warehouses.
Unleashed Warehouse

Use the drop down menu to select the Warehouses in Unleashed where the your stock's availability will be coming from.

NOTE: You can select multiple Warehouses to sync to 1 Shopify Location, but each Unleashed Warehouse can only be mapped to 1 Shopify Location.

The Stock Availability Warehouse Mappings can be updated at any time and will apply to any new exports synced from then on:

  • Remove a warehouse mapping by clicking on the bin icon next to the Unleashed Warehouse value.
  • Update the Unleashed Warehouse a Shopify Location is mapped to by clicking on the Unleashed Warehouse's dropdown arrow and selecting an additional warehouse. Or click on the x icon of an Unleashed Warehouse to remove the individual warehouse from the mapped Shopify Location.


Manage Your Data tab

Use the Manage Your Data tab to import or export customers, products, stock availability, locations or missing orders with Shopify.

It is recommended to use these options only when you start the integration process because all the records are imported/exported. You must use the options on the Configuration tab for subsequent import/export to speed up the process.

Options Description
Export Stock on Hand Exports the available stock on hand quantity of all products from Unleashed to Shopify.
Import Customers from Shopify to Unleashed

Imports all customers from Shopify to Unleashed.

  • If the customer already exists in Unleashed, the Customer record will be updated.
  • If the customer does not exist in Unleashed a new customer will be created.
  • If customer does not exist in Unleashed and has no order history in Shopify, no new customer will be created in Unleashed.

For more information about the field mapping, see Customers field mapping.

Import Products from Shopify to Unleashed

Imports all products from Shopify to Unleashed:

  • If 'Product Synchronization' is off: no products details will be updated in Unleashed.
  • If 'Product Synchronization' is on: Shopify SKU details will overwrite the product details in Unleashed, regardless of which system is master.
  • If 'Create Missing Products In Unleashed' is off, no new products will be created in Unleashed.

For more information, see Products field mapping.

Export Products from Unleashed to Shopify

Exports all missing Unleashed products to Shopify as single variant products.
NOTE: Products marked as Obsolete or non-sellable in Unleashed will export to Shopify if they are ticked in Manage your Products

Import Locations from Shopify to Unleashed Imports Shopify locations to be used for mapping to Unleashed Warehouses.
Import Missing Orders

Find and Import any Shopify orders that have failed to import to Unleashed. For more details, see How to import missing orders from Shopify

Manage your Products

Use the Manage your Products tab from the Shopify- eCommerce Hub page to control which products sync with each of your Shopify stores in a single page.

All products from your Unleashed account will be listed in the grid and will display a checkbox per Shopify store. Ticking a store's checkbox for a product will enable the product to be synced with the shopify store. The Product Synchronization setting that's selected for each store will apply to the products ticked.

Use the filter fields available refine which products are displayed in the Manage your Products tab:

  • Product Name: Enter the product's code (SKU) or description and any product with matching details will be listed.
  • Product Group: Select a Product Group from the drop down menu to filter Products by the group assigned in Unleashed.
  • Product Type: If you have assembled or component products, you can select the required filter for product synchronization.

Hover over the Action Cog in each store's column header to select the following options:

  • Select All: Selects all products in the Manage your Products list.
  • Select Current Page: Selects all products displayed on the current page.
  • Unselect All: Unselects all products in the shop.
  • Unselect Current Page: Unselects all products displayed on the current page.

Click Save Configuration to save any changes made to the Manage your Products page. Updates will only apply one page at a time. 

NOTE: To trigger a manual sync for a product and it's stock availability in Shopify, tick the product for the appropriate shop and select Save Configuration.

Remap by Product Code

This functionality helps resolve potential order import issues, such as duplicate or blank SKU errors. 

Before using this functionality, we strongly advise to review your Shopify store and check for any 'null' or duplicated values for your SKUs and variant SKUs.

Once all potential conflicts as above has been sorted in Shopify, you may now enter in the product code on the space provided for then hit "remap".

After a successful remap, you may now try to re-import any failed orders. If symptoms persist, please contact our customer engagement team.


Connection Log

Use the Connection Log to review the activity in your Shopify integration over the last 7 days. This is especially useful when reviewing errors if products have failed to sync to Shopify or if orders have failed to import to Unleashed. 

The following filters can be used on the Log Level:

  • ERROR: Displays any failed imports or product errors and the Log message would suggest what action to take to fix it. If you are unsure on how to solve these, see Shopify Connection Log & Common Errors or submit a request in the Support Portal.
  • INFO: Displays any completed actions such as products import and update and orders imported successfully.
  • ALL: Displays both 'ERROR' and 'INFO' logs.
  • Shop Name: you can filter the Connection Log by store which is useful when you have multiple stores to manage.
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