After the Shopify Integration
Using the Shopify Integration tutorial video
Workflows for Unleashed's Shopify integration
Using the Shopify Integration tutorial video
Workflows for Unleashed's Shopify integration
The following processes are base examples that demonstrate how Shopify aims to sync with Unleashed after the integration is activated.
Manage Products synced with Shopify
When Unleashed is Master:
- Products created or edited in Unleashed will automatically sync to update Shopify.
- Products created or edited in Shopify will not automatically sync to update Unleashed.
When Shopify is Master:
- Products created or edited in Unleashed will not automatically sync and update Shopify.
- Products created or edited in Shopify will automatically sync to update Unleashed.
For more details, see Shopify Product Synchronization.
Product pricing with Shopify
If your prices are to be tax inclusive in Shopify, select the "All taxes are included in my prices" checkbox on the Settings | Taxes page in Shopify. The below describes how the prices are synced in Unleashed if the Shopify prices are set to tax inclusive:
Tax value is excluded when importing the products prices into Unleashed.
Tax value is added to the Unleashed price when we create products in Shopify.
Product prices updated in Unleashed are sent to Shopify.
If Shopify is set as "master" the tax rate will pull from Shopify and set within your product record in Unleashed.
Manage Stock on Hand Availability
When the setting "Export Stock On Hand to Shopify" is enabled in the Shopify integration's "Stock Configuration" setting, changes made to your inventory's available quantity in Unleashed will periodically export to Shopify, making Unleashed the master of your inventory. As such, all inventory management and reporting should be completed in Unleashed.
It is recommended that you do not make any manual changes to Stock Quantities in Shopify directly.
The following transactions in Unleashed can trigger a stock update to export to Shopify:
- Receipting Purchases Orders
- Dispatching Sales Shipments
- Completing Assemblies or Disassemblies
- Completing Stock Adjustments (Only Stock Adjustments with a Qty greater than 1)
NOTE: Only updates made to the stock availability of the warehouses enabled in the integration will trigger an export to Shopify.
Receipting stock into Unleashed
- Receipt a Purchase Order in Unleashed.
- Stock on Hand for the receipting warehouse in Unleashed increases.
- If the receipting warehouse is enabled in the Shopify integration's "Stock Configuration" settings, the receipted product's updated Stock on Hand availability will export to Shopify.
Dispatching stock in Unleashed
- In Shopify, an order is created for your stock.
- When the Shopify Order is updated to match the "Shopify Order Status" allocated in the Shopify configuration settings, the order imports to Unleashed as a new Sales Order.
NOTE: The Sales Order will import and allocate stock from the warehouse allocated in the integrations "Inbound Warehouse Mappings" settings. - Unleashed will attempt to create the Sales Order with the "Unleashed Order Status" allocated in the Shopify configuration settings:
- Parked
- Placed
- Completed: if there is not enough stock to fulfil and complete the Sales Order upon import, the Sales Order status will default to Parked status.
- Stock on Hand Availability in Unleashed decreases by the Shopify Order's quantity.
- The allocated/dispatched product's updated Stock on Hand availability will export to Shopify.
Manage Sales Orders imported from Shopify
Edit Shopify Orders in Unleashed
If a Shopify Order has imported to Unleashed, but changes have since been to the order in Shopify, those changes will not sync to the existing Sales Order in Unleashed and vice versa. Similarly, the Shopify Order cannot be imported again through the integration to replace the original Sales Order in Unleashed.
Enable the "Unleashed Manual Order Edits" setting in your Shopify Configuration to manually amend imported Sales Orders to realign them with Shopify.
For more details, see How to edit a Shopify order after it's imported.
Points to note:
- Edits can only be made to the Sales Order in Unleashed if the stock on order has not been invoiced or dispatched.
- If a Shopify order has not yet imported to Unleashed but has since been edited in Shopify, the edited order will not import to Unleashed. You must create the Sales Order in Unleashed directly, bypassing the integration.
Keep shipments and fulfillments in sync
If the Shopify configuration setting "Keep shipments and fulfillments in sync" is enabled and Shopify Orders import to Unleashed with either "Parked" or "Placed" statuses, we recommend only using either Shopify or Unleashed to manage their fulfillment.
With "Keep shipments and fulfillments in sync" enabled, and shipments are managed by Unleashed:
- Shopify Order imports, creating a Sales Order in Unleashed with a "Parked" or "Placed" status.
- A Shipment is created for the Sales Order in Unleashed.
- The Shipment is dispatched in Unleashed.
- The Shopify integration syncs the shipment to the Shopify Order, marking the Shopify Order as "Fulfilled" or "Partially Fulfilled".
With "Keep shipments and fulfillments in sync" enabled, and shipments are managed by Shopify:
- Shopify Order imports, creating a Sales Order in Unleashed with a "Parked" or "Placed" status.
- The Shopify Order is marked as "Fulfilled".
- The integration syncs the fulfillment to the Sales Order in Unleashed, creating and dispatching a Shipment.
- If Shipment is created within Unleashed's order and not dispatched, any fulfillments in Shopify for the Sales Order will fail to import into Unleashed.
- If the Sales Order's been dispatched in Unleashed by a Shopify fulfillment but the Invoice hasn't been completed the Sales Order's status will stay in it's current status, e.g. "Parked" or "Placed". The Sales Order will only update to "Complete" status when it's been invoiced and shipped.
Field Mappings
Unleashed | Shopify | Notes: Import Products from Shopify to Unleashed |
Product Code | SKU | This will not be overwritten. If the SKU is different, then a New Product Code will be created in Unleashed. |
Product Description* | Product Title* |
If the Information is the same in Unleashed and Shopify, only the link will be established. If the Product has Variants then the Product Description will be updated in Unleashed with the Main Product Title and the Option Value. Note: Unleashed cannot update Shopify Product Variant Title as this is a read only field in the Shopify API
Warning: Product Description & Product title are mandatory fields in both systems for product creation. If this field synchronisation setting is disabled, then new products cannot be exported.
Product Group* | Product Type (Custom)* |
Unleashed can only export to the Custom Product Type in Shopify. Standard Product Types can be Imported into Unleashed. If the Shopify Product has a Custom & Standard Product Type, then the Custom Product Type will be imported. If a Shopify Product is imported with a Standard Product Type, & Unleashed is the Master, then the Custom Product Type will be updated to match the Standard Product Type upon the next Synchronisation run. If the Product Group name is updated in the Unleashed Settings, this change will be reflected in Shopify upon the next Synchronisation run. |
Product Notes* | Body (HTML)* | If the information is different, then the Product Notes will be overwritten with the information in the Body in Shopify |
Default Sell Price | Variant Price | Same as Product Notes. |
Barcode * | Barcode (ISBN, UPC, GTIN, etc.) * | Same as Product Notes. |
SOH | Variant Inventory Quantity | |
Default Image* | Product Image* |
If there is an image in Shopify, it will be added as the Default in Unleashed. Note: only one image can be exported between the systems. If multiple images are present in Shopify these can be overwritten if Unleashed is the master.
Weight* | Variant Weight* |
Weight will be Synchronised only if the Weight Measurement in Shopify is one of the following units: Grams, Kilograms, Pounds (Lbs), or Ounces (Oz) Note: if Measurement Systems differ between Unleashed & Shopify then an automatic conversion will occur as the data synchronises. The following conversion rates will apply: Conversion to imperial:
Conversion to metric:
If the selected weight in Shopify is grams, then this will be converted to kilograms at the following rate:
Shopify Product fields NOT SYNCED to Unleashed Products
- Tags
- Vendor
Advanced Product Synchronization configuration
The fields marked with an * in the Product field mappings table above highlight data sets that can individually configured to be either included or excluded from automatic product updates synced across the Shopify integration. This will provide you with greater flexibility in how your Product Details sync between Unleashed and Shopify.
Click on Configure, next to "Advanced Settings" in your Shopify integration's "Product Synchronization" configuration option to review.
Unleashed | Shopify | Notes: Import Customers from Shopify to Unleashed |
Customer Code | ID | After the initial integration, when a new Customer is added to Shopify and passed to Unleashed, the Customer Code will be the ID number in the Shopify Customer URL. |
Customer Name |
First Name + Last Name + Company Name |
The Customer Name in Unleashed will link to the First and Last Name fields in Shopify. If the First and Last names in Shopify are different, a new customer entry will be created with a new ID number from Shopify.
Email Address | Ensure the value is the same. | |
Note: If you have customers in Shopify with different names and the same email address, they will be created in Unleashed as new contacts of the customer that originally had that address in Unleashed.
Note: You don't need to enter both a First and Last Name in the customer contact in Shopify. You can enter just a First Name, just a Last Name, or both, and it must have this, and an e-mail, to be considered valid.
Note: For the following fields, if the information is the same in Unleashed and Shopify, nothing will change only the link will be established. If the information is different, then the field will be overwritten with the information from Shopify.
Postal Street Address/PO Box | Address1 | |
Postal Suburb | Address2 | |
Postal Town/City | City | |
Postal State/Region | Province | |
Postal Country | Country | |
Postal Code | Zip | |
Phone Number | Phone | |
Notes | Note | |
Taxable (TRUE, FALSE) |
Tax Exempt (no, yes) |
Shopify Customer fields NOT SYNCED to Unleashed Customers
- State (Active/Disabled etc.)
- Tags
Sales Orders
Unleashed | Shopify |
Order Number | Name |
Currency Code |
Currency |
Order Date | Created At |
OrderQuantity | Lineitem quantity |
Delivery Name | Shipping Name |
Address Line 1 | Shipping Street |
Address Line 2 | Shipping Address1 |
City | Shipping City |
Region | Province |
Country | Shipping Country |
PostCode |
Shipping Zip |
Delivery Method |
Shipping Method |
Order Comments | Notes |
Tax Rate | Tax 1 Name |
Total Tax | Total Tax |
Line Tax Rate | Tax Line rate |
Line Tax |
Tax Line price |
Shopify Order fields NOT SYNCED to Unleashed's Sales Order
- Discount Codes
- Financial Status
- Tags
- Payment Details
Unleashed | Shopify |
Shipping Company | Carrier |
Dispatch Date | Created (Fulfillment) |
Tracking Number | Tracking Number |
Free Credits
Automatically sync Shopify refunds with Unleashed, enable "Shopify Refunds and Restocks" in your Shopify configuration and the following details will map to a Free Credit in Unleashed.
For more details, see Shopify Refunds and Restocks.
Unleashed | Shopify |
Credit Number | Refund ID number |
Credit Date | Refund Created |
Product Code | SKU |
Qty | Refund quantity |
Tax Rate | Tax Name |
Return (checkbox) | Restock items |
Total | Amount Refunded |