FollowUse Warehouses in Unleashed to better manage your stock and process transactions. A Warehouse is predominantly be used to separate your inventory by location, but they can also be used to help segregate stock for specific uses such as Drop Shipping, manufacturing or quarantines.
When creating and managing Warehouses in Unleashed, you can provide specific details such as an address, contact and EORI number per warehouse, which will automatically populate in for transactions and documents subsequently made.
Add a Warehouse
A new Warehouse can be created for your inventory at any time. To add a warehouse:
- From the main menu, go to Settings, Systems and select Warehouses.
- In the top right corner, click on the "Add Warehouse" button.
- Provide a unique "Warehouse Code" and "Warehouse Name" (both are required fields).
- Enter any further detail as appropriate in the remaining fields, and click Save.
Once a Warehouse has been created and saved it is available to receipt in Purchase Orders, hold stock, and dispatch Shipments.
Warehouse management
Within a Warehouse's details, you have the opportunity to provide the following details in free text fields:
- Contact Name
- Phone Number
- Mobile Number
- DDI Number
- EORI Number
- Address Name
- Address Line 1
- Address Line 2
- Suburb
- Town/City
- State/Region
- Postal Code
- Country: Use the dropdown menu to select the appropriate country.
These details can be changed at anytime and are available to include on Doc Designer templates. Make sure to click Save after making any changes to ensure the updates apply successfully.
Default Warehouse
Use the checkbox available within a Warehouse's details to determine whether it will be the default warehouse for your transactions in Unleashed. Only one Warehouse can be set as the "Default Warehouse" at a time.
If a Customer has a "Default Warehouse" assigned in their Customer record, the Customer's default warehouse will take precedence over a Default Warehouse allocated in the Warehouse settings.
Obsolete a warehouse
Use the "Obsolete" checkbox in the Warehouse's details if the warehouse is no longer in use.
A Warehouse can only be obsoleted of there is no stock on hand in the warehouse and there are no open transactions assigned to the warehouse. Once obsoleted, the warehouse's previous transactions will still be available in reports but the warehouse will no longer be active and available to use.
Use the Stock on Hand Enquiry and Product Allocations report, filtered for the Warehouse due to be obsoleted, to confirm all stock on hand and open transactions have been removed from the warehouse before obsoleting.
Warehouse User Access
Manage which of your account's Users can view or process transactions for a given Warehouse using the "User Access" configurations in each Warehouse's details.
Each User invited to your Unleashed account will be listed under the "User Access" section of each Warehouse's details page, with an enablement toggle:
- User Access Enabled (ON): The User can run reports, process transactions and view data for the warehouse, subject to their User's Role Permissions.
- User Access Disabled (OFF): The User cannot process a transaction assigned to the Warehouse, but is able to view the Warehouse's data in reports.