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Delivery Method


About Delivery Methods

You can access the Delivery Method page via Settings | System | Delivery Methods

The Delivery Methods page provides a field to record the customer's choice of delivery; either by ;

  • field name, or
  • with options such as 'pick up'. 

This is a field in the order header which gives you the ability to set up different delivery methods to be used on each order.


How to create a new Delivery Method type

  1. Type in your delivery method e.g. AC, in the *Delivery Methods field. 
    * denotes a mandatory field.
    Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 1.00.16 PM.png


  2. Click Add.
  3. Once you have entered them all in, they will be available to select in the Delivery Method drop-down on the order header.


How to delete a Delivery Method

You can remove Delivery Methods by clicking on the Delete icon — at line level — where available.

Once you have used the Delivery Method, you will not be able to edit or delete this as Unleashed needs it for historical records. You can however hide them from view pages by obsoleting them. To do so, navigate to the Delivery Methods page and then select the obsolete checkbox next to any items that you would like to hide from your view pages.
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