Sales Order Statuses
FollowSales Order Statuses Tutorial
Unleashed offers the following fixed Sales Order Statuses:
- Parked
- Deleted
- Completed
- Backordered
- Placed
You can create up to 10 custom sales order statuses to streamline your operation and to save you time by being able to focus on a particular status.
Custom sales orders statuses are an extension of the PARKED status.
Role Permission
To add and update Sales Order Statuses, enable the permission for the User's role.
Adding a Sales Order Status
- Go to Settings | System | Sales Order Statuses
- In the Custom Statuses Name field, type a name for your status (up to 15 characters)
- Choose a Color to represent your status
- Click Add.
Editing a Sales Order Status
- Go to Settings | System | Sales Order Statuses
- Click in the Name to update the text
- Click the Color to change it
- Obsolete a Custom Status if you no longer want it available for selection on a Sales Order (note: these statuses will still show in this list, but will not be available for use elsewhere)
- Delete a Custom Status if it is not used by any Sales Order (note: you will not be able to delete a custom status if it is assigned to a Sales Order)
Using a Custom Sales Order Status
All non-obsoleted custom sales order statuses will be available for use on a Sales Order, as per fixed statuses, via the "Save" button:
A sales order can transition freely between all the custom sales order statuses until the order is COMPLETE.