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As Unleashed is an auditable system, it requires a unique transaction number for every transaction that occurs, including deleted transactions. Customize the each transaction type's prefix and establish an appropriate number that coincides with your business using Unleashed's Prefixes setting to help accurately manage and audit your transactions. For example, a purchase order could have the "prefix" PO and the "next number" of 001.

Before you start creating transactions in Unleashed, we recommend setting up the appropriate prefixes and numbers so that you can align Unleashed's transactions with your business's historical records. Use short codes for prefixes, which relate to the transaction type e.g. PO for Purchase Order or SI for Sales Invoice. These codes will display at the front of all unique numbers generated by Unleashed for each transaction.

Points to note

  • Each new transaction created in Unleashed directly will be allocated a unique transaction number. The transaction numbers will be generated in sequence, by an iteration of 1. 
  • Sales Orders and Purchase Orders can support custom Prefixes and Numbers on a per transaction basis if you create each transactions using a CSV import. The custom prefix and number must be entered in the *Order Number column prior to import.
  • To ensure accuracy, consistency and traceability for your records, both Prefixes and Numbers per transaction type can only be updated prior to creating the relevant transaction. Should your requirements change after transactions have been created ask your Account Owner to submit a request to update them on our Support Portal. 

How to set up Prefixes

To set up the prefix and starting numbers for each of your account's transactions:

  1. From the main menu, go to Settings, System and click on Prefixes.

  2. Each transaction type will show a "Prefix" field followed by a "Next Number" field. Update each field as appropriate.

  3. Click Save

Once a new transactions are created in Unleashed the fields in the Prefixes page will be greyed out and no longer editable. We would encourage you to ensure all Prefixes and Numbers are correct prior to using transactions in Unleashed.

Prefix field descriptions

The following fields are available to manage your account's Prefixes and Numbers:

  • Purchase Order Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Purchase Orders.
  • Next Purchase Order Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Purchase Order.
  • Supplier Return Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Supplier Returns.
  • Next Supplier Return Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Supplier Return.
  • Stock Adjustment Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Stock Adjustments.
  • Next Stock Adjustment Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Stock Adjustment.
  • Stock Take Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for a Stock Takes (aka Stock Counts).
  • Next Stock Take Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Stock Take (aka Stock Count).
  • Transfer Order Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Warehouse Transfers.
  • Next Transfer Order Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Warehouse Transfer.
  • Assembly Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Assemblies.
  • Next Assembly Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Assembly.
  • Disassembly Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Disassemblies.
  • Next Disassembly Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Disassembly.
  • Sales Quote Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Sales Quotes.
  • Next Sales Quote Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Sales Quote.
  • Sales Order Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Sales Orders.
  • Next Sales Order Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Sales Order.
  • Sales Invoice Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Sales Invoice.
  • Sales Shipment Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Shipments.
  • Credit Note Prefix: Indicates the prefix set for Credit Notes.
  • Next Credit Note Number: Indicates what the upcoming number is for the next Credit Note.

Prefixes Video Tutorial

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