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Customer Types


About Customer Types

Customer Types can be used to group sales reporting by the types of customers you sell to. Every customer that is created can be given a type (i.e. Retail v.s. Wholesale vs Corporate etc.). They can also be used to cover anything that you want to record in line of your business. For example, set up a 'foreign customer' to group all foreign sales, or group 'distributors' and 'retail' customers. If you are importing customer details, including types into Unleashed, then these fields are created automatically. This makes it easy for you to include relevant data in the CSV file prepared in Excel, without needing to visit this System Setting first. You can access the Customer Types menu via the Settings | System | Customer Types.

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How to add new customer types

  1. Type in the new type on the Customer Type Name field
  2. Click on the Add button
  3. The new customer type has been added, and the dialog appears to confirm the added customer type.


How to edit new customer types

Amending an existing customer type.

  1. Select the existing Customer Type from the page
  2. Type in the updated name.
  3. Press Enter on your keyboard to confirm.
If you are importing your customers, assign them a customer type in our template and upon uploading, the customer type is automatically created.


How to remove Customer Types

To remove the type from on-going selection;

  1. Select the customer type line you want to delete.
  2. Click on the Delete icon to remove Customer Type.


Customer Types video tutorial

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