Role Permissions
FollowUse Role Permissions to effectively manage what pages or information your users can access (and in some cases edit) within your Unleashed account. By implementing Roles with varying permissions you can ensure your data's secure, accurate and reliable. Similarly, it can help to simplify your team's views of Unleashed so they can focus on their tasks at hand.
User Roles are designed with a hierarchy system, in which a "Child" user role will only have access to the permissions made available to the "Parent" it's been created from. Once a Child Role has been created, the Parent role's permissions can no longer be edited. We recommend you customize the roles from top-down as it becomes easier to filter out the permission you don't want the child role to see based on what they inherited.
By default, the role "Superuser" will exist in your Unleashed account and provides any allocated user with access to all pages and details in Unleashed, apart from Unleashed API Access and Billing, which are only visible to the account owner.
In order to restrict a user's access to certain information in Unleashed, a Role must first be created for them. Once a Role has been created, it can be assigned to multiple users of your Unleashed account. All permissions set against the Role will apply to all users with that role allocated.
Create a Role
- From the main menu, go to Settings, Security and select Roles.
- Enter a name for the new role in the *User Role field.
- In the *Parent dropdown menu, select an existing role the new role will be the child of. By default, the new role will be a child of the the user creating them (i.e. your own user's role).
Reminder: Any permissions currently applied to the Parent will also apply to the new role.
- Click Add.
Manage Roles
- From the main menu, go to Settings, Security and select Roles.
- Click on the existing Role to update the Role Name.
- Click on the bin icon next to the existing Role to delete it.
NOTE: If the role is currently added to a user, it cannot be deleted.
Role Permissions
Once a Role has been created for a user, you can then set permissions to restrict what access they have when navigating through Unleashed.
To review and edit the permissions of a Role, go to the main menu and select Settings, Security and Role Permissions. Use the Role dropdown menu to select a Role you want to update. If the Role doesn't exist yet, click on the "Add new role" link and you will be directed to the Roles page where you can create one.
NOTE: You cannot edit your own role's permissions.
Viewing Role Permissions
Once a Role's been selected in the Role Permissions page, a condensed list of the Permissions available to the selected role will be shown. In the top right corner there is an "Expand/Collapse All" button, which will expand all sections in the Permissions list to show each individual permission or it will collapse any expanded sections to show only the titular permission. You can expand specific sections of the Permissions list by clicking on the arrow icon next to each section.
Manage Access permissions to Roles
Each individual permission listed will show a padlock icon in the Access column to identify whether the Role has been granted access to it:
- Green open padlock: The role can access the page in Unleashed.
- Grey locked padlock: The role cannot access the page in Unleashed.
To enable/disable access for all permissions listed for a Role, click on the Access padlock icon in the grid's header.
To enable/disable access for individual permissions listed for a role, locate the permission from the list provided and click the padlock icon in the Access column.
Manage Can Edit permissions for Roles
Some permissions can also restrict whether a role can edit a specific detail or field within a page they have access to. Where available, the Can Edit column will populate an icon to identify if the role has editing ability for the listed permission:
- Green checkbox with a pencil: The role can make edits to the detail in Unleashed.
- Grey empty checkbox: The role cannot make edits to the detail in Unleashed.
To enable/disable Can Edit permission for a Role (where available), click on the Can Edit icon in the grid's header.
To enable/disable Can Edit for individual permissions for a Role (where available), locate the permission from the list provided and tick the Can Edit check box in the Can Edit column.
Role Permissions
Permission Group | Access Permissions available | Can Edit Permissions available |
Advanced Inventory Manager |
Advanced Inventory Manager (AIM) | N/A |
Business Intelligence (BI) |
BI Foundation:
BI Vision:
BI Vision:
Change Password | Change Password | N/A |
Dashboard | Dashboard | N/A |
Data Exporter |
Data Exporter |
File Library | File Library | N/A |
Inventory |
N/A |
Mobile Sales App |
View all SalesOrders |
N/A |
Production |
N/A |
Purchases |
N/A |
Sales |
Settings |
N/A |