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Page Contents:

Details tab

Configuration tab

Settings tab

System Settings

Print Settings

Address tab

Contact tab

Images tab

Invoicing tab

Purchasing tab

Email Templates

Company Settings Tutorial Video

System Settings Tutorial Video

You can access and manage your Company's settings page from Settings | Company in your main menu. From here you can control the default settings and behaviours of your Unleashed account. 

Within the Company page you'll find four buttons in the top right corner, which have been detailed below:

  • Setup Wizard: For an overview of the initial steps needed to start using Unleashed successfully, select the Setup Wizard. You'll be provided with quick links to adding records such as Customers, Suppliers, Products and Stock on Hand individually and in bulk.
  • Billing/Upgrade: If you'd like to make any changes to your subscription or want to update your account's payment details, select the Billing/Upgrade button. 
  • Features: For a list of all the features available to your Unleashed account, select the Features button and you'll be given a breakdown including any quantity limits.
  • Save: If you have made any changes to any of the tabs in your Company Settings, click Save to ensure the updates are successfully actioned.

Details tab

The Details tab allows you to add some basic details about your company, which will be available to populate in your transaction's templates and can also determine how you'd like your data to be presented within Unleashed's dashboards.

Detail Fields Description

Company Name

This is the name of your company and is available for use on your templates.

Trading Name

This is your trading name which is used as the sender and in the subject line for emails for Sales Quotes, Sales Orders, Credits, Packing Slips, Picklists, Ship Notes, Invoices and Warehouse Transfers.

Trading Name (for Purchasing)

This is your trading name used as the sender and in the subject line for Purchase Orders and Supplier Returns (if present, otherwise Trading Name is used).


This is the type of industry you are in, to be selected from the drop-down list.

Organisation Type

This is the type of company you are in, to be selected from the drop-down list.

Base Currency

This is the currency of your company - this is added during account registration.

Dashboard Data Source

This is used to display the type of sales data you want to display on your Unleashed Classic Dashboard (Profitability, Activity and Margin). You have the option to either display completed Sales Order data or completed Sales Invoice data.

GST / VAT Number

This is your company's tax number and will populate on your Doc Designer templates, when included as well as your Unleashed subscription's invoice. 

EORI Number

Used for EU Customs and visible if the International Commerce Codes feature is enabled. 


Add your company's website in this field for reference.


This is the timezone you are working in and will be used when time-stamping the transactions.

Financial Year End

You can select the financial year-end for the Dashboard display.

Measurement Units

You can select either imperial or metric as your preferred measurement unit. There is no automatic conversion between the standard options in Unleashed. If you need to convert from one standard to the other (e.g. from metric to imperial), you will need to calculate this yourself and update your records accordingly.

Date Format

Global date format. Options are:

  • dd/MM/yyyy = e.g. 20/11/2013

  • MM/dd/yyyy = e.g. 11/20/2013

  • dd/MMM/yyyy = e.g. 11 Nov 2013

  • MMM/dd/yyyy = e.g. Nov 11 2013

By default, it is set to dd/MM/yyyy. Once selected and saved, all date references are set in the chosen format.

Configuration tab

Before activating the features below, ensure that they are required. Depending upon the option enabled, you may not be able to disable it at a later date. See the below for further details. 

Configuration Options Description
Order Management

Provides functions to manage sales back orders, pick, pack & dispatch features, and track & trace shipments. For more details, see Order Management.

Warning: This setting cannot be disabled if there are open Sales Orders. Disabling the Order Management setting will also disable Ship From Multiple Warehouses.

Per Warehouse Controls

Manage bin locations and stock level alerts on a per warehouse basis. For more details, see Per Warehouse Controls.

Warning: When disabling this setting, all individual warehouse bin locations and stock min and max values will be removed. Export Inventory Details as a backup in case you may need to reinstate them in the future.

Require Approval for Purchase Orders

Enforce an approval process or approval limit for all Purchase Orders. For more details, see Purchase Order Approval Process
Serialized Products

When Serial Products is enabled, you can mark specified products as 'Serialized' in their individual product records and then track those 'Serialized' products with serial numbers on every transaction. for more details, see Serial Number Tracking.

Warning: Once this setting is enabled, you cannot disable it.

Markup Price Update When enabled, the Markup Price Update feature allows you to mark up your product's Default Sell Price and Sell Price Tiers from the landed cost, last cost, purchase price or even the default sell price. For more details, see Markup Price Updates.
International Commerce Codes When enabled, products will display their Commerce Code and Country of Origin fields in their Details tab. Sales Shipments will also provide fields for Incoterms and Nature of Transactions and you'll have Commercial Invoices available. For more details, see International Commerce Codes.
Batch Tracking When Batch Tracking is enabled, you can mark specified products as 'Batch Tracked' in their individual product records and then track those 'Batch Tracked' products with batch numbers on every transaction. for more details, see Batch Number Tracking.

Warning: Once this setting is enabled, you cannot disable it.

Automatic Product Charge Enable this configuration if you want to automatically add charges to your orders for particular prouducts.  E.g. deposits on products.  For additional information and setup steps, please visit Automatic Product Charge.
Sales Quotes When enabled, Sales Quotes offers traceability of a potential sale before your customers commit to buy, maximizing your sales process. For more details, see Add Sales Quote.

Settings tab

System Settings

Use the System Settings available in the Settings tab to set default behaviours for your Unleashed account. These settings will apply to the appropriate transactions from the time they're enabled. Any open transaction that exists prior to a setting being enabled will not retrospectively update to align with changes made afterwards.
System Settings Description
Auto Allocation When enabled, Auto-Allocation will automatically allocate a Stock on Hand quantity to newly created or imported Sales Orders. Each ordered product's "Available" quantity will then be re-calculated as the current on hand quantity minus the allocated quantity.
Auto Set Receipt Quantity When Auto Set Receipt Quantity is enabled (enabled by default), the receipt quantity on the purchase order will default from the order quantity. If you prefer to manually enter the receipt quantity, you can disable this option and the receipt quantity will default to zero.   
Limit Ship Quantity to Availability

For Sales Shipments, when enabled, the Ship Quantity will not include quantities that are already included on other open shipments and will be calculated, and limited to, a product's remaining Available Quantity. 

Tip: Order Management must be enabled for this setting to be enabled.

NOTE: This is a one-time calculation for the shipment at the point of creation and is not recalculated based on future activity.

Recalculate Component quantities

The Recalculate Component quantities options is designed to allow production managers to enter component quantities, including the amount of wastage and then edit the assembled quantity to match the actual yield of the assembled stock. When enabled, a pop-up prompt will ask if the component quantities should be overwritten, based on the Bill of Material and proportional to the new Assembled Quantity. If disabled, a change in the assembly quantity will recalculate all component quantities accordingly. 

Tip: Select 'Yes' if you are editing the assembled quantity and want the components to update based on the bill of material. Select 'No' if you would like to edit the assembled quantity and preserve the existing component quantities.

Ship From Multiple Warehouses

The Ship From Multiple Warehouses is a feature designed for customers who want to fulfil orders by shipping from multiple warehouses.

Warning: Stock availability may be inaccurate until shipments are dispatched as stock allocations are based on the Sales Order warehouse, not the Shipment warehouse.For location-based tax rates, ensure shipment warehouses have the same tax rates based on the order’s from/to location tax rate.

Minimum Order Value Limit

When enabled, the Minimum Order Value Limit setting will allow you to set a minimum sub-total value requirement so Sales Orders and Sales Quotes. If a user attempts to complete a Sales Order or Create a Sales Order via a Quote and the Sales Order or Quote has a Sub-Total below the set Minimum Value a pop-up message will populate, warning that the minimum order value's not been reached.The goal is to encourage your sales team to sell over a certain value. Keep in mind this is just a warning & can be overridden if the situation requires it.

Warning: The Minimum Order Value applied is currency agnostic & does not take into account tax or charges lines.

Purchase Order Cost Distribution Method

The Purchase Order Cost Distribution Method determines how costs will be distributed amongst Purchase Order lines. The default is "Value". Other options available are Base Quantity, Weight and Volume. 
NOTE: Default methods can also be set for individual suppliers.

Warning: If your default cost distribution method is changed it will not be applied to existing Purchase Orders.

Use Receipted Stock In Assemblies

When Use Receipted Stock In Assemblies is enabled, you'll be able to use Receipted component stock to complete Assemblies. 

Warning: If enabled, costs added to purchase orders after completing assemblies will not be factored into the assembly costs. For more details, see Using Receipted Goods in Assemblies.

Production Hours Per Day

Set the default number of hours per day that your production jobs are worked on.  This can be overridden at the BOM level.  The value provided will be used to calculate the expected start date for an assembly, based on the Assembly By date. The default is 8 hours per day.  Acceptable values are 1 through to 24.

Warning: This value will be used on all BOMs unless the BOM has its own number of production hours per day.

Production Work Days

Select the days of the week that your production lines run. These can be overridden at the BOM level. The day selection will be used to calculate the expected start date for an assembly, given the Assembly By date.  The default days are set Monday to Friday.

Warning: These will be used on all BOMs unless the BOM has its own specific production days.

Print Settings

Enable any of the following options to automatically generate and download a PDF on completion of the transaction type:

  • Purchase Order
  • Assemblies
  • Disassemblies
  • Credit Notes
  • Supplier Returns
  • Warehouse Transfers

Sales Order and Sales Quote PDF Downloads can be configured on a per Customer basis via the Customer Record.

You can also enable the Filename Timestamps  to include a timestamp in the file's name when it's downloaded or emailed. 

Example filename with Filename Timestamp enabled: Sales Order_SO-00000001_2020.01.01_12.30.00.pdf

Address tab

Advise your company's Postal Address and Physical Address in the Address tab and each address's fields will be populated in your Doc Designer templates, such as Sales Orders, Invoices and Purchase Orders.

For more details, see Doc Designer.

Contact tab

Use the following fields to advise your company's default contact information, which will be made available to your Doc Designer templates:

  • Telephone
  • Fax
  • Mobile
  • DDI
  • Toll free

Images tab

Use the Images tab to store Company specific images that you may want to include on your Doc Designer templates. 

Screen Shot 2023-09-15 at 1.14.52 PM.png


Use the Drop image here or click to upload area to upload new image files to the Image tab page. Either drag and drop the image file onto the grey bar or click the greyed area to browse and select the image files from your device. 

You can upload a maximum of 20 files to the Images tab. The first file uploaded will be selected as the default company logo, but you can use the Action Cog icon on the right of the grid to select a different file. 

Invoicing tab

Footer Details: This field will populate in the Footer Details and Payment Details components in your Doc Designer templates for Sales Orders, Invoices and Sales Quotes. 

Default Invoice Date: Select either Created Date or Order Date from the drop-down menu and this will determine the date used to populate a Sales Invoice's Invoice Date (Order Management will need to be enabled for the drop-down to be available):

  • Order Date: Allocates the Sales Order's Order Date as the Invoice's Invoice Date. By default, the Sales Order's Order Date populates with the date the Sales Order was created but can be edited whilst the Sales Order is open. The Invoice Date will not change if the Order Date it updated after the invoice has been created.
  • Created Date: The Invoice Date will be populated from the date the Sales Invoice was created. 
For reconciliation purposes, if you are using the Order Date option when creating an invoice, make sure you have completed the invoice on the same date. This ensures that you have a copy of the invoice for your accounting records.

Purchasing tab

Footer Details: his field will populate in the Footer Details and Payment Details components in your Doc Designer templates for Purchase Orders. 

Purchase Order Report Print Name: You can specify a different Print Name to populate for your Purchase Order documents. To add this alternative Print Name, go to Settings, Doc Designer, Purchase Orders and drag and drop the Print Name component from the Other Data section in your Toolbox.
Enable:  Tick the checkbox to make the Print Name component available to your Purchase Order templates.

Email Templates

Set a default "From", "Subject line", "Body message" and "Attached file" for emails that are sent to your contacts, dependent on the transaction, from Unleashed. The following transaction types are available for Email Templates:

  • Credit
  • Packing Slip
  • Pick List
  • Purchase Order
  • Sales Invoice
  • Sales Order
  • Sales Quote
  • Ship Note
  • Supplier Return

NOTE: Click on Save to apply any changes made to the From, Subject, Body or Attach File fields of your Email Templates. 

Whilst you can send emails from Unleashed manually, for individual transactions and in bulk, you can also enable Automated Notifications which will allow Unleashed to send the appropriate email to specified contacts as and when a transaction's updated to a certain status. The Automated Notifications feature will use the Email Templates provided to generate each email's content.

To enable automated emails, see Automated Notifications.

From email address

Update the From field in Email Templates to set a default "reply to" email address, should you wish to direct email replies to a particular inbox.  For example, you may choose to use an unmonitored email address like
If the From email address is left blank in the Email Template, the email address of the user who'd triggered the email will be populated. 

For more details, see How to setup a custom 'From' email address for your email templates.

Subject line

The Subject line can be configured to include "variables" specific to the customer, supplier or transaction to allow for a personalized the email. You can change the subject line to suit your audience using text-only field, then click on the variable icon (to the right of the Subject field) to select which variables should be included on the template. You can always "undo" the changes made to the subject line using the undo icon, which reverts the content back to the default. 

Body message

The Body is a text-only field containing an appropriate message for the particular transaction, together with any instructions you wish to convey.  

NOTE:  Variables and images are not supported within the body of Email Templates. 

Attach File

If you would like to include a default attachment (such as your business's Terms and Conditions), to all emails sent for a given transaction click on the Attach File drop-down button and select the file either from your device (Upload Files) or your File Library (Browse Uploaded Files). The attached document will be included for emails sent from Unleashed alongside the transaction's document.

Email Preview

Click on Email Preview under the email template's Body if you wish to receive and preview your email template, based on the layout and content. Note that the email previewing function ignores the "From" address in this case, an email will be sent to the email address of the User logged in to Unleashed that's requested the preview.

Company Settings Tutorial Video


System Settings Tutorial Video


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