Invoice Enquiry
The Invoice Enquiry Report enables you to view all Sales Invoices, as well as Credit Notes in Unleashed.
You can access the Invoice Enquiry Report via Reports>Sales>Invoice Enquiry.
Specify the required options and click Run to view a filtered list.
If needed, you can export to PDF, CSV, XLSX or XLS.
Report Filters
- Date from/Date To: Select the date range to see Sales Invoices
- Transaction Date: You can select the Invoice Date, Due Date, or Completed Date
- Sell Price Tier: You can display Invoices based on their assigned Sell Price Tier
- Printed: Filter whether this Invoice was printed or not
- Include Credits: Choose whether or not to include the Credit Notes
- Warehouse: Select a particular Warehouse or Warehouses
- Transaction Number: Sales Invoice number
- Sales Order Number: Choose to display one selected Invoice
- Status: The status of the Invoice
- Sales Order Group: Filter by the Sales Group
- Customer Type: Filer by the Customer type
- Customer Code: Search for a specific Customer
- Customer Name: Search for a specific Customer
- Sales Person: Filter by the Unleashed User that processed this Invoice
Comparing Invoice Revenue to BI Sales Revenue:
To match the Sales Revenue in BI, make sure you select the Invoice Date as the Transaction Date and check the Include Credits option. Adding the Total Charges and Total Revenue will equal the BI Sales Revenue.
Additional Information:
Use the action cog to edit, print, email, or Complete the Sales Invoice. The print and email options are available only for Completed Invoices.
Remember you have the option to add extra columns, via Show Toolbar>Hidden Columns:
- Charge Sub Total
- Comments
- Cost
- Customer Type
- Printed
- Profit
- Sales Order Group
- Sales Person
- Tax Total
- Total
At the bottom of the report, you will find the report summary which includes the Average Margin ((Profit/Sales Revenue)*100)), Total Charges and the Total Revenue for the period selected.