Margin Enquiry
FollowMargin & Sales Enquiry tutorial video
The Margin Enquiry report in Unleashed allows you to review the sales revenue and profit margins for each product sold per completed Sales Order, given it's value at the point of sale. This allows you to review your business's sales performance over a specified period and make adjustments accordingly and can be further used to calculate sales commissions for individual sales persons too.
Functional Descriptions
Access the Margin Enquiry by selecting Reports in the main menu and then Sales, Margin Enquiry.
By default, the Date From and Date To filter fields will be pre-populated with the last month's date range.
Header button descriptions
At the top of the Margin Enquiry page, there are two buttons available:
- Export: Use the drop down arrow to export the report in either a PDF, CSV or XLSX format.
- Run: Use the Run button to generate the report with any selected filters applied.
Filter field descriptions
Use the filter fields available to refine which sales order's profits and margins the Margin Enquiry report displayed. The filter fields available to the Margin Enquiry are:
- Date From: Select a date in the field's calendar.
- Date To: Select a date in the field's calendar.
- Sales Order Number: Enter a Sales Order number and select from the list to filter by a specific Sales Order.
- Credit Note Number: Enter a Credit Note number and select from the list to filter by a specific Credit Note.
- Sell Price Tier: Use the drop down filter to filter by a specific Sell Price Tier.
- Warehouse: Use the drop down filter to filter by a specific Warehouse.
- Product Group: Use the drop down filter to filter by a specific Product Group.
- Product Code: Filter by a specific product by code.
- Product Description: Filter by a product description.
- Sales Order Group: Use the drop down filter to filter by a specific Sales Order Group (if the Sales Order Group's label has been updated, the alternate label will be used, see Sales Groups).
- Customer Type: Use the drop down filter to filter by a specific Customer Type.
- Customer Code: Enter a Customer's code and select from the list to filter by a specific Customer.
- Customer Name: Enter a Customer's Name and select from the list to filter by a specific Customer.
- Delivery Method: Use the drop down filter to filter by a specific Delivery Method.
- Delivery Address: Enter a Delivery Address Name and select from the list to filter by a specific Delivery Address.
- Sales Person: Use the drop down filter to filter by a specific Sales Person.
Grid column descriptions
By default, the following columns will populate in the Margin Enquiry's grid:
- Order No.: Displays the Sales Order's number as a hyperlink, which will open the sales order in Unleashed.
- Completed Date: Displays the date the Sales Order was completed in Unleashed.
- Warehouse: Displays the Order Warehouse allocated to the Sales Order, regardless of Shipping Warehouse.
- Customer: Displays the Customer's Name as a hyperlink, which will open the customer record in Unleashed.
- Product code: Displays the Product's Code as a hyperlink, which will open the product record in Unleashed.
- Product Description: Displays the Product's Description as a hyperlink, which will open the product record in Unleashed.
- Quantity: Displays the quantity ordered for the product as a hyperlink, which will open the sales order in Unleashed.
- Cost: Displays the total value (Quantity x ALC) of the product at the time it was dispatched on the Sales Order's Shipment as a hyperlink, which will open the Costing Analysis Report filtered for the product.
- Sell Price: Displays the product's Line Total (Quantity x Discount Price) at the time it was invoiced on the Sales Order as a hyperlink, which will open the sales order in Unleashed.
- Charge: Displays the Charge Line's price as a hyperlink, which will open the sales order in Unleashed.
- Profit: Displays the profit value calculated from the product's Cost and Sell Price.
- Margin: Displays the margin percentage based on the product's calculated profit.
Hidden Columns
The following column headers are also available to include on your Margin Enquiry and can be found in Show Toolbar, Hidden Columns:
- Customer Code
- Customer Delivery Address
- Delivery Method
- Product Group
- Sales Order Group
- Sales Person
- Type
- Units
Using the Hidden Columns button you can choose what columns are shown on the grid and where. To add or remove a column, simply drag and drop the columns you like to and from the Hidden columns box.
Footer descriptions
After the Margin Enquiry has been run and populated results, the following values are displayed at the bottom of the page:
- Transaction Count: Displays the total number of Sales Orders populated in the enquiry.
- Total Quantity: Displays the total number of units ordered from the Sales Orders populated.
- Total Profit: Displays the sum total profit calculated for the Sales Orders populated.
- Overall Margin: Displays the sum total margin as a percentage, for all Sales Orders populated.
- Total Sell: Displays the sum total sale price for all products on the Sales Orders populated.
- Total Charge: Displays the sum total of all charges added to the Sales Orders populated.
- Total Turnover: Displays the total revenue of all Sales Orders populated.
- Total Cost: Displays the sum total cost (per unit's ALC) for all Sales Orders populated.
Using the custom grids
Depending on what sort of information you require, you can enter the relevant criteria and then click Run at the top on the banner. Using the toolbar above the grid, you can manipulate how the filtered information is displayed in the grid as follows:
- Group By Column(s): To group by a desired column, simply drag and drop the column header it into the grey tile space above the grid's header row. As soon as you drop it the grid the enquiry page will group all results by the dropped column's values. You can group by as many columns as you like and expand all or collapse all the groups using the plus or minus icons shown on the left of the grid.
- Customize Columns Shown: Using the Hidden Columns button you can choose what columns are shown on the grid and where. Drag and drop a column across the grid's headers to re-arrange their order and position in the grid. Similarly, adjust a column's size by dragging it's side to the desired width.
- Sort by column: Click on a column's header to sort the report by that field. Click the header once to sort into descending order and click again to sort into ascending.
Using the Margin Enquiry
Margin Enquiry: Sales person commission tutorial video
Use the filters available in the Margin Enquiry to review the turnover and profits made from your sold stock and determine what products or sales person's making you the most or least profits.
Calculating profits and margins
The profits and margins calculated in Unleashed can be used to indicate your business's financial health and growth potential. The Margin Enquiry will calculate a tax exclusive profit and margin percentage for each product of a completed sales order, using each product's sale price (including discounts) at the time it was invoiced and Average Landed Cost (ALC) at the time it was dispatched.
Unleashed uses the following formula's to calculate a products profit and margin %:
Profit = Sell Price - ALC
Margin % = (Profit / Sell Price) x 100%
A Sales Order is completed for one unit of a product; BOOKSHELF. At the time the Sales Order was completed, the price of BOOKSHELF was £2000 with no discounts (Sell Price = £2000). Whilst the ALC of BOOKSHELF at the time the order's Shipment was dispatched was £1000 (ALC = £1000).
Therefore, the Profit is calculated to be:
- Sell Price - ALC = 2000 - 1000 = 1000
The Margin % is then calculated as:
- (Profit / Sell Price) x 100% = (1000 / 2000) x 100% = 0.5 x 100% = 50%
Sales commission
As the Margin Enquiry will only include results from completed Sales Orders, it can be used to accurately work out a Sales Person's sales commission for a given period. You can either filter the Margin Enquiry by a single Sales Person to calculate their commissions individually or you can group all sales by Sales Person and review them all together. Both options have been explained further below.
Margin Enquiry filtered per Sales Person
- From the main menu, go to Reports, Sales and select Margin Enquiry.
- Set a date range for completed Sales Orders using the Date From and Date To filter fields.
- Select a sales person from the Sales Person drop down field.
- Click Run.
- Any sales order completed in the given date range with the selected sales person allocated will then populate in the Margin Enquiry's grid.
Margin Enquiry grouped by Sales Person
- From the main menu, go to Reports, Sales and select Margin Enquiry.
- Set a date range for completed Sales Orders using the Date From and Date To filter fields.
- Click Run.
- Click on Show Toolbar, Hidden Columns and drag and drop the Sales Person column into the grey space above the existing column headers.
- All sales orders completed in the given date range will be consolidated into groups, based on the Sales Person allocated to the Sales Order. Each grouping will show a sum total Quantity, Cost, Sell, Charge, Profit and Margin, from the Sales Orders of that group.
- Click on the + icon on the left of the Margin Enquiry's grid to expand the group for a full breakdown of the products sold per order.
Once the report has been filtered, generated and grouped as needed, click on the Export button to download the results into a CSV document. Apply any further calculations needed to to the CSV to determine each sales person's commission.