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Price List Enquiry


The Price List Enquiry is a report you can use to review the current default purchase, sale and sell price tiers set per product. The Price List Enquiry also details the current on hand quantity and Average Landed Cost (ALC) for each product, providing you with a simple and clear overview of your stock, value and pricing. 

Functional descriptions

To access the Price List Enquiry, go to Reports from Unleashed's main menu and select Inventory, Price List Enquiry.


Header button descriptions

In the top right corner of the Price List Enquiry, there are two header buttons available:

  • Export: Use the dropdown menu to export the report in either a PDF, CSV or XSLX format.
  • Run: Use the Run button to generate the report with any selected filters applied.

Filter field descriptions

Use the filter fields available to refine which Products the Price List Enquiry displays. The filter fields available to the Price List Enquiry are:

  • Product Code: Use the free text field to search and select a specific product code to filter by. 
  • Product Description: Use the free text field to search and select a specific product description to filter by. 
  • Product Group: Use the dropdown menu to select a single Product Group to filter by.
  • Supplier Code: Use the free text field to search and select a specific Supplier code to filter by. The Price List Enquiry will populate products that have the Supplier set as one of their default Suppliers in the product record's Purchase tab.
  • Supplier Name: Use the free text field to search and select a specific Supplier name to filter by. The Price List Enquiry will populate products that have the Supplier set as one of their default Suppliers in the product record's Purchase tab.


Grid columns descriptions

By default, the following columns will populate in the Price List Enquiry's grid:

  • Image: The Product's default image will be displayed. Hover over the image to see it enlarged.
  • Code: Displays the product's code as a hyperlink that will open the product's record.
  • Description: Displays the product's description as a hyperlink that will open the product's record.
  • Qty on Hand: Displays the product's current total on hand quantity across all warehouses. 
  • Purchase Price: Displays the product's current default purchase price.
  • Sell Price: Displays the product's current default sale price.
  • Tier (1 - 10): Displays the product's current sell price per tier (between 1 - 10), populated from the product record's Sale tab.


Hidden column descriptions

Additional grid columns are available and can be added to the Price List Enquiry from the Show Toolbar's "Hidden Columns". To add or remove a column from the enquiry, simply drag and drop the columns you to and from the Hidden Columns box.

The additional columns available are:

  • Average Land Costs: Displays the current ALC for the product. 
  • Default Supplier Price: Displays a Supplier specific purchase price set for the product. This will only populate if a purchase price is provided for a Supplier in a product record's Purchase tab.
  • Last Cost: Displays the current Last Cost for the product, populate from the product's Sale tab. 
  • Product Group: Displays the product group currently set in the product's record.

Using the custom grids

Depending on what sort of information you require, you can enter the relevant criteria and then click Run at the top on the banner. Using the toolbar above the grid, you can manipulate how the filtered information is displayed in the grid as follows:

  • Group By Column(s): To group by a desired column, simply drag and drop the column header it into the grey tile space above the grid's header row. As soon as you drop it the grid the enquiry page will group all results by the dropped column's values. You can group by as many columns as you like and expand all or collapse all the groups using the plus or minus icons shown on the left of the grid.
  • Customize Columns Shown: Using the Hidden Columns button you can choose what columns are shown on the grid and where. Drag and drop a column across the grid's headers to re-arrange their order and position in the grid. Similarly, adjust a column's size by dragging it's side to the desired width.
  • Sort by column: Click on a column's header to sort the report by that field. Click the header once to sort into descending order and click again to sort into ascending.
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