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Product Enquiry


The Product Enquiry in Reports allows you to review a product's current stock on hand quantity and pending stock movements per warehouse and subsequently generate a PDF document for the same details. The Product Enquiry's the perfect tool to provide an accurate overview of a product's current status, allocations and location.

Functional descriptions

Access the Product Enquiry page from Unleashed's main menu by selecting Reports, Inventory and Product Enquiry.

Header button description

In the top right corner of the Product Enquiry you will see the Print button. When Print is selected a PDF document will be generated based on the product code requested in the Product Code field. 

A product must be selected in the Product Code field before Print can be selected. 

Header field descriptions

Use the filter fields available at the top of the Product Enquiry to refine the print out based on the parameters selected. The filter options available to the Product Enquiry are:

  • Warehouse: Use the multi-select dropdown menu to populate results for the selected Warehouses. NOTE: The Product Enquiry will populate stock and allocated quantities as a sum total of all Warehouses selected.
  • Product Code: Use the free text field to search and select a product from your inventory based on it's unique code. This is a required field for the Product Enquiry to successfully generate. 
  • Product Description: Use the free text field to search and select a product from your inventory, based on it's product description. 

Field descriptions

Once a product has been selected in the Product Code and Product Description filter fields, the following fields will be populated based on the product's current status, stock and allocations:

  • Bin Location: If one warehouse has been selected in the Warehouse filter, the field will populate the bin location set in the product for that warehouse. If multiple warehouses or no warehouse is selected the Bin Location will be blank, see Per Warehouse Controls.
  • Unit of Measure: Displays the base unit of measure set for the product record. Select the Unit of Measure name to open your account's Unit of Measure settings, see Units of Measure.
  • Barcode: Displays the barcode value set for the product's base unit of measure. 
  • Never Diminishing: The check box will display a tick if the product is set as Never Diminishing. If the checkbox is empty, the product is a diminishing product. For more details, see Never Diminishing Products (NDP).
  • On Hand: Displays the current total Stock on Hand quantity for the products, based on the warehouses selected. Click on the On Hand name to open the Stock On Hand Enquiry, prefiltered for the product selected, see Stock On Hand Enquiry.
  • On Purchase: Displays the current total number of base units allocated to Purchase Orders with a Placed status, for the warehouses selected. Click on the On Purchase name to open the Purchase Enquiry, see Purchase Enquiry.
  • On Assembly: Displays the current total number of base units due to be assembled, based on incomplete Assemblies. Click on the On Assembly name to open the Production Enquiry, see Production Enquiry.
  • On Order: Displays the current total number of base units allocated to incomplete Sales Orders, for the warehouses selected. Click on the On Order name to open Product Allocations prefiltered for the selected product, see Product Allocations.
  • In Assembly: Displays the current total number of base units allocated as components to open Assemblies, based on the Assembly's source warehouse. Click on the In Assembly name to open Product Allocations prefiltered for the selected product, see Product Allocations.
  • On Transfer: Displays the current total number of base units due to be transferred from the source warehouse, based on incomplete Warehouse Transfers. Click on the On Transfers name to open the Warehouse Transfers page, see Warehouse Transfers.
  • On Quote: Displays the current total number of base units saved to open Sales Quotes. Click on the On Quotes name to open the View Quotes page, see Manage and View Quotes.
  • Available: Displays the current product quantity available, based on the selected warehouse's stock on hand minus current allocations.

Print the Product Enquiry

When the Product Enquiry is printed a PDF version of the page will be generated.

The PDF version of the Product Enquiry, labelled Item Enquiry, will include the following data:

  • Created By: Email address of the user who generated the document. 
  • Created Date: The date and time from when the document was generated. 
  • Warehouses
  • Product Code
  • Product Description
  • Barcode
  • Unit of Measure
  • Bin Location
  • Never Diminishing
  • On Purchase
  • On Sales
  • On Hand
  • On Quote
  • Available

The data fields and layout used on the printed Product Enquiry are static and cannot be customized or edited. 

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