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How to manage Drop Ship Orders


Drop shipping is a method where your Supplier delivers an Sales Order directly to the Customer, on your behalf. This means you will not physically receive the goods during the delivery process, but you have facilitated the sale and purchase transactions for each party. You can use the following process to manage the drop ship orders in Unleashed. 

Managing Drop Ship Orders

The best way to manage Drop Ship orders is to create a Sales Order for the customer, allocated to a "Drop Ship" warehouse in your Unleashed account. Then create a Purchase Order directly from the Sales Order so that you can easily navigate between the transactions and process them as and when the stock has been delivered, without impacting your inventoried stock. 

Due to the nature of drop ship products never being on hand, the receipting of the Purchase Order and completing of the Sales Order should be done at the same time.

Create a Drop Ship Warehouse

You will only need to create one warehouse to manage all Drop Ship orders that are processed in your account. 

  1. From the main menu, got to Settings, System and select Warehouses

  2. Select Add Warehouse.

  3. Provide a Warehouse Code and Name to identify the new warehouse as the drop shipping warehouse. E.g. DS: Drop Ship

  4. Click Save

For more details, see How to Add a Warehouse.

Create a Sales Order

  1. Create a Sales Order for your given customer. 

  2. Select the "Drop Ship" warehouse in the Sales Order's Order Warehouse dropdown field.

  3. Add the products on order to the Order Lines section of the Sales Order and save it as Placed (or your preferred order status). 

For more details, see Add Sales Orders.

Create a Purchase Order from a Sales Order

  1. In the Sales Order, go to the Order drop down menu and select Create Purchase.

  2. A pop-up window will appear to Create Purchase Order, including all products and quantities on the Sales Order. Click on the Supplier field to advise which supplier the Purchase Order is due to be created for.

  3. Select Create in the pop-up window and a Purchase Order will be created and linked to the Sales Order.

  4. In the Sales Order's Order Lines' Quantity field, a purchasing icon will appear to highlight that a Purchase Order has been created in connection with the Sales Order.
    Hover on the icon to see a link to the Purchase Order and an overview of the Supplier, Delivery Date and ordered Quantity. 
  5. In the Purchase Order, use the magnifying glass icon next to the Delivery Address field to search and allocate the customer's delivery address. This will allow the customer's address to populate on the Purchase Order's printed document so that your Supplier knows the delivery address. 

  6. Save the Purchase Order as Placed

Complete a Drop Ship Order

Once the Supplier has delivered the Customer's order, you will want to reflect the delivery in your Unleashed account to match. 

  1. Receipt the Purchase Order into your Drop Ship warehouse.
    Do not complete the Purchase Order if additional charges are due to be added. For more details, see Receipt a Purchase Order

  2. From the Purchase Order, select the Sales Order No. header field to navigate directly to the relevant Sales Order.

  3. Complete the Sales Order to dispatch the receipted stock and invoice the order.
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