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Batch Numbers Enquiry


The Batch Numbers Enquiry is a report that displays the current availability for batch tracked stock as well as the transactional history of each batch number in Unleashed. The Batch Number Enquiry is ideal for users who want to track batch numbers throughout the product lifecycle.

The Batch Number Enquiry is only available when the Batch Tracking configuration setting is enabled in your Unleashed account. For more details, see Batch Number Tracking.

Functional descriptions

Using the filters and action buttons available, use the Batch Numbers Enquiry to review how your batch numbers have been used and where any on hand quantities are currently being held.

Header button descriptions

In the top right corner of the Batch Numbers Enquiry, there are two action buttons available to select; Export and Run. Click on "Run" to populate the Batch Numbers Enquiry using the filters that have been selected. 

Click on the dropdown icon within the Export button to select one of the following export options:

  • Export Batch Information: Will generate an expansive CSV document, listing each batch number's transactional history in Unleashed. For more details, see Export Batch Information headers.
  • Export to CSV: Will generate a CSV document of the Batch Number Enquiry currently populated in the page. 

You can also click on the "Export" button to generate the current Batch Number Enquiry as a CSV document.

Filter field descriptions

At the top of the Batch Numbers Enquiry, the following fields are available to filter the populated results by:

  • Warehouse: Use the dropdown menu to filter the Batch Numbers Enquiry by a single warehouse. Leave the field blank to populate batch numbers across all warehouses. 
  • Product Code: Use the free text field to filter the results by product code. 
  • Product Description: Use the free text field to filter the results by product description. 
  • Batch Number Status: Use the dropdown menu to filter the Batch Numbers Enquiry by the following status options:
    • Blank: all batch statuses will populate.
    • Available: Only batch numbers with stock on hand will populate. 
    • Unavailable: Only batch numbers that no longer have any stock on hand, not due to be removed or deleted, will populate.
    • Deleted: Only batch numbers that have been stock adjusted out or removed will be populated. 
  • Batch Number: Use the free text field to filter the results by Batch Numbers that contain the text provided.
  • Expiry date From: Use the date selector to set the start range for batch number expiry dates. 
  • Expiry date To: Use the date selector to set the end range for batch number expiry dates. 

Grid column descriptions

The following headers are displayed in the Batch Numbers Enquiry page to provide the relevant detail per batch number:

  • Batch Number: Displays the batch number as a hyperlink that will display the batch number's transactional history in a pop-up window, see Batch Number history.
  • Expiry Date: Displays the editable Expiry Date set for the product's Batch Number. 
  • Warehouse: Displays the name of the warehouse where the product's batch is currently stored. 
  • Product Code: Displays the batch number's product code as a hyperlink that will open the product record. 
  • Product Description: Displays the batch number's product description as a hyperlink that will open the product record. 
  • Original Stock: Displays the total number of units that have been added into stock on hand for the product's Batch Number, per warehouse.
  • Remaining Stock: Displays the current stock on hand quantity for the product's batch number, per warehouse.

The headers displayed in the grid columns of the Batch Numbers Enquiry can be width adjusted, re-arranged and sorted by preferred order, but new columns cannot be added. 

Export Batch Information headers

The following details, per batch number, product and transaction, will be populated in a CSV document when the "Export Batch Information" option is selected in the Batch Numbers Enquiry:

  • Batch Number
  • Expiry Date
  • Product Code
  • Product Description
  • Transaction Date
  • Reference
  • Transaction Type
  • Quantity
  • Customer Code
  • Customer Name
  • Supplier Code
  • Supplier Name
  • Warehouse Code
  • Warehouse Name
  • Reason

Use the Batch Numbers Enquiry

The Batch Numbers Enquiry allows you to review the transactional history per product's batch number, edit expiration dates as well as identify the Customers and Suppliers involved with a batch's life cycle. 

Batch Number history

Click on a "Batch Number" in the Batch Number Enquiry to review the batch number's transactional history in Unleashed. The following details are displayed in a pop-up window, per Batch Number:

  • Date: The date the transaction was completed.
  • Reference: Displays the transaction's number as a hyperlink that will open the transaction.
  • Transaction Type: Displays the name of the transaction. 
  • Quantity: Displays the number of units moved by the transaction.
  • Customer: Displays the Sales Shipment's Customer Code and Name as a hyperlink that will open the Customer's record. The field will be blank for all other transaction types.
  • Supplier: Displays the Purchase Order's Supplier Code and Name as a hyperlink that will open the Supplier's record. The field will be blank for all other transaction types.
  • Warehouse: Displays the transaction's Warehouse Code and Name.

Edit a Batch Number's expiry date

Each Batch Number in Unleashed has the option to include set an Expiry Date. This date is used to help prioritise and manage your batch tracked stock based on when they're due to expire. The Expiry Date field isn't a required detail per batch and can be updated at any time.

To update a Batch Number's Expiry Date in the Batch Numbers Enquiry:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, go to Reports, Inventory and select Batch Numbers Enquiry

  2. Filter the Batch Number Enquiry as required and click on Run.

  3. In the Batch Numbers Enquiry's grid, click on the Batch Number's "Expiry Date" field and it'll display an editable field. 

  4. Use the date selector or type in the Batch Number's new Expiry Date

As soon as the new Expiry Date is selected the product's batch will be updated across all warehouses. 

NOTE: A product's batch number expiry date must be the same across all warehouses. 

Recall a batch number

If, for any reason, you need to recall a Batch Number you'll need to find the Customers, Suppliers or Assemblies that batch has been sent to or from. The Batch Numbers Enquiry is designed with this circumstance in mind and can be used to identify each stock movement a batch has been included in. 

We've outlined the steps you'll need to take to identify which Suppliers, Customers or Assemblies you'll need to contact or review when investigating a Batch Number below:

  1. From Unleashed's main menu, go to Reports, Inventory and select Batch Numbers Enquiry

  2. Filter the Batch Numbers Enquiry by any relevant detail, e.g. Batch Number, Product Code, Batch Number Status and select Run.

  3. In the top right of the the Batch Number Enquiry, click on the Export drop down menu and select Export Batch Information. A CSV document populated with the transaction history per Batch Number will be generated for the filtered Batch Number Enquiry. 

  4. Use the exported batch information to identify the batch's origin and subsequent life cycle.

  5. Communicate the recall details to the appropriate Customers and Suppliers found in the Batch Number Enquiry's export.
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