View Customers
FollowAfter you import or create customers in Unleashed, you can use the View Customers page to view and manage your customers.
Viewing Customers
- Go to Customers | View Customers.
- The list of customers is displayed. You can filter by Customer, Email Address, Postal Code, Customer Type or Obsolete fields.
- To import bulk customer details, click Import.
- To export the existing customer details, click Export. You can choose to export as PDF, CSV, XLSX, or XLS.
- To add a new customer, click Add Customer. For more information, see Add new customer.
- You can use the bulk action cog to perform bulk functions:
- Select All
- Select None
- Obsolete
- Delete
- You can use the action cog to perform functions at line level.
- Edit: Edit customer details.
- View in Xero: This option is only available if you have integrated with Xero. Displays the customer details in Xero.
- Add Quote: Add a sales quote.
- Add Order: Add a sales order.
- Add Credit: Park or Complete a free credit.
- View Transactions: Displays the Sales Enquiry page. You can run or export a report of sales transactions for the customer.
- Obsolete: Marks the customer as Obsolete. If you want to revert, open the customer record and clear the Obsolete check box.
- Delete: You can only delete customers without any associated transactions.
If you want to customize the grid columns, see Customizing grid columns.