Add Sales Quote
FollowAdd Sales Quote Tutorial Video
The Sales Quote feature allows you to to produce a document that tells a potential customer how much your products or service will cost.
Points to note
- Sales Quotes are a separate transaction to Sales Orders and will therefore have their own unique prefix (see Prefixes).
- Sales Quotes can only be created for Customers with a Customer record in Unleashed.
- Sales Orders created from a Sales Quote will use the next available Sales Order number. The Sales Order number will not replicate the Sales Quote's number.
- Multiple Sales Orders can be created from a single Sales Quote.
- A link to any Sales Orders created from the Quote will display in the header area of the quote. Only the first Sales Order reference number will display. Click on "Sales Order Number" for a list of all sales orders associated with your quote.
- Provide a "Nominal Cost" to new products (see Create Products) and this cost will be used to calculate the profit and margin for the product on a Sales Quote.
- Charge Lines are available to include on Sales Quotes.
Add a Sales Quote
To create a new Sales Quote:
- From the main menu in Unleashed, go to Sales, Quotes and select "Add Quote".
- Use the "*Customer Code" field to search and select the customer you are creating the Sales Quote for. Use the magnifying glass icon for an advanced search option.
NOTE: If the Customer doesn't exist as a record in Unleashed, select "Add New Customer" from the field's auto-fill drop down menu to create them.
- Fill in the following optional fields to provide additional detail to the Sales Quote:
- Customer Reference: The reference details will be copied to the reference field for any Sales Order created from the Quote.
Discount (%): Enter a discount amount to be applied to each quoted product line.
The discount entered in this field will not be applied to product lines that have a Customer Pricing associated with the product for the selected customer. For more information, see Customer Pricing. - Tax Rate: Use the drop down menu to select the appropriate tax rate for the order. If the Customer has a default sales tax selected in their record, it will automatically populate in the Quote. The Tax Rate used per Quote Line is based on the tax hierarchy in Unleashed (see Taxes).
- Warehouse: Use the drop down menu to select the warehouse that's due to fulfil the ordered stock.
Delivery Method, Delivery Instruction, Delivery Contact and Delivery Address fields: Select or enter the required values to provide delivery details for your Customer.
NOTE: If you change the delivery instruction on the Sales Order it will automatically update the delivery instruction for that Delivery Address in the Customer record. If you use a Postal or Physical address and update it from the Sales Order, it will update the respective Customer's address. - Salesperson: Use the drop down menu to select a Salesperson to allocate the Sales Quote to (see Sales Persons). If a Salesperson is selected in the Customer's record, the Customer's Salesperson will populate in the Sales Quote by default.
- Sales Order Group: Use the drop down menu to select a Sales Order Group to allocate the Sales Quote to. For more details, see Sales Groups. If a Sales Group is selected in the Customer's record, the Customer's Sales Group will populate in the Sales Quote by default.
- Quote Date: By default will populate with the date the Sales Quote was created, but can be updated to any alternative date.
- Quote Expiry Date: By default will populate a date 30 days after the Sales Quote's created date, but can be updated to any alternative date.
Template: Use the drop down menu select a Sales Quote template from the Doc Designer. If a Quote template is selected in the Customer's record, the Customer's Quote template will populate in the Sales Quote by default.
- In the Quote Lines tab, add each product's quoted quantity and price using the following available fields:
- Product: Use the search field to find and select a product to include on the Quote. (Only products enabled as "Sellable" can be added).
- Quantity: Enter the quantity due to be quoted for. The quantity can be greater than the warehouse's current availability.
- Price: The Customer's or Product's default sell price will populate by default (see What is the Customer Pricing Hierarchy?) but adjustments can be made to the Price field directly.
- Discount: If you want to provide a discount percentage, enter the value. This will override the discount specified in the Discount (%) field. However, if you update the value in the Discount (%) field, it will override the value you have entered.
Comments: Include any additional notes needed for the product being quoted.
- You can include additional charges like shipping, freight or labor on Sales Quotes using the "Charge Lines" section:
- Charge: A free text field where you can either enter a Never Diminishing Product (NDP) or a provide a reference to an ad hoc price being quoted.
Price: If using an NDP, the sale price provided in it's record will automatically populate. If not, enter the charge's tax exclusive price.
Sales Account: This field is visible only if you have an accounting provider integration (e.g. Xero or Quickbooks) and is the Sales Account the charge's value will be exported to when Quote's Sales Invoice is completed.
Tax Rate: If using an NDP, Unleashed's tax hierarchy will determine the default tax rate that populates. If not, the customer's default tax rate will apply.
Margins on a Sales Quote
The margin percentage calculated for each line of a Sales Quote is calculated using the quoted product's price verse it's cost value. A costing hierarchy is applied in Sales Quotes to ensure the most accurate and appropriate margin is calculated. The costing hierarchy for calculating margins in a Sales Quote is as follows:
- If a product has a "Nominal Cost" advised in it's record, the Sales Quote will use this to calculate the product's margin.
- If a product has no "Nominal Cost" it's "Average Landed Cost" (ALC) will be used to calculate the quoted product's margin.
NOTE: The "Nominal Cost" is only used in the quoting process and does not carry though to the sales order - If a product has no "Nominal Cost" and no Stock on Hand globally (therefore no ALC), the product's "Last Cost" will be used to calculate the quoted product's margin.
- If a product has no "Nominal Cost, ALC or "Last Cost" value, the quoted product's margin will be calculated using a zero cost value.
Nominal Costs
In Unleashed, a "Nominal Cost" is the value used to calculate a quoted product's margin, when it's current ALC may be inaccurate or doesn't yet exist. A new or existing product's "Nominal Cost" can be updated at anytime via the product record's "Purchase" tab. In the same tab you'll also see the product's current ALC and Last Cost.
The product's "Nominal Cost", ALC and "Last Cost" is also viewable in a product's Sale tab.
Sales Quote statuses
To help effectively manage your quoting process, Sales Quotes can be saved as either "Draft", Pending", "Cancelled" or "Accepted" status. Use the "Save" button's drop down menu to select the appropriate status or click on the "Accept Quote" button to confirm the Sales Quote's success.
At no point during the Sales Quote process is stock allocated from your inventory.
By default, Sales Quotes are created in a "Draft" status. Typically this status is used during the quote's creation, prior to sharing it with your prospective customer. Edits and adjustments can be made at anytime whilst a Sales Quote's in "Draft" status.
When a Sales Quote's been shared with a customer, save is as "Pending". This status is used to highlight quotes that are currently under customer review and haven't been accepted or rejected yet.
If a Sales Quote's been rejected by a customer and needs to be recorded as a lost opportunity, select to "Cancel" the Sales Quote. A cancelled Sales Quote is no longer an active transaction but can be reverted back to "Draft" or "Pending" status if it's revisited at a later date for further progress.
When a customer approves a Sales Quote click the "Accept Quote" button and it'll update to "Accepted" status. Once a Sales Quote's been accepted no further changes can be made to it's Quote Lines, Delivery details, Address or Charges. New "Parked" Sales Orders can be created from the Sales Quote to automatically populate the quote's details, at which point any subsequent changes required can be made prior to the Sales Order's completion.
Manage a Sales Quote
Once a Sales Quote's been created it can be replicated, shared and progressed for ordering.
At the bottom of the Sales Quote you can select the "Print" button to download a PDF copy of the current Sales Quote. The PDF copy will be generated using the Doc Designer template selected in the Sales Quote's "Template" dropdown menu.
Send the Sales Quote to your prospective customer using the "Email" button in the bottom right corner of the Sales Quote's page. The Customer's "Primary" contact will automatically populate as the recipient but you have the opportunity to include additional contacts as and when necessary. The Sales Quote's subject, body message and reply-to details will populate using the Sales Quote's "Email Template" set in your account's Company Settings (see Company: Email Templates) and can also be amended prior to sending the email.
By default a PDF copy of the Sales Quote will be attached to the Sales Quote's email, but you can add further attachments from your File Library using the "Attach File" button available in the Email feature.
View Email Log
Click on the "View Email Log" button in a Sales Quote to see a breakdown of how often the Sales Quote's been emailed. The Email Log does not show the email's contents, but it will show the following details:
- Sender (Unleashed user's login address)
- Recipient
- CC
- Subject
- Type (e.g. Sales Quote)
- Time (date and time the email was sent)
If a Sales Quote's no longer needed but hasn't been cancelled, it can be deleted. Deleting a Sales Quote means the transaction's no longer active and cannot be printed or emailed. To delete a Sales Quote, click the red "Delete" button in the bottom right corner of a Sales Quote is "Draft", "Pending" or "Cancelled" status. Accepted Sales Quotes cannot be deleted.
Sales Quotes are the only transactions in Unleashed that can be undeleted, providing you with the flexibility to re-activate protentional Sales Quotes that were previously disregarded. To undelete a Sales Quote, open the Sales Quote and select "Undelete" in the bottom right corner. The Sales Quote will be re-activated in a "Draft" status with the original details populated.
Create Order
Once a Sales Quote's reached "Accepted" status it can be used to create a Sales Order. Multiple Sales Orders can be created from a single Sales Quote, all of which will follow the same process:
- Open the "Accepted" Sales Quote.
- Click on the green "Create Order" button in the top right corner.
- A Sales Order will be created in "Parked" status with the same deliver details, Quote Lines, Charges and comments as the original Sales Quote.
NOTE: Attachments on a Sales Quote are not automatically attached to a Sales Order created from it.
In the Sales Order, the original Sales Quote's transaction number will be displayed in the "Quote Number" field. Click on the text "Quote Number" to open the original Sales Quote in a new browser tab.
In the Sales Quote, the transaction number of the first Sales Order created from the quote will be displayed in the "Sales Order Number" field. Click on the "Sales Order Number" text to open the Sales Enquiry, pre-filtered to populate only Sales Orders created from the Sales Quote.
Clone a Sales Quote
Duplicate Sales Quotes from any status using the "Clone" function. Cloning allows you to re-create an existing Sales Quote for any customer, pre-populating the new Sales Quote with the original's products, quantities, comments and when appropriate, prices. To clone a Sales Quote:
- Open the Sales Quote.
- In the top right corner, click on the "Clone" button.
- A pop-up window will display in which you'll need to provide the new Sales Quote's; Customer, Customer Reference and Expiry Date. Use the "Use customer/product price and discount" check box to decide whether the original Sales Quote's prices should apply or not. If ticked, the new Sales Quote will use the customer's pricing in the new Sales Quote.