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Add Bill of Materials


Page Contents:

Points to Note

Adding a Bill of Materials

Manage a Bill of Materials

Single Level Bill of Materials

Multi-Level Bill Of Materials

View Bill Of Materials

Print Bill of Materials

Print BOM Example

Print BOM Tree Example

Bill of Materials Tutorial Video

Creating Multi-Layered Bill of Materials Tutorial Video

Using a disassembly to break down bulk products into small units of measure Tutorial Video


A Bill of Materials (BOM) is the recipe Unleashed uses when generating Assemblies and Disassemblies for your products. It is an important resource which contains a comprehensive list of all component products, costs and specifications required to build one unit of the assembled product.

In Unleashed, the Bill of Materials page lets you create and maintain the components and quantities that make your finished goods. The image below illustrates the production process in Unleashed and when the Bill of Materials is used.


Points to Note

  • All Assembled and Component products must already exist as a product record in Unleashed, before it can be added to a Bill of Materials (BOM). For more information about creating products, see Create Products
  • You can only create a BOM if the product to be assembled is toggled on as Assembled product in it's record's Details tab.
  • You can only add products toggled as a Component in it's record's Details tab, to a BOM.
  • A product can be enabled as both a Component and an Assembled product.
  • You can create only one BOM per assembled product.
  • You cannot add a product as a Component to it's own BOM
  • If you have sub-BOM, you can view all BOM levels in the parent BOM.
  • You do not need a BOM to exist for an assembled product to create an Assembly for it.
  • If you have open Assembly for an assembled product, you cannot obsolete it's BOM.
  • A BOM's cost does not update the assembled product's sell or purchase price.
  • You must obsolete the BOM of an assembled product in order to turn off the assembled setting for it.

Adding a Bill of Materials

To create a BOM for a product, you will first need to ensure that the product you are due to assemble exists as a product in Unleashed (with Assembled toggled on) and similarly all component products required to build it exist too (with Component toggled on). For more details, see Create Products.

To add a BOM, follow the below steps:

  1. Go to Production | Bill of Materials | Add Bill of Materials.
  2. In the *Product Code field, search the product you're building the BOM for. Once selected, the BOM's remaining fields will update to become editable.
  3. In the *Component Product field, search for a product that will be used in the build of the assembled product. Once selected, advise the *Quantity that would be required of the component to assemble one unit of the assembled product and click Add to save it in the BOM.
    • The Wastage Qty field is not a required field but allows you to include a margin of error or expected wastage in the BOM. The total component quantity used within a BOM (and subsequent Assembly) is the sum of the *Quantity and Wastage Qty advised for the component. Furthermore, the Total Cost of the component (used to calculate the Total Assembly Cost) includes the the Wastage Qty's value with the *Quantity's value, based on the component's Average Landed Cost (ALC). 
    • Account for additional internal costs for your BOM using Never Diminishing Product (NDP). The NDP allows you to add value to the Total Assembly Cost without it requiring any stock on hand e.g. Labour, Manufacturing: 
      • The NDP's Unit Cost is populated from the Cost in the NDP's Sale tab, but can be overwritten per BOM. 
      • If you have an accounting provider integration with Unleashed (Xero or Quickbooks), the Expense Account drop-down list will be available ONLY for NDP components.
      • The Expense Account advised in the BOM will automatically apply to any subsequent Assembly or Disassembly created, but can be edited per Assembly or Disassembly. 
      • When you complete an Assembly or Disassembly, a journal will be passed to the integrated accounting provider.
  4. Repeat step 3 for each Component that's due to be included on the BOM.
  5. Configure the BOM's specifications to determine how the BOM should be used:
    • Can Auto Assemble: Enable this setting if an Assembly is due to be created when the assembled product's allocated to a Sales Order but there's not enough stock on hand available to fulfil the allocation. For more details, see Auto Assembly.
    • Auto Assign Oldest Batch/Serial: Tick the checkbox if you want to automate the allocation of the oldest Batch or Serial Numbers available for the components used within a new Assembly (or Auto-Assembly).
    • Can Auto Disassemble: Enable this setting if a Disassembly is required when receipting the assembled product from a Purchase Order. For more details, Auto Disassembly.
    • Sort By Product Code: Tick the checkbox to sort the Component Product list within the BOM by the Product Code. This order will also be applied to any created Assemblies or Disassemblies.
    • Obsolete: If the BOM is no longer needed, toggle on Obsolete to stop the BOM from being used in new Assemblies or Disassemblies.
  6. Configure the expected duration times, which Unleashed will use to advise an expected start time for the Assemblies and Disassemblies created.
    • Duration Type: Choose if your duration is based on a "Per Unit" or "Per Assembly"
    • Expected Duration: Add the expected time it will take for a single unit, or for the entire assembly to be completed in hours, minutes or seconds, or a combination (e.g. 6h 15m).
      NOTE: Role Permission "Bill of Materials Details" is required for this field to be amended.
    • Average Duration: The average time it's taken to complete the last 50 assemblies
    • Production Hours Per Day: The number of hours available per day that production is available for. By default, the Production Hours Per Day populates from Company Settings, but will be over-written by the hours advised within the BOM.
    • Production Days:  The days of the week the production is available for. By default, the Production Days populates from Company Settings, but will be over-written by the hours advised within the BOM.
  7. Comments: Add any additional information relevant to the production of the assembled product. Any comment added to the BOM will populate in the subsequent in the Assembly and Disassembly Comment fields.
  8. Once your BOM's up to date with all the relevant details, click Save. 

Whilst you can create a BOM in Unleashed directly, you also have the option to create multiple BOM's in bulk using an import. For more details, see Import Assemblies and Bill Of Materials.

Manage a Bill of Materials

You can manage the view and use of a BOM within the BOM's record.

  • Use the Sort By Product Code checkbox to sort the components into alphabetical order by Product Code. This setting will apply to any Assembly or Disassembly created from the BOM. 
  • Use the 6 six dot icon on the left of each component line to drag and drop the components in to their preferred position.
  • Create an Assembly or Disassembly directly from the BOM by selecting the Add button in the top right of the page.
  • Use the Clone button to create a new BOM for an alternative Assembled product using the same components as a basis. This is ideal if you have variations of the same BOM's with slightly different components.
  • Use the Bin icon on the right of the component line to remove the component from the BOM
  • Click in the Quantity and Wastage Qty field per component to edit the quantities, as appropriate.
  • Select the Add drop down option at the Top Right of your BOM to quickly create an Assembly or Disassembly for this BOM. 


NOTE: Once a BOM has been created it can be updated and edited at any time, either in the BOM's page or using the Import/Export template option. Once the BOM's updates are saved, they will only apply to Assemblies and Disassemblies created thereafter. Existing Assemblies and Disassemblies will not be updated to align with changes made in the BOM.

For more details on bulk updating BOM's, see Import Bill of Materials field definitions

Single Level Bill of Materials

If the components in a BOM do not require any assembling themselves, the BOM is considered to be a single level Bill of Materials. Where the components are only expected to be purchased and receipted from a Supplier.

Multi-Level Bill Of Materials

If there are components in the BOM are also an assembled product with their own BOM, they're considered mutli-level Bill of Materials. Where each affiliated BOM is either a sub-BOM or parent BOM:

  • Parent BOM: The assembled product isn't a component of another BOM and therefore the assembled product's BOM is not listed within another BOM. 
  • Sub-BOM: The assembled product is a component of another product and it's BOM is therefore listed within another BOM. 

Sub-BOM's can be viewed within a Parent BOM using the expand arow in the component's line. But you can also navigate to the sub-BOM by selected the square arrow icon next to the component's Image field. This will open the sub-BOM in a new tab for further review. 

NOTE: It is not possible to edit a sub-BOM's components from a Parent BOM.  

View Bill Of Materials

The View Bills Of Materials page provides an overview of the BOM's that exist in your account as well as the ability to perform actions against them. 

At the top of the View Bill of Materials page, you'll see three buttons:

  • Import: The Import button is a quick link that directs you to the Import/Export page for Bill of Materials. For more information, see Import Assemblies and Bill Of Materials.
  • Export: The Export button downloads a list of all BOM's, as shown in the View Bill of Materials page. Use the Export drop-down menu to download the export as either a PDF, CSV or XLSX format.
  • Add Bill: The Add Bill button is a quick link that will direct you to the Add Bill of Materials page, where a new BOM can be created. 

The View Bill of Materials page can also be filtered, to refine your search, by:

  • Bill Number: Enter a full or partial reference in the Bill Number field to populate any BOM's that include the reference in the Bill Number.
  • Product: Use the Product field to filter the page by keywords or terms found in an assembled product's code or description.
  • Obsolete: Use the drop-down menu to select All, Yes or No to filter the BOM's by their obsolete status. 
  • Display Associated top-level BOM(s): If you have multi-level BOM(s) and you want to see all the associated top-level BOM(s) for a particular Bill Number or Product tick the checkbox.

The headers available in the View Bill of Materials page are as follows:

Header Description
Bill Number The reference number used to identify the unique BOM.
Product Code The Product Code of the product being assembled in the BOM.
Product Description The Product Description of the product being assembled in the BOM.
Sub-BOM Count The number of BOM's included within the parent BOM.
Can Auto Assemble A cross or tick to identify whether Can Auto Assemble is enabled within the BOM
Can Auto Disassemble A cross or tick to identify whether Can Auto Dissemble is enabled within the BOM
Obsolete A cross or tick to identify whether the BOM is obsolete.

An Action Cog that allows the user to select one of the following actions for the BOM:

  • Print BOM
  • Print BOM Tree
  • Clone

There are further header options available in the Hidden Columns section, found within the Show Toolbar tab of the View Bill of Materials tab. The additional headers have been listed below:

  • Comments: Populates any comments added to the BOM
  • Duration Type: Populates the Duration Type selected in the BOM
  • Expected Duration: The Expected Duration time advised within the BOM
  • Product Group: The Product Group the assembled product's assigned to, populating from the product's record.
  • Product Hours Per Day: The Product Hours Per Day advised within the BOM.

Print Bill of Materials

You can choose to print a PDF version of either the Parent BOM(s) or multi-level BOM(s) from the following pages:

  • Production | Bill of Materials | View Bills of Materials: From the action cog, select one of the following options:
    • Print BOM: If you want to print only the components of a parent BOM.
    • Print BOM Tree: If you want to print the top-level BOM(s) and all the associated Sub-BOM(s).
  • Production | Bill of Materials | View Bills of Materials | BOM: Open the BOM you want to print and select any of the following options from the Print button.
    • Print BOM: If you want to print only the components of a parent BOM.
    • Print BOM Tree: If you want to print the top-level BOM(s) and all the associated Sub-BOM(s).

BOM's printed from Unleashed will only use Unleashed's system default template, which cannot be edited or customized. 

Print BOM Example

Print BOM Tree Example

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