Add Assemblies & Sub-Assemblies
FollowPage Contents:
Create Assembly from the Reorder Report
Create Assembly from a Sales Order
Bulk create auto sub-assemblies
Batch & Serial Tracking in Assemblies
Batch Tracked Assembled products
Batch Tracked Component products
Serial Tracked Assembled products
Serial Tracked Component products
Helpful Links:
Import Assemblies and Bill Of Materials
Assembly Tutorial Videos
Add an Assembly
The Add Assembly page enables you to create an assembly for a product, using component products. If the assembling product has a Bill of Materials (BOM) created for it, Unleashed will use this BOM to determine the components and quantities required to fulfil the Assembled Quantity. If no BOM exists for the assembling product, a blank assembly will be created instead.
Points to Note
- To create an assembly, the assembling product must exist as a record in Unleashed and be toggled on as an Assembled product.
- An assembled product is made up of one or more components or a single Bill of Materials.
- You can edit assemblies whilst they are in Parked status.
- Any changes made to an assembly will not change the product's BOM.
- If you have an existing BOM for a product, the components and their proportional quantities will be automatically populated in it's assembly. When entering an assembled quantity in the assembly, the component quantities will update to proportionally align with the assembly's requirements.
- Component quantities included on a Parked Assembly will be counted as Allocated stock.
- Some manufacturing processes, such as distilling, creating jewelry, and baking, combine a number of ingredients to form a finished, sellable product. These processes also result in leftover material or secondary products that can be consumed, sold, or re-use in production, known as "By-Products".
To manage By-Products in Unleashed it must be a Component, Assembled, or Sellable product in Unleashed. Never Diminishing Products (NDP) cannot be added as By-Products. - The Can Auto Assemble setting within a BOM does not apply to sub-assemblies. If the component is an assembled product, an assembly must be created manually for the component.
- Go to the Company settings to determine whether a confirmation notice is required to "Recalculate Component quantities" when adjusting an Assembly's "Assembled Quantity". For more details, see Company.
- When you complete an assembly, the components stock on hand is reduced and the assembled product's stock on hand increases.
- Once an Assembly is in Complete status, it cannot be edited, reversed or deleted.
Add an Assembly
Assemblies can be created either manually or automatically. If the Can Auto Assemble setting is enabled within a product's BOM, when the product is allocated to a Sales Order and there is not enough available stock to fulfil the order quantity, an Assembly will be created for the outstanding quantity (for more details, see Auto Assembly). This is ideal if your products are built to order and you do not want to hold stock of assembled goods.
However, if you assemble stock in bulk and therefore have it on hand prior to allocating to orders and subsequent assemblies, you can manually create them. To create a manual assembly, see the following steps:
- From the main menu, go to the Production module, then select Assemblies and Add Assembly.
- In the *Product Code field, select the product that's due to be assembled. If the Product is successfully selected the Product Description field will be automatically populated.
- Complete the remaining specifications for the Assembly:
- Source Warehouse: The warehouse from which the component products are taken from to build the assembled product. The component's Stock on Hand will decrease by the quantity plus wastage in this warehouse when the Assembly is completed.
- Destination Warehouse: The warehouse when the assembled (finished) product will be added to when the Assembly is completed. The assembled product's Stock on Hand will increase in this warehouse by the Assembled Quantity.
- Assembled Quantity: The quantity you want to assemble. Once you have entered the Assembled Quantity, you can adjust the component quantities used and remove lines using the bin icon where necessary, to better reflect what was actually used in this Assembly.
Can Assemble Quantity: Displays the total amount of finished goods you can be assembled, based on the component quantities available in the Source Warehouse.
NOTE: The most constrained component product in the Assembly will determine becomes the Can Assemble Quantity. - Total Cost: The total cost is a non-editable field. It's there to advise the current expected cost for completing the assembly, based on the component's and Supplier's costs.
- Assemble By: Choose the date by which the assembly needs to be assembled (if using expected duration, this will update the Estimated Start Date).
- Template: Choose the Doc Designer template that'll be used when the Assembly is printed.
Bill Of Materials:
- If the product is linked to a Bill of Materials then you can click the blue, underlined field header to open a new tab with the BOM that was used to create the Assembly. The field in non-editable, but will how the BOM's reference number.
- If the product you assemble is a BOM-free assembly you have the option to create a BOM from the assembly, click on the Blue + to create a BOM for the selected product.
- Expected Duration: The expected time it'll take for the assembly to be completed, based on the Expected Duration provided in the product's BOM. This field can be edited in the assembly to align with any real-time adjustments.
Actual Duration: The actual duration of the assembly in hours, minutes or seconds, or a combination (e.g. 6h 15m). This field is populated once the Assembly is completed.
NOTE: The "Assembly Duration" Role Permission (under Production, Assembly Details) is required to manage any duration this field in an Assembly. - Estimated Start Date: The date Unleashed recommends production is started, based on the Assembly's Assembly By date and Expected Duration.
- Comments: A free text field that will populate any comments included in the BOM. The Comment field can be edited at any time.
Duration Comments: A free text that's available to add any comments in relation to the assembly's time to complete. This field is useful to help take account of any unexpected delays that may have occurred during production.
- Review the Assembly Lines that have populated based on the product's BOM, making amendments as necessary to align with the required production:
Add any further components required to complete the Assembly.
- *Component Product: The product must be toggled as a Component in it's product record for it to be available to add to the Assembly.
- *Quantity: The component quantity required to complete the assembly. The Total Cost will update to align with the new Quantity once it's saved.
- Wastage Qty: This field is not a required field but allows you to include a margin of error or expected wastage in the BOM. The total component quantity used within an Assembly is the sum of the *Quantity and Wastage Qty advised for the component. Furthermore, the Total Cost of the component (used to calculate the Total Assembly Cost) includes the the Wastage Qty's value with the *Quantity's value, based on the component's Average Landed Cost (ALC).
- Remove any components that aren't required for the assembly using the Delete option in Action Cog icon.
- Edit the Quantity and Wastage Qty for the components being used by selectin each field and over-writing the existing values.
- Where Never Diminishing Product's (NDP) have been used to account for internal costs:
- The NDP's Unit Cost is populated from the Cost in the NDP's Sale tab, but can be overwritten per Assembly.
- If you have an accounting provider integration with Unleashed (Xero or Quickbooks), the Expense Account drop-down list will be available ONLY for NDP components.
- The Expense Account advised in the BOM will automatically apply to any subsequent Assembly or Disassembly created, but can be edited per Assembly or Disassembly.
- When you complete an Assembly or Disassembly, a journal will be passed to the integrated accounting provider.
- For more details, see Never Diminishing Products
Add any further components required to complete the Assembly.
- Add any Supplier Costs incurred during the Assembly's production via the Supplier Costs tab.
- Supplier: The Supplier needs to exist in Unleashed before it can be attributed to an Assembly. For more details, see Add Supplier.
- Cost: The total cost incurred for the assembly for the given Supplier.
- Taxable: Use the checkbox to define whether the cost is taxable, tick to add tax.
- Exchange Rate: The conversion rate this will be applied to the Supplier cost, depending on the Supplier's currency. By default, the rate will populate from the Currency Rates in your settings, but can be overwritten per Assembly.
- Cost Date: The date the cost has been invoiced for, this is the date that will export on any Bill to Pay exported to your accounting integration.
- Reference: A free text field to advise the Supplier's reference number.
- Currency: The Supplier's currency.
- Tax: The tax rate that will be applied to the cost.
Comments: A free text field to include any further comments regarding the Supplier Cost.
- Add Attachments to the Assembly to include external resources required for the Assembly's production via the Attachments tab. Either drag and drop a file into the greyed area or select from either browse local files (to upload from your device) or browse uploaded files (to select an attachment from Unleashed's File Library) to attach a document to the Assembly.
NOTE: Upload file size limit is 20 MB. Supported formats are: .png .gif .jpg .jpeg .bmp .webp .csv .pdf .doc .xls .xlsx .docx .msg .dwg .stp .dxf .ppt .pptx.
webp images not supported in Doc Designer.
- Add By-Products to your assembly, if needed.
- Go to the By-Products tab.
- Search for any product
NOTE: Does not include Never Diminishing Products. - Add the product, the quantity, and in the Assembly Cost % field a cost % to give this By-Product a value as a percentage of the assembly cost.
Create Assembly from the Reorder Report
Whilst reviewing your stock on hand and availability with the Reorder Report, you can create an Assembly directly from the report to replenish your assembled stock with available components. This is really useful if you need to review how much component stock's required in order to fulfil any required assemblies.
- From the main menu, go to Reports and Purchases, then select the Reorder Report.
- Filter the report as needed, making sure to include the Product Type filter for Assembled and the Order Warehouse filter, selecting a specific warehouse then select Run.
- Using the checkboxes on the left of the report's grid, select the products you want to create an Assembly for. Hover over the Action Cog in the header and select Create Assemblies.
- Provided a BOM exists for the assembling product, a Create Assemblies pop-up window will appear, in which you'll confirm the assembly's requirements:
- Assemble Quantity: The Reorder Report's Suggested Replenishment quantity will automatically populate for the Assemble Quantity, but this can be edited.
- Source Warehouse: Will populate with the Default Warehouse, as per your account's Warehouse settings, but this can be edited using the field's drop-down menu.
- Destination Warehouse: Will populate with the Warehouse selected in the Reorder Report, but this can be edited using the field's drop-down menu.
Assemble By: Will populate with the current date, but can be edited.
- Select Create Assemblies and the pop-up window will update to advise the Assembly Number that's been generated for the new Assembly. Select the Assembly Number's hyperlink to open the Assembly.
- The new Assembly will be created in Parked status, providing the opportunity review the Assembly Lines, making any necessary adjustments and assign any required Serial or Batch quantities.
Create Assembly from a Sales Order
You can also create new Assemblies from an open Sales Order, to fulfil any required quantities that either aren't pre-set with a Bill of Materials or haven't been setup to auto-assemble. You can only create an assembly from a Sales Order if the ordered product is defined as an Assembled product in it's record. For more details, see Create Products.
- From a Sales Order, use the tick box on the far left to select the product you're assembling, then hover over the Action Cog to select Create Assembly.
- A Create Assemblies pop-up window will then show, in which you will outline the assembly's specifications. The Assemble Quantity will populate with the Sales Order's order quantity and cannot be edited.
- Source Warehouse: Will populate with the Sales Order's Order Warehouse but can be edited.
- Destination Warehouse: Will populate with the Sales Order's Order Warehouse but can be edited.
Assemble By: Will populate with today's date, but can be edited.
- Select Create Assemblies and the pop-up window will update to advise the Assembly Number that's been generated for the new Assembly. Select the Assembly Number's hyperlink to open the Assembly.
- The new Assembly will be created in Parked status, providing the opportunity review the Assembly Lines, making any necessary adjustments and assign any required Serial or Batch quantities. It will also include a link and reference to the Sales Order it's been created from.
- The Sales Order will also display a link to the Assembly too:
- Orange exclamation point: Assembly is in Parked status.
Green tick: Assembly has been completed.
- When the Assembly is in Parked status, it can be completed from the Sales Order. Select the Order Line with the parked assembly using the checkboxes on the left, then select Complete Assembly from the Action Cog options.
- Once completed the Assembly icon will update to a green tick in the Sales Order line.
If you have a product that is made up of components which are also assembled products, you can create a sub-Assembly for the component from the parent-Assembly.
To create a sub-assembly, see the below steps:
- Go to the parent Assembly, which you can find be either navigating to Production, Assemblies, View Assemblies or using the Global Search field in the top right of Unleashed (magnifying glass icon) and search for the Assembly number.
- In the Assembly Lines tab, any component that is also an assembled product will show a blue plus icon.
- Click the blue plus icon and one of two options will occur:
If the component has a BOM: a pop-up window will show, allowing you to set the specifications for the sub-assembly.
The Source and Destination warehouses will automatically populate with the parent-assembly's Source warehouse, but can be updated for the sub-assembly. Whilst the Assembled Quantity will need to be manually updated to align with the requirements for the parent-assembly. -
If the component does not have a BOM: a Parked Assembly will be created immediately with no Assembly Lines.
If the component has a BOM: a pop-up window will show, allowing you to set the specifications for the sub-assembly.
- Select Create Sub Assembly and a Parked Assembly will be created. You'll be taken back to the parent-assembly and an orange exclamation point icon will replace the blue plus icon on the component's Assembly Line.
In the Action Cog on the Assembly Line with the sub-assembly you have a few actions available:- View Sub Assembly: Open the sub-assembly that's been created.
- Complete Sub Assembly: This action allows you to complete the sub-assembly from within the parent.
- View BOM: If the component has a BOM, the View BOM action will open a new browser tab to view it.
Delete: The option removes the component from the Assembly Lines and will subsequently delete the sub-assembly.
- Select the orange exclamation point icon as a quick link to the sub-assembly, which will be opened in a new browser tab. The sub-assembly will show a Parent Assembly field, advising the parent's assembly number and you can click the Parent Assembly link to navigate back to the parent assembly's page.
- To complete the parent-assembly, the sub-assembly will first need to be completed. You can complete the sub-assembly via the Action Cog's Complete Sub Assembly action, or navigating to the sub-assembly and selecting Complete. The orange exclamation point icon will be replaced by a green tick icon on the Assembly Line when the sub-assembly is completed.
- Once all sub-assemblies are completed, you can then select Complete in the parent-assembly.
NOTE: Completing a sub-assembly will not trigger the completion of the parent assembly. Similarly, selecting Complete in a parent assembly will not automatically complete the sub-assembly.
Bulk create auto sub-assemblies
For instances where the product being assembled has multiple components that are themselves assembled products, use the bulk action "Create All Auto Sub Assemblies". This action will create a Parked sub-assembly for the component lines that are:
- Enabled as "Assembled" in their product record.
- Enabled as "Can Auto Assemble" in their BOM, or if the product does not have a BOM.
Batch & Serial Tracking in Assemblies
You can trace and create batch tracked and serialized products within your production process. If the product being assembled is batch or serial tracked you will have the opportunity to allocate a batch or serial numbers to the Assembly Quantity. Similarly, if the component is a batch or serial tracked, you can allocate an existing batch or serial number to the allocated component quantities.
Batch Tracked Assembled products
When the Assembled product is enabled for batch tracking, any Assembly that's created for it requires a Batch Number to be allocated for the assembled quantity. This requirement will be highlighted in a Batch Numbers tab located next to Assembly Lines.
The fraction shown on the Batch Numbers tab signifies the quantity of assembled stock that's had a Batch Number allocated. You can only complete the Assembly if the Batch Numbers tab shows a green fraction e.g, 2/2, meaning all assembled stock has a Batch Number assigned to it.
NOTE: An Assembly for a batch tracked product must have Batch Numbers assigned to it before it can be completed, this applies to both manually created assemblies and auto-assemblies that have been created for a Sales Order.
To assign a Batch Number to assembled stock, follow the below steps:
- In the Assembly, select the Batch Numbers tab
- A pop-up window will show, in which you'll assign a batch number. You can add multiple batch numbers for an assembled quantity and assign an existing batch number to the newly assembled stock:
- Batch Number: the reference used for the batch number (is required). You can re-use the same batch number that already exists in Unleashed, as long as the Expiry Date matches the original batch.
- Expiry Date: the expiry date that applies to the batch number (is not required)
- Quantity: the the quantity if assembled units the batch number will be assigned to.
- Add Batch: Once the Batch Number and Quantity is advised, select Add Batch.
- Save: Once the batch numbers have been allocated, select Save and this will apply the batches to the Assembly.
- When the Batch Numbers have been successfully assigned, the Batch Number tab will be updated to match.
- Whilst the Assembly is Parked, the Batch Numbers can be edited as necessary. Simply click the Batch Numbers tab and the pop-up window will show again with the current assignment:
- Filter Batch Number: Use this field to search through the assigned batch numbers.
- Quantity: Edit the current quantity of assembled units assigned to the batch.
- Delete: Use the bin icon to remove the batch assignment.
- Items: This detail shows how many units have been assigned a batch out of the assembled quantity.
Batch Tracked Component products
When the component on an Assembly is a batch tracked product, the Assembly Line will show a Batch column, highlighting how many units of a batch have been allocated to the Assembly. It is a requirement to allocate a batch number to the component quantity before the Assembly can be completed. If the component's batch is either over or under allocated it will show as a red fraction. Only when the component quantity is successfully allocated for the required quantity will it show as a full fraction in green.
There are two ways in which to manage the allocation of Batch Numbers to a component:
- Use the Action Cog in the Batch column to Assign Oldest Batch Numbers to all Assembly Lines with batch tracked products.
- Select the Batch field's fraction value in the Assembly line and select a specific batch to allocate. Once you select the Batch field's value a pop-up window will show:
- Filter Batch Number: Use this field to search through the batch numbers available to assign.
- Select Oldest: Click the Select Oldest link to auto-assign the oldest batch.
- Select None: Click the Select None link to remove all batch assignments.
- Quantity: Edit the quantity assigned from the batch. The figure showing next to the quantity field advises the quantity available to assign from the batch. Select the available quantity to auto-fill the Quantity field with that batch.
- Items: This detail shows how many units have been assigned from the batches.
- Select Batches: You can manually type or copy in the batch numbers due to be assigned to the assembly using the free text field. Once all batches are entered select the Select Batches button and the Quantity fields will update for the advised batches.
- Save: Once the component's batches have been assigned, select Save to apply it to the Assembly.
Once all Assembly Lines have had their component batches successfully assigned, they'll be highlighted in green. From there you can Complete the Assembly.
Whether it's the component and/or assembled product that's batch tracked, details of the Assembly will be included in your Batch Numbers Enquiry report to provide traceability of the batches that have been used. For more details on using Batch Tracking in Unleashed , see Batch Number Tracking.
Serial Tracked Assembled products
When the Assembled product is enabled for serial tracking, any Assembly that's created for it requires a Serial Number to be allocated for each assembled unit. This requirement will be highlighted in a Serial Numbers tab located next to Assembly Lines.
The fraction shown on the Serial Numbers tab signifies the quantity of assembled stock that's had a Serial Number allocated. You can only complete the Assembly if the Serial Numbers tab shows a green fraction e.g, 1/1, meaning all assembled stock has a Serial Number assigned to it.
NOTE: An Assembly for a serial tracked product must have Serial Numbers assigned to it before it can be completed, this applies to both manually created assemblies and auto-assemblies that have been created for a Sales Order.
To assign a Serial Number to assembled stock, follow the below steps:
- In the Assembly, select the Serial Numbers tab
- A pop-up window will show, in which you'll assign a serial number per assembled unit:
- Use the free text field to type or copy in the Serial Numbers that will be applied to the assembled stock. Select the Add Serial Button to apply the advised Serial Numbers to the allocated list.
- Select Save to apply the advised Serial Numbers to your assembled quantity.
- When the Serial Numbers have been successfully assigned, the Serial Number tab will be updated to match.
- Whilst the Assembly is Parked, the Serial Numbers can be edited as necessary. Simply click the Serial Numbers tab and the pop-up window will show again with the current assignment:
- Filter Serial Number: Use this field to search through the assigned serial numbers.
- Action: Use the bin icon to remove the serial assignment.
- Items: This detail shows how many units have been assigned a batch out of the assembled quantity.
Serial Tracked Component products
When the component on an Assembly is a serial tracked product, the Assembly Line will show a Serial column, highlighting how many serialized units have been allocated to the Assembly. It is a requirement to allocate a serial number to each component quantity unit before the Assembly can be completed. If the component's serial is either over or under allocated it will show as a red fraction. Only when the component quantity is successfully allocated for the required quantity will it show as a full fraction in green.
There are two ways in which to manage the allocation of Serial Numbers to a component:
- Use the Action Cog in the Batch column to Assign Oldest Serial Numbers to all Assembly Lines with serial tracked products.
- Select the Serial field's fraction value in the Assembly line and select a specific serial numbers to allocate. Once you select the Serial field's value a pop-up window will show:
- Filter Serial Number: Use this field to search through the serial numbers available to assign.
- Select Oldest: Click the Select Oldest link to auto-assign the oldest serial numbers.
- Select None: Click the Select None link to remove all serial assignments.
- Checkbox: Tick the checkbox for assign a serial to the component quantity.
- Items: This detail shows how many serials have been assigned from the serial numbers available.
- Select Serials: You can manually type or copy in the serial numbers due to be assigned to the assembly using the free text field. Once all serials are entered select the Select Batches button and the Quantity fields will update for the advised batches.
- Save: Once the component's serial numbers have been assigned, select Save to apply it to the Assembly.
Once all Assembly Lines have had their component's serials successfully assigned, they'll be highlighted in green. From there you can Complete the Assembly.
Whether it's the component and/or assembled product that's serial tracked, details of the Assembly will be included in your Batch Numbers Enquiry report to provide traceability of the batches that have been used. For more details on using Batch Tracking in Unleashed , see Serial Number Tracking.
Complete Assemblies
Once the assembled stock has been physically produced, update the Assembly to Complete status to align with Unleashed's stock on hand quantities. As long as there enough component stock available in Unleashed's source warehouse, once the Assembly is completed the component quantities will be deducted from the source warehouse's stock on hand, whilst the assembled quantity will be added to the destination warehouse's stock on hand.
Complete an Assembly by actioning one of the following:
- Select Complete in the Assembly:
- In View Assemblies, select Complete from the transaction's own Action Cog:
- In View Assemblies, select multiple transactions using the checkboxes available and in the header Action Cog, select Complete:
- If the Assembly was generated from a Sales Order, use the checkbox in the Sales Order's order lines to select the assembling product and in the header Action Cog select Complete Assembly:
Delete Assemblies
If a Parked Assembly is no longer required it can be deleted, returning the allocated component stock to your available inventory. Complete Assemblies cannot be deleted. Once an Assembly is deleted the transaction's number cannot be re-used and you will no longer be available to view the transaction in Unleashed.
Assemblies can be deleted individually or in bulk using the following actions:
- Click on the red Delete button in the top right corner of the Assembly.
- In View Assemblies, hover over the Assembly's individual Action Cog and select Delete.
- In View Assemblies, use the checkboxes available to select the appropriate Assemblies, then hover over the header Action Cog icon to select Delete.
- If the Assembly has been created from a parent-assembly, delete the component line from the parent assembly and the sub-assembly will be deleted whilst the component product is also removed from the parent assembly.
If a parent-assembly has been deleted, any sub-assemblies created from it will remain open and active. We recommend also deleting any sub-assemblies created from a deleted parent-assembly if they are no longer required.