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Change Product Codes


Update an existing product's code to provide it a new unique reference, which will be used to identify the product for future searches, historic transactions and reports. 

There are two ways to change a product's code:

  1. Single: Update individual product codes, one at a time.
  2. Batch: Update multiple product codes at once, with a CSV import.

Once the new product code is saved against the product record, any previous transaction the product has been included on will update to reflect the new code. This keeps your product's history consistent with your current view, ensuring accurate and reliable reports and traceability. 

NOTE: Product Codes must be unique across all product records, including obsoleted products. 

Single Product Code change

To change single product codes, individually and directly in Unleashed, follow the below steps:

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory, Products and Change Codes.

  2. In the Single tab, use the *Product field to select the product's code you want to change. Use the magnifying glass icon to advance the search if needed. 

  3. In the *New Product Code field, advise the code you want to replace the current code with. Ensure the code is unique across all existing product codes in your account. 

  4. Select Save and the product's code will be updated with the new code across all open and completed transactions. 

For more details, see How to Manually Change Product Codes

Batch Product Code change

To update multiple product codes at once, use the Batch tab as described below:

  1. From the main menu, select Inventory, Products and Change Codes.

  2. In the Batch tab, select the Download Product Changes Codes template.

  3. In the CSV template, fill in both columns and save:

    • *Old Product Code: The current product code.
    • *New Product Code: The new code the product's being changed to.

  4. In the Batch tab of the Product Changes Codes page, upload the CSV file via the grey tile area. Either drag and drop the file or click the grey area to select it from you device. 

  5. Monitor the uploading progress using via the Task bar in the top right of your Unleashed page. 

    • Orange circle: Upload in progress
    • Red cross: Upload failed (select the task for further details, you will also receive an email notification with further details).
    • Green tick: Upload successful (you will receive an email confirmation).

  6. Once the upload's completed successfully, the product codes included will be updated in the record and in any open and completed transactions. 


Product Change Codes log

A full log of the code changes that have been actioned against each product will be listed in the Product Change Codes' Single and Batch tabs. The log displays the following details:

  • Change Date: The date the product code change was saved. 
  • Old Code: The product's previous code.
  • New Code: The product's new code.
  • User: The user who actioned the change.
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