Add a Stock Count
FollowPage Contents:
Add Count Quantities to a Stock Count
Stock Counts with Serial Number Tracking
Stock Counts with Batch Number Tracking
Points to Note
- Purchase Orders cannot be receipted whilst the ordered products are included on a Stock Count In Progress.
- A Stock Count cannot be completed whilst a counted product is in Receipted status on a Purchase Orders.
- Any stock movement transactions (Assemblies, Adjustments or Shipments) completed will not update the Count Quantities included on a Stock Count that's In Progress.
- If a product's Stock on Hand quantity changes whilst a Stock Count is In Progress, the Count Quantity will need to
- We recommend pausing all production, shipment and receipting processes whilst a Stock Count is being processed, to ensure an accurate count.
- Completed Stock Counts cannot be edited, deleted or reversed.
About the Add Stock Count page
Once the Stock Count has been created, you'll be directed to a new Stock Count's page and depending on the options selected upon creation the new count will either populate a list of your inventory's products or it'll be blank.
In the Create Stock Count page, there are two check boxes available to tick prior to selecting Create Count;
- Include products with no stock: Tick for the Stock Count to populate all products from your inventory, regardless of their current stock on hand quantities.
Create empty stock count: Tick for no products to be populated in the Stock Count.
NOTE: Only one of these options can be ticked at a time.
If neither of the checkboxes are ticked, the new Stock Count will be created, populating only the products that currently have a stock on hand quantity greater than 0 in the selected warehouse.
To help ensure your Stock Count is completed as fairly and without any bias, any products listed in the Stock Count will be initially listed with a blank Count Quantity and will not show the current On Hand quantity for the selected warehouse. In doing so, any value added to the Count Quantity field is provided without any pre-determined count.
For more details, see Create Stock Counts.
Add Stock Count page
Once the Stock Count has been created, it will be given a reference number, specific to this Stock Count and it'll be created with an In Progress status.
Header button descriptions
In the top right corner of the Stock Count's page, there are the following header buttons available:
- Barcode Image: Select this button to add products and count quantities for the Stock Count. For more details, see Barcoding.
- Import: Clicking this button takes you to the Import Stock Counts page, where you can import stock counts by using csv files.
- Export: Select either PDF or CSV from the drop-down menu to export the current Stock Count into a file format.
- Complete: Once all products have a Count Quantity, select Complete to update your Warehouse's stock on hand with the quantities advised.
- Save: Select Save to keep the Stock Count open and In Progress for further edits.
Print: Clicking Print provides you with the option to print a PDF of your Stock Count. Choose from the drop-down menu:
- Print with Serial Numbers
- Print with Batch Numbers
- Print with Serial and Batch Numbers
Footer button descriptions
At the bottom of the Stock Count, there are two further buttons available:
- Print Variance: This prints a copy of the Stock Count in either a ODF or CSV format, detailing the difference between the existing Stock on Hand's quantities and value compared to the Stock Count's Count Quantity.
- Delete: Select Delete to close the Stock Count without any changes being applied to your inventory, if the count's no longer required.
Header field descriptions
At the top of the Stock Count, you'll find the following fields:
- Stock Count Name: This displays the custom name that was provided for the count when it was initially created.
- Start Date: This field displays the date the count was created and cannot be changed or back-dated.
- Warehouse: Defines the Warehouse the Stock Count is in progress for and where any updates will apply to.
- Accounting Code: If integrated with an accounting provider (Xero or Quickbooks), use the drop-down menu to select the appropriate COGS or Stock on Hand account the count should export to, once completed.
Grid header descriptions
As products are added to the Stock Count, they'll be listed in the grid. Each of the headers have been further explained below:
Header | Description |
Line | Lists the line number of the stock, e.g; 1,2,3, etc. |
Product Code | Displays the product's code |
Product Description | Display's the product's description |
Bin Location | Shows the product's warehouse specific Bin Location (if Per Warehouse Controls is enabled) |
Unit of Measure | Populates the product's base unit of measure. |
Pack Size | Populates the product's base unit's pack size. |
Count Quantity | Shows the number of units counted for the current Stock Count. |
Serial | Shows the number of units with a serial number assigned. |
Batch | Shows the number of units with batch numbers assigned. |
Delete | Use the bin icon to remove the product from the Stock Count. |
Add Count Quantities to a Stock Count
Whilst the Stock Count is In Progress, you can advise a Count Quantity to a listed product or add a new product with a Count Quantity.
- In the Stock Count, use the Product field to find the product you're counting. The product can already exist in the grid's list, but won't be duplicated when added, the existing listing will simply be updated.
- In the Count Quantity field, enter the total number of units counted for that product in the Warehouse and select Add.
- The Stock Count will then add the product and it's count quantity to the Stock Count, or it will update the current listing with the new Count Quantity.
Import Stock Counts
Instead of updating your Stock Count's Count Quantities in Unleashed directly, you can use the Import option to upload a count that's been populated in a CSV file instead. This is an ideal option if are advising count quantities away from your desktop.
- From the Stock Count, select the Import button in the top right.
- This will take you to the Import Stock Count page, where you can Download Stock Count Template File.
- Complete the template, filling the columns in for each product being counted:
- Stock Count Number
- Product Code
- Count Quantity
- Once all products have been listed and counted, upload the CSV into the Import Stock Count page, via the grey upload area.
Monitor the progress of your import using the taskbar in the top right of your Unleashed page:
- Orange circle: The import is in progress
- Red cross: The import failed to upload successfully
- Green tick: The import has successfully completed
- When successfully imported, if new, the Stock Count will be created in In Progress status, or the existing Stock Count will update to include the imported Count Quantity.
- The Stock Count can then be completed in Unleashed directly.
Export Stock Counts
If counting your stock by hand, use the Export to PDF option to download a copy of your current Stock Count's product list. the PDF Stock Count provides an easy to use layout, where you can write in your Count Quantities, to be entered in to Unleashed's Stock Count directly once finished.
Use the Export to CSV option instead, to download pre-populated CSV file with any products that are already listed in your Stock Count, with their current Count Quantities. This format's useful to copy any products you want to import a count for, in to the Import Stock Count template's file.
Stock Counts with Serial Number Tracking
When applicable, any Serial Numbers assigned to a product's Stock Count will only apply and update your product's Stock on Hand when the Stock Count's been completed. If a product had existing Stock on Hand, the existing Serial Numbers will be available to allocate to the product's Count Quantity, but you can also advise new Serial Numbers if they don't already exist.
To assign Serial Numbers to a Count Quantity, follow the below steps:
- Select the Serial field along the product line
- a Select Serials Numbers pop-up window will appear, in which you will assign the serial numbers counted:
- Filter Serial Number: Use the field to search for an existing serial number
- Select Oldest and Select None: Use the hyperlinks to bulk select the oldest serial numbers or deselect any allocated serial numbers.
- Add Serial: Type in and Add Serial Numbers that aren't listed but should be assigned.
Select Serial: Type in the Serial Numbers that exist in the list and should be assigned.
- Select Save and the assigned Serial Numbers will be saved against the current Count Quantity.
Stock Counts with Batch Number Tracking
When applicable, any Batch Numbers assigned to a product's Stock Count will only apply and update your product's Stock on Hand when the Stock Count's been completed. If a product had existing Stock on Hand, the existing Batch Numbers will be available to allocate to the product's Count Quantity, but you can also advise new Batch Numbers if they don't already exist.
To assign Batch Numbers to a Count Quantity, follow the below steps:
- Select the Batch field along the product line
- a Select Batch Numbers pop-up window will appear, in which you will assign the batch numbers counted:
- Filter Batch Number: Use the field to search for an existing batch number.
- Select Oldest and Select None: Use the hyperlinks to bulk select the oldest batch numbers or deselect any allocated serial numbers.
- Quantity: Advise the number of counted units that will be assigned the listed batch number.
- Add Batch: Enter a Batch Number, Expiry Date and Quantity to add a new batch to the counted quantity.
Select Batches: Type in the Batch Numbers that exist in the list and should be assigned to the counted quantity.
- Select Save and the assigned Batch Numbers will be saved against the current Count Quantity.
Complete a Stock Count
When all products have been counted and you want to finalize the Stock Count, select Complete within the Stock Count's page.
At this point, a Complete Stock Count pop-up window will appear, showing:
- the total number of products counted
- the number of products with stock quantities to be adjusted by the stock count
Select Yes to confirm completing the Stock Count, with the advised adjustments, or No to make further edits to the Stock Count.
When completed, a Variance Report will automatically be generated and downloaded to your browser. This Variance Report will detail the changes implemented to your Stock on Hand and Value, based on the Stock Count's quantities.
NOTE: Any products listed in the Stock Count with a blank Count Quantity field will be assumed as a 0, therefore the Stock on Hand for that product will be updated to 0 upon completion.
Delete a Stock Count
A Stock Count that has a "Completed" status cannot be deleted. However, whilst a Stock Count is open and has an "In Progress" status, it can be deleted.
To delete an open "In Progress" Stock Count, open the Stock Count and scroll to the bottom of the page. Click on the red "Delete" button and a pop-up window will be displayed, to confirm you want to delete the Stock Count.
NOTE: Once a Stock Count is deleted it cannot be undone.