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Page Contents:

Tips for naming products

Add Product

Details tab

Inventory tab

Purchase tab

Sale tab

Transactions tab

References tab

Production tab

Costs tab

Attachments tab

Serial and Batch Numbers tab

Manage Products

Tips for naming products

The following is a list of tips to help you have a consistent and organized approach when naming Products:

  • Ensure that each product code is unique. 
  • Avoid using spaces in product codes (spaces are used to separate values in searches)
  • Ensure that each product has a meaningful code, this could be something related to the Product itself, a mix of alphanumeric is good, and you can always use other basic symbols such as - or _.
    Try to avoid using '0'or '00' at the beginning of your Product Codes as this is an alphanumeric field, not a number, so won't necessarily be sequenced.
  • If you have a series of similar products, think about using variants of the same Product Code.

Add Product

Before you can add stock on hand for a product or allocate it to an order, it will need to exist as a record in your account. Products can be created either individually, directly in Unleashed or you can use a CSV import to create multiple products at one. For more details on importing products, see Import/Export Products 

To create a product in Unleashed directly, follow the below steps:

  1. From the main menu, go to the Inventory module and select Products, Add Product.

  2. You'll be taken to the Add Product page, in which you'll outline the new products details and specifications.

  3. Provide a Product Code and Product Description for the new product, making sure each detail is unique and does not match another existing product. 

  4. Save the product, using the Save button in the top right of the Add Product page and from there add any further details to the product's record, which will be used to create and manage it's transactions and inventory in the future. 

Details tab

The first tab in a product's record outlines the main details of the product, such as Type, Attributes, International Commerce Attributes and Units of Measure, along with an overview of it's inventory. Not all fields are required, but each has been detailed below:

  • Product Code: The unique code that's used to identify the product (character limit: 100).
  • Product Description: A description of the product (character limit: 500, special characters are permitted).
  • Product Group: Select from the drop down menu available to allocate the product to a group it belongs to. The Product Group can be used for reporting on groups and filtering for specific products. For more details, see Product Groups

If you are connected to your Accounting Provider, the following fields are also displayed:

  • Sales Account: If you want to track Sales by Product in your accounting system, select the appropriate Sales Account the product's sale will export to when invoiced. This will override the customer and default sales account.
  • Cost of Goods Sold Accounts: Select what cost of sales account should be used in any sales journals for the product. This enables you to view a defined breakdown of costs in your accounting system.  
  • Default Label Template: You can leave these as the Unleashed Default template or select your custom templates for your Product labels, Sales Order labels and Purchase Order labels. For more details, see Label Printing.
  • Default Label Quantity: Choose your default label quantities:
    • The Product Label quantity defaults to a single label but can be changed when using the Product "Print Label" function
    • The Sales Order and Purchase Order templates have the following options:
      • Order quantity (default) - this will print a label based on the quantity ordered
      • Per Batch - print a label for each batch selected
      • Per Pack - base the number of labels on the pack size of the product
      • Single


Record further product data in the form of attributes belonging to attribute sets. If you have assigned a default attribute set for the product group, the corresponding details will be displayed. Otherwise, select an Attribute Set from the available drop-down menu and the Attributes that belong to it will populate fields below. 


Please note, you can only assign one attribute set per product. If an alternative Attribute Set is selected in the product and saved, the previous attributes will be replaced and over-written.

For more information about adding attribute sets and attributes, see Attribute Sets.

International Commerce Attributes 

If your products are due to be imported or exported internationally, you can use the International Commerce Attributes to populate your product's details for use in any required commercial invoicing.


To view and then use the International Commerce Attributes, the International Commerce Codes setting will need to be enabled in your Company Settings. For more details, see International Commerce Codes 

Units of Measure

The Units of Measure section allows you to advise the product's base unit of measure (e.g. cm, g, EA etc), which it'll be stored, sold and used as in production, as well as provide alternate units of measure (e.g. m, kg, Case) that the product can be purchased in. Before allocating any base or alternate units of measure to the product, create each required unit of measure in your System Settings. For more details, see Multiple Units of Measure

Select the Add New link to allocate a base unit of measure, which will be the unit of measure all alternates are converted to. When using the Units of Measure detail, note the following:

  • Once you assign a unit of measure to a product, you cannot clear the unit back to blank.  You can create a unit of measure called "None" or "N/A" and assign that unit to the Product as a workaround instead.
  • The base unit cannot be changed once transactions exist with that unit, or if the unit is used in defaults or pricing.


Each Unit of Measure can have a corresponding set of details and dimensions:

  • Pack Size: The pack size should only be used if you buy and sell at a set quantity. It will warn you to only purchasing in multiples of that quantity i.e. packs of 10, 100 etc.
  • Barcode: Advise a barcode per unit of measure.
  • Available in: The checkbox will automatically tick if adding a base unit, but for all alternate units added, use the check box to advise whether the unit of measure is available to purchase in.
  • Weight/Width/Height/Depth: The dimensions entered will be used to calculate the weights and volumes of any transactions created in Unleashed that includes this product. The dimensions are measured in either imperial or metric standard, depending upon the option selected in your Company settings.
  • Cubic Total: Total volume of the product (auto calculated using width, height and depth).

NOTE: Updating or adding dimensions to a unit of measure will not retrospectively update existing open transactions. If you want to apply the new dimensions to a product line in an open order, delete the order line and re-add it.

Inventory overview

A summary of the product's current global inventory can be found in the top right of the product's Details tab. This provides a quick insight into your current stock holding whilst each header provides a quick link to a report, breaking the detail down for further review. 

  • Stock on Hand: The total number of units being held in stock across all warehouses. This includes all receipted stock and un-dispatched shipment (Stock on Hand Enquiry). 
  • Allocated Qty: The total number of units that have been allocated to a Sales Order, Assembly or Warehouse Transfer (Product Allocations).
  • Available Qty: The number of units in Stock on Hand that have not been allocated to an open transaction. If the available qty is negative, this means the product has allocated more stock than is has on hand, calculated as Stock on Hand - Allocated Qty (Stock on Hand Enquiry). 
  • On Purchase Qty: The total number of units that have been added to a Purchase Order, in Placed status. If a Purchase Order exists, a calendar icon will show, hover over the icon to see the next purchase date (Purchase Enquiry)
  • Can Assemble: If the product is defined as an Assembled Product, the Can Assemble detail will calculate how many units can be assembled based on the component quantities available across all warehouses (Bill of Materials).
  • Stock Value: The total value of all stock on hand for the product, based on it's current Average Landed Cost (ALC), calculated as Stock on Hand x ALC (Stock on Hand Enquiry). 


Use the toggle options under Type to determine how the product is to be used and managed within your inventory. Each option's been further explained below:

  • Never Diminishing: If this product will never have a stock on hand and you still wish to charge for it e.g. Freight, Labor etc. you can select this attribute. For more details, see Never Diminishing Products (NDP).
  • Assembled Product: If the product is due to be built from component products in your inventory or it is to be broken down and disassembled, toggle on Assembled Product.
  • Component Product: If the product is used to build another product, toggle on Component Product. 
    NOTE: A product can be toggled on as both a Component and Assembled product/
  • Obsolete: If the product is no longer active and isn't to be used further, toggle on Obsolete. The product will still show up in historical reporting but will not be available to search or include in further transactions. For more details, see Obsoleting old and unused master files
  • Serialized: Track each individual unit of stock by enabling Serialized for the product. This option is only available if Serial Tracking is enabled in your Company settings. If a product is enabled for Batch Tracked or as an NDP, it cannot be Serialized. Do not use decimal values, i.e., 1.4, 5.7 etc. For more details, see Serial Number Tracking
  • Batch Tracked: Track batches of the product's stock by enabling Batch Tracked. This option is only available if Batch Tracking is enabled in your Company settings. If a product is enabled as Serialized or as an NDP, it cannot be Batch Tracked.
  • Sellable: this toggle must be on if you're including the product on Sales Orders, Sales Quotes or Credit Notes in Unleashed. 
  • Purchasable: this toggle must be on if you're including the product on any new Purchase Orders.

Notes and Reminders

Use the Notes and Reminder fields in a product record to add further context and detail to the product's description. 

  • Notes: There is no limit to the number of characters that can be saved in the Notes field, but please note there is a limit of 500 characters when exporting or syncing the product's Notes via an integration or API connection. 
  • Reminders: Any detail added in the Reminder field will pop-up as a notification when the product is first added to a Sales Quote, Order and Purchase Order.

Inventory tab

The Inventory tab allows you to see stock availability, locations and set minimum and maximum alert levels per warehouse or globally. The options available will differ depending upon whether the Per Warehouse Controls setting is enabled within the account's Company settings. 

  • Warehouse: Lists the warehouse's name, where the product is located and stored.
  • Bin Location: Set a bin location for the specified product, per warehouse (when Per Warehouse Controls are enabled). Only one bin location field is available per warehouse. 
  • Min Stock Level: Set the minimum stock levels for the product per warehouse (when Per Warehouse Controls are enabled). The value provided is used by the Reorder Report to calculate a suggested replenishment quantity.
  • Max Stock Level: Set the maximum stock levels that you would like to hold for the product, per warehouse (when Per Warehouse Controls are enabled). The value provided is used by the Reorder Report to calculate a suggested replenishment quantity.
  • Available Qty:  The quantity of stock not assigned to Sales Orders, Assemblies or Warehouse Transfers.
  • On Purchase:  The number of units this product currently has on Placed Purchase Orders
  • Stock On Hand:  The quantity of the stock currently on hand (not shipped), per warehouse.
  • Alert:  Indicates if a product has fallen below minimum or above maximum stock level
    • Low if (On Purchase + On Assembly + Available) less than Min Stock, and Min Stock is not 0
    • High if (On Purchase + On Assembly + Available) more than Max Stock, and Max Stock is not 0
  • Stock Value:  The total value of stock on hand for this product in the respective warehouse. 

Stock Alert Level with the Reorder Report

Min Stock Level is used to specify how much available Stock on Hand should be kept in the warehouse, at least whereas the Max Stock Level is the upper limit advised, for how much available stock can be on hand at any one time:

  • Both the Min and Max Stock Levels are used to work out how much stock to reorder and replenish your inventory with, restoring your low stock to it's maximum level.
  • If there is no Max Stock Level, the suggested replenishment quantity will be the quantity required to bring the Available quantity to meet the Min Stock Level.
  • If a Max Stock Level is specified, the suggested replenishment from the Reorder Report will be calculated to bring the Available qty to the Max Stock Level instead.
  • If no Min Stock Level is provided, it is assumed to be zero.
  • If neither the Min or Max Stock Levels are specified, the suggested replenishment quantity will be calculated based on stock allocated compared to current availability (less any quantities on purchase orders plus the current Stock on Hand).

Quick Transfers

Within the Inventory tab, there's an option to create a Quick Transfer, which enables you to create a Warehouse Transfer for the product you're reviewing.


Select the Quick Transfer button, and pop-up window will show, requiring the transfer's details:  

  • Source Warehouse: The warehouse where stock is coming from.
  • Transfer Quantity: The number of units being transferred.
  • Destination Warehouse: The warehouse the stock is being moved to. 
  • Swap Source & Destination Warehouse: Use this link to switch the allocated source and destination warehouses around. 

Select Transfer and the defined stock will be moved from the source to the destination warehouse, provided there's enough stock to complete the transaction. 

Serial and Batch Tracking with Quick Transfers

If your product also has serial or batch tracking enabled, the Quick Transfer pop-up window will also include a section for selecting the batch or serial number(s) available for the item(s) you transfer.

NOTE: This is a warehouse transfer action, it will create a single transaction for a product and will set the transaction to a Completed status so you cannot add additional products or comments to the Warehouse Transfer. If you need to transfer more products and want to add comments, it is best to use Add Warehouse Transfer instead.

Purchase tab

The Purchase tab provides the opportunity to set default pricing, suppliers and purchase quantities for your product, helping to streamline your purchasing processes. 

  • Default Purchase Price: The default purchase price that will populate for the product when added to a Purchase Order. You can change the value at any time but the Supplier's default price will take precedence.
  • Minimum Order Quantity: The minimum purchase order quantity you want to set for this product (this will display as a warning if you add a lesser quantity on a Purchase Order), in line with the Default Purchasing Unit provided.
  • Default Purchasing Unit: Select the unit of measure to use as the default purchasing unit (Supplier's default units will take precedence).
  • Purchase Tax Rate: This should only be set if you want this to override any Supplier or order tax rate. If you leave this blank, the order line will use the supplier's or default tax rate instead. Tax rates for the Product will always override the Supplier/Customer tax rate.
  • Nominal Cost:  Add a nominal cost to the product for use in Sales Quotes where your average landed cost or last cost are not accurate or not yet established.
  • Average Land Cost:  Displays the average landed cost which is calculated as total stock value divided by stock on hand. For more details, see How to manage Average Landed Costs.
  • Last Cost:  Displays the Last Cost which is calculated based on the last re-costed and completed Purchase Order.


Use the Suppliers tab, within Purchase to provide default Suppliers and pricings per product. The Supplier must exist as a Supplier record in Unleashed, before they can be advised in the product's record, for more details see Add Supplier.

  • Supplier Code: This is the code you have assigned to the supplier of the product.
  • Supplier Name: This is the name of the supplier of the product.
  • Supplier Product Code: This is the supplier's product code, if it is different to your product's code. This code is available to search with when adding the product to a Purchase Order.
  • Supplier Product Description: This is the Supplier's version of the product's description. 
  • Unit of Measure:  The Unit of Measure you typically purchase in from this Supplier (will be used as the default when creating purchase orders for this Supplier).
  • Min. Order Quantity: The minimum number of products that the Supplier will accept orders for
  • Purchase Price: The unit price that will populate for the product on a Purchase Order for this Supplier. This price will override the Default Purchase Price. 
  • Add: Once all details are populated for the Supplier, select Add to save it against the product. 
  • Supplier Currency: Populated from the Supplier's record, it will show the Supplier's currency that will be used for their Purchase Orders. 
  • Lead Time (days):  Initially populated from the Supplier's record, the number of days it takes for this Supplier to deliver this product. Edit the Lead Time field if the product's lead time differs from the Supplier's default lead time.
  • Action Cog: Hover over the Action Cog to select either:
    • Add Purchase: Creates a Purchase Order for the given Supplier and product.
    • Default: Updates the Supplier to be the default for this product
    • Delete: Removes the Supplier from the product, so it will no longer populate as one of the pre-populated Suppliers. 

Update and edit each detail provided along the Supplier's line within a product and the changes will apply to any new Purchase Order created from then onwards. You can also update a product's Supplier details in bulk using the CSV import. For more details, see Import Product Suppliers field definitions.

Quantity Prices

If a Supplier offers discount or special pricing for products you order, you can set the price breaks up in the Quantity Price tab, in Purchase. The Supplier needs to be added to the Supplier tab first, but from then you can go to the Quantity Prices tab and allocate the pricing structure as required.

You can add multiple Quantity Prices for the same Supplier, provided their Min. Quantity values differ. The Purchase Order will automatically apply a Quantity Price once the order line reaches the Min. Quantity threshold and it will update to the next Quantity Price if a new threshold is breached.

  • Supplier Code: The code given to the Supplier for the product. This will only populate options than have been provided in the Supplier tab of the product. 
  • Supplier Name: This is the name of the supplier of the product and will be auto populated once the Supplier Code's successfully selected.
  • Unit of Measure: The Unit of Measure you typically purchase in from this Supplier (will be used as the default when creating purchase orders for this Supplier).
  • Min. Quantity: The minimum number of units required to apply the discount or fixed price.
  • Price/Discount: The new unit price or the percentage value discount to apply when the Min. quantity is added to a Purchase Order.
  • Price Type: Select either Fixed Price or Discount %, to apply the Price/Discount value provided.
  • Default Price: Displays the current default purchase price from the Supplier or product, if no Supplier price is given. 
  • Comments: Add any further details relating to the price break
  • Add: Once all details are populated for the Quantity Price, select Add to save it against the product. 
  • Action Cog: Hover over the Action Cog to select either:
    • Add Purchase: Creates a Purchase Order for the product, from the given Supplier including the Min. Quantity as the order quantity with the new pricing. 
    • Delete: Removes the Quantity Price from the product, so it will no longer populate as one of the pre-populated Suppliers. 

Update and edit each detail provided along the Quantity Price's line within a product and the changes will apply to any new Purchase Order created from then onwards. You can also update a product's Quantity Prices details in bulk using the CSV import. For more details, see Import Supplier Quantity Prices Field Definitions.

Quantity Prices example

To further demonstrate how the Quantity Price structure can be used, see the example below:

  • Supplier Code: Hamper Time Inc
  • Product Code: CranJam

Hamper Time Inc offer a default purchase price of 4.82 per CranJam unit that's ordered, but offer a lower unit price if more than 30 units of CranJam are ordered in one purchase. After the 30 unit discount, a 35% discount is included instead if more then 75 units of CranJam is ordered. The discounts would be setup in the Quantity Prices tab, as below:

This means, for Purchase Order quantities between 30 and 74, a unit price of 3.95 populates for Hamper Time Inc's orders. But for orders of 75 units or more, a 35% discount is given to the default price 4.82 and will therefore populate a unit price of 3.133 per CranJam.

Sale tab

The Sale tab enables you to setup default sell price structures for your products, based on the Customers you're selling to and the Quantities you may sell in. 


  • Default Sell Price: The default sell price that will populate for a Sales Order or Quote when added. This can be overridden by a Sell Price Tier, Quantity Price or Customer Pricing if they have been provided.
  • Minimum Sell Price: The minimum sell price the product can be sold for. This is not applicable for quantity prices or customer prices.
  • Minimum Sale Quantity: The minimum order quantity you want to sell this product for.
    NOTE: This will be displayed as a warning if you select a lesser quantity on a Sales Order. 
  • Sales Tax Rate: If the product has specific tax rate that must always apply when sold, select the tax rate from the drop-down menu. Otherwise, leave the Sales Tax Rate blank and the Customer or Default tax rate will apply instead.
  • Automatic Charge:  Feature enabled - automatically add charges to your order and invoices for products.  Please visit Automatic Product Charge
  • Nominal Cost:  Displays the Nominal Cost provided in the Purchase tab for Sales Quotes.
  • Average Land Cost:  Displays the average landed cost which is calculated as total stock value divided by stock on hand. For more details, see How to manage Average Landed Costs.
  • Last Cost:  Displays the Last Cost which is calculated based on the last re-costed and completed Purchase Order.
  • Default Purchase Price:  Displays the default purchase price provided in the product's Purchase tab.

Sell Price Tiers

Set alternative pricing depending on the type of customer you're selling to by using Sell Price Tiers. By default, your account will be provided with ten Sell Price Tiers that you can re-name and then allocate to your customers and products, to help manage the sales you make. For more details on setting up Sell Price Tiers, please see Sell Price Tiers.

Within the Sell Price Tiers tab, you have the option to enter a free-text price per tier in the Current Price or select the View Markup Prices button to have the tiered price calculated.


Once View Markup Prices is selected, additional columns in the Sell Price Tiers tab will be displayed and you can choose the price the tier should be marked up from and at what percentage. Use the Markup From drop-down menu per Tier to select on of the following:

  • None: Use the Current Price field to manually advise a price for the tier.
  • Nominal Cost
  • Average Land Cost
  • Last Cost
  • Default Purchase Price
  • Default Sell Price

Once selected, enter a percentage value in the Markup % column and then select the Apply Markup Price link to save the Markup Price in the tier. 

The Margin % displays a calculated percentage based on the Price given in the tier and the product's current Average Landed Cost. The formula to work this out is as follows: 
Sell price - Average Landed Costs / Sell Price x 100  
  • If there is no Average Landed Cost then the Last Cost is used in the formula instead. 
  • The price in the tier will not automatically update any time the value in the Markup From field changes, you need to select Apply Markup Price to update the tiered price as and when required. 
For more details on using Markup Prices, see Markup Price Updates.
For more details on importing products with manual Sell Price Tiers, see Import Products Field Definitions.

Quantity Prices

If you have price breaks available to your customers, based on their order quantities you can set them up to automatically apply using the Sale tab's Quantity Prices. 

  • Min Quantity: Specify a minimum quantity required for the discount or fixed price to apply to.
  • Valid From: Enter the date the price/discount will be applied from (this can be left blank).
  • Valid To: Enter the date the price/discount will be applicable until (this can be left blank).
  • Price/Discount: The new unit price or the percentage value discount to apply when the Min. Quantity is added to a Sales Order.
  • Price Type: Select either Fixed Price or Discount %, to apply the Price/Discount value provided.
  • Show Discount: Tick the checkbox to show the discount rate that has applied in the Sales Order line.
  • Discount From: Select from one of the drop-down menu options
    • Default Sell Price Tier: Apply the discount to the product's default sell price
    • Customer Price Tier: Apply the discount to the product's sell price tier, when a sell price tiered customer makes an order.
  • Comments: Enter any further details relevant to the price break 
  • Add: Select Add to save the Quantity Price to the product. 
Update and edit the fields available in the Sale tab's Quantity Price lines as a and when required, or use the bin icon to remove them from the product record. 
You can also bulk update a product's Sale Quantity Prices using a CSV import. For more details, see Import Product Pricing Field Definitions.

Quantity Discounts Tutorial Video


Transactions tab

The Transactions tab displays all completed transactions related to the specified product, providing a full history of the stock's movements, where you can see the running total of the product on the right-hand side.

The grid layout that displays in the Transactions tab replicates the same layout that's saved as your default in the Transactions Enquiry. If you have therefore created a custom grid layout in the Transactions Enquiry, and set it as your default, that same layout will be displayed in your product's record for consistency. Though you can adjust the Transaction tab's layout, as necessary, to sort and filter the transactions that have populated. 

The default layout will display the following:

  • Transaction Date: The date the transaction was completed and the stock on hand and value was updated in Unleashed.
  • Transaction Ref: The transaction's reference number. 
  • Warehouse: The warehouse the transaction's stock was updated in.
  • Transaction Type: The type of transaction completed for the product.
  • Product Code: The product's unique code.
  • Product Description: The product's description, as shown in the Details tab.
  • Value:  The cost of the transaction, which is the change in stock value that the transaction represents.
  • Quantity: The number of units included in the transaction, used to calculate the Value. 
  • Running Total: The remaining stock on hand quantity, of the given warehouse. 

Accepted and cancelled quotes are not shown on the Transactions tab as they do not impact stock on hand. Use Quote Enquiry to view accepted and cancelled quotes.

References tab

The References tab displays open transactions where the product is referenced. This provides a quick access to the transactions where you can make further edits and adjustments, ahead of completing them. 

  • Transaction ref: The transaction's reference number. 
  • Transaction Type: The type of transaction that's been created for the product.
  • Quantity: The number of base units currently included on the open transaction.

Production tab

The Production tab will display any Bills Of Materials (BOM) that the selected product is referenced on, either as a Component or as the Assembled Product.

If the product can be Assembled and has a BOM, the BOM will be highlighted in a blue banner within the Production tab. The banner includes a link to the product's BOM, for immediate access if needed. 


If the product is included as a component for another product's BOM, it'll be listed within the Production tab's grid layout. By default, only active BOM's will be listed but you can display any obsoleted BOM's using the Show Obsolete checkbox on the far right of the tab. 

This grid will provide quick links to BOMs and Assembled products that the selected product is a component for alongside the following information:

  • Bill Number: The BOM's reference number.
  • Product Code: The product code for the assembled product's BOM. 
  • Product Description: The product description for the assembled product's BOM. 
  • Can Auto Assemble: A tick or cross icon will display to identify if the BOM is set up to Auto Assemble. 
  • Can Auto Disassemble: A tick or cross icon will display to identify if the BOM is set up to Auto Disassemble. 
  • Obsolete: A tick or cross icon will display to identify if the BOM is obsoleted or not. 
  • Quantity: The number of component units the BOM has included. 

Costs tab

The Costs tab provides traceability of the transactions (purchase order, supplier return, credit, and stock revaluation) that have impacted your product's value to date. The Costs tab populates from the Costing Analysis Report, and as such if you have a custom grid layout set as a default there, that same layout will be replicated in the product's Costs tab. 

At the top of the Costs tab, the product's current Average Landed Cost (ALC) and Last Cost will be displayed in non-editable fields, to provide a view of the current values being attributed to your stock on hand and transactions. 

  • Average Land Cost: This field is calculated as the stock value divided by total stock on hand, see How to manage Average Landed Costs.
  • Last Cost: An auto-populated field that updates from the Landed Cost latest Purchase Order.
By default, the Costs tab will show the following details:
  • Transaction Date: The date the transaction was completed and re-calculated the product's ALC.
  • Product Code: The product's code, as given in the Details tab.
  • Product Description: The product's description, as given in the Details tab.
  • Transaction Type: The type of transaction that's updated the ALC( Purchase Order, Credit Note, Stock Adjustment etc). 
  • Transaction Ref: The reference number, relating to the transaction that was completed. 
  • Trans Qty: The number of units that were included on the transaction.
  • Trans Unit Cost: The per unit value calculated for the product in the transaction. 
  • Pre Avg Cost: The ALC before the transaction was completed.
  • Post Avg Cost: The ALC after the transaction was completed.
  • Product Group: The Product Group currently assigned to the product, as given in the Details tab.
If there is 0 stock on hand for a product, there is no average landed cost. If you have had stock previously for a product, but now have 0 stock on hand, the ALC will start from the next Purchase Order.

Attachments tab

Save external documents and images against your product's record, via the Attachments tab. Use the grey space to drag and drop files from your device and save them against the product record, or use the browse local files or search uploaded files to allocate documents from your device or account's File Library.

If you've uploaded an image, use the Action Cog on the far right of the tab's layout to allocate a Default image and Default Label image of the product. The images selected as your defaults will then be used in in the View Products page and Doc Designer templates printed for your product's transactions and labels, where included. 

For more details, see File Library.

Serial and Batch Numbers tab

If your product is serialized, a Serial Numbers tab will be available and will list all the available serial numbers across your warehouses, providing a historic view of the transactions they've been included on. You can filter the list by Warehouse, Status (blank, Available, Unavailable, Deleted) and also search for a specific serial number.  Clicking on a serial number in the grid will show a pop-up window, detailing the transactions the serial number has been included on and the dates they were completed. For more details, see Serial Number Enquiry.

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If your product is batch tracked, a Batch Numbers tab will be available, listing  all the available batch numbers across your warehouses. Filter the list by warehouse, Status (blank, Available, Unavailable, Deleted), Batch Number or Expiry Dates to refine the tab's view. By clicking on the batch number, a pop-up window will appear, detailing the transactions the batch number has been included on, the dates they were completed and quantities involved. For more details, see Batch Numbers Enquiry.

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Manage Products

Once a product has been created, it can then be included on transactions and given stock on hand to manage. Edits and updates can be made to the product at any time, and those updates will apply to transactions created from then on. 

Header button descriptions

In the top right of a product's a record, there are four buttons available; Delete, Search, Product and Save. 

You can also use the left and right arow icons, below the Save button, to navigate between product records. The records are listed in alphabetical order, by product code.

Clone Product

Use the Clone Product option in a product's record to replicate it for a new product. Once Clone product is selected, a pop-up window will appear, in which you will fill out the necessary details for your new product. 

  • Product Code: Enter a unique code for the new product.
  • Product Description: Enter a unique description for the new product.
  • Base Unit Barcode: If known, provide a barcode number for the product's base unit of measure.
  • Clear Supplier Code and Description: Tick the checkbox to remove the default Supplier details that existing in the product being cloned.

Select Clone Product once all the relevant details have been provided, and a new product record will be created with all the previous product's details already populated. 


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