Add Warehouse Transfer
FollowPage Contents:
Create Transfers from the Reorder Report
Warehouse Transfer Tutorial Video
Warehouse Transfers enable you to manage your inventory between stock locations, accurately, efficiently and in real-time. Whether moving stock to fulfil shipments, source production or complete returns, you can process them individually or in bulk to update your inventory levels accordingly.
Points to Note
- Any stock included on an open (Parked) Warehouse Transfer will be considered an Allocated Quantity, thus will affect your stock availability.
- Warehouse Transfers are only available if there are two or more active Warehouses in your account. You can create and manage Warehouses in the System settings, for more details see Warehouses.
- Completed Warehouse Transfers cannot be edited or deleted.
- Existing Warehouse Transfers cannot be edited using the Import Warehouse Transfers function.
- You can use the Barcoding function in Warehouse Transfers to speed up your allocating process. For more details, see Barcoding.
Adding a Warehouse Transfer
There are three ways to create a Warehouse Transfer in Unleashed;
- From the Warehouse Transfer page
- From the Reorder Report
- In bulk, with an CSV Import template
All three options have been outlined below.
Add Warehouse Transfer
- From the main menu, select Inventory, Transactions and Warehouse Transfers.
- In the top right corner of the Warehouse Transfers page, select Add.
- You will then be directed to the Add Warehouse Transfer page where you'll want to complete the following details:
- Source: Use the drop-down menu to select the Warehouse your stock on hand will come from.
- Destination: Use the drop-down menu to select the Warehouse your stock on hand will be going to.
- Comments: Any additional details you want to make a note of for the transfer.
Template: The Doc Designer template that will be used when your Warehouse Transfer's printed.
- Once you've set the Source and Destination Warehouses, the Transfer Lines tab will become available to use. Complete the following details, per product required for the transfer:
Product: Search the product's code, description or base unit barcode and select as appropriate.
The Availability field will populate the current available quantity of that that product. - Quantity: Enter the number of units due to be transferred from the Source warehouse.
Comments: Advise any product specific transfer comments.
Product: Search the product's code, description or base unit barcode and select as appropriate.
- Click Add and the transferring product will be saved against Warehouse Transfer.
- If there are any batch or serial tracked products in the transfer, assign as appropriate by clicking on the Serial or Batch field.
- Once each product line's been added to the transfer, you can either save it as open using the Park button (to continue editing at a later date) or Complete it, to update your Stock on Hand.
Create Transfers from the Reorder Report
Whilst reviewing your stock on hand and availability with the Reorder Report, you can create a Warehouse Transfer directly from the report to replenish one warehouse's stock with another's.
- From the main menu, go to Reports and Purchases, then select the Reorder Report.
- Filter the report as needed, making sure to include the Order Warehouse filter, selecting a specific warehouse, then select Run.
- Using the checkboxes on the left of the report's grid, select the products you want to create a Warehouse Transfer for. Hover over the Action Cog in the header and select Create Transfer.
- A Create Warehouse Transfers pop-up window will then appear, populated with the selected products, enabling you to fill in the necessary requirements:
- Transfer Quantity: By default, the Transfer Quantity will populate with the suggested replenishment quantity, but can be edited by clicking on the field.
- Source Warehouse: Use the drop-down menu in the field to select the warehouse you want to transfer stock from.
- Destination Warehouse: By default, the destination will populate with the Order Warehouse advised in the report, but this can be edited via the drop-down menu.
Reset Grid: Use the Reset Grid button to remove any edits or values entered in the pop-up window to start again.
- Select Create Transfers and the pop-up window will update to advise the Transfer Number that's been generated for the new Warehouse Transfer you have created. Select the Transfer Number's hyperlink to open the Warehouse Transfer.
- The new Warehouse Transfer will be created in Parked status, providing the opportunity review the transfer and make any necessary adjustments and assign any required Serial or Batch quantities.
- Select Complete in the Warehouse Transfer to update your Stock on Hand.
Import Warehouse Transfers
Create multiple Warehouse Transfers at once using a CSV Import template.
- From the main menu, navigate to Inventory and Transactions, then select Warehouse Transfers.
- In the top right pf the Warehouse Transfer page, select Import.
- You will be directed to the Import Warehouse Transfer page, where you can select the Download Warehouse Transfer Template File.
- Fill in the fields provided in the CSV template file, as per your transfer requirements. For more details, see Import Warehouse Transfers field definitions.
Upload the CSV file via the Import Warehouse Transfers page, by either drag and dropping it into the grey upload tile or select the grey tile to select the file from your device.
Monitor the progress of your import using the taskbar in the top right of your Unleashed page:
- Orange circle: The import is in progress
- Red cross: The import failed to upload successfully
Green tick: The import has successfully completed
- Once the import's completed an email will be sent to your user address to provide details of any errors that cause the import to fail or confirm it's success.
- When imported successfully, the Warehouse Transfers will be imported in Parked status, providing the opportunity review the transfer and make any necessary adjustments and assign any required Serial or Batch quantities.
- Click Complete in the Warehouse Transfer to update your Stock on Hand with the transferred quantities.
When creating or managing open Warehouse Transfers, you have the option to use the Barcoding feature to add new product lines to your transfers, quickly and accurately.
- In the top right corner of each Warehouse Transfer, select the barcode image button.
- If there are any existing Transfer Lines on the Warehouse Transfer, a pop-up window will initially appear to confirm whether the existing lines are to be removed or kept on the transfer. Select Erase or Keep, as appropriate.
- The Scan Single Barcode pop-up window will then appear and from here you can select to either scan the product's barcodes individually or use the Multi Scan option, to add further lines to your Warehouse Transfer. For more details, see Barcoding.
Include external documents on your Warehouse Transfer for safe keeping using the Attachments tab. Within the Warehouse Transfer, select the Attachments tab and use the grey upload tile to either browse local files from your device or search uploaded files from your File Library and attach them to the transaction.
Manage a Warehouse Transfers
Each Warehouse Transfer has the opportunity to be printed and emailed, either from the Warehouse Transfer itself or from the Warehouse Transfer page. Similarly, if the Warehouse Transfer is currently in Parked status it can be edited and if it's no longer required, deleted.
Edit Parked Warehouse Transfers by opening the transaction and amending the appropriate details:
- Source and Destination: Can only be edited if there are no Transfer Lines added.
- Transfer Quantity: Update the transferring quantity advised for the product.
- Serial or Batch: Select the respective column to manage the serial or batches assigned to the transfer line.
- Delete: Use the bin icon to remove the Transfer Line from the transaction.
Navigate to the bottom of the Warehouse Transfer and there you'll have the option to:
- Print: This will print the Warehouse Transfer using the selected Template
- Email: Select either Source or Destination to email the Warehouse Transfer to the appropriate warehouse's contact. For more details on assigning a contact to warehouses, see Warehouses.
- Delete: To cancel a Warehouse Transfer, if it's not longer required.