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Receipt a Purchase Order


Page Contents:

Points to Note

Purchase Order Process Diagram

Purchase Order Status Checklist

Receipting a Purchase Order

Tutorial Videos

Add Purchase Order Costs

Receipt and Complete Purchase Orders

Receipting Purchase Orders with Barcoded Product

Receipting Batch & Serial Tracked Items

Purchase Order Recosting

Once you have placed a Purchase Order and added any known purchase costs, you can receipt the purchase order to add the products to your inventory. 

Points to Note

  • Ensure that you enter the supplier reference (the supplier's order number) and the supplier invoice date to the Purchase Order prior to receipting. This will help you easily locate the record in your integrated accounting provider.
  • Before receipting the stock in Unleashed, confirm that the price and receipt quantity is correct. If the price of the receipted goods is different from the purchase order, you must update the original purchase order with the new values.
  • Products are considered stock on hand from the receipt date. Therefore, you cannot set a historical receipt date.
The purchase order can have a Receipted or Complete status. Ensure that you go through the process diagram and purchase order status checklist table below to understand the impact each status has within Unleashed.

Purchase Order Process Diagram


Purchase Order Status Checklist

Receipt Status Complete Status
  • If you have an Auto-Disassembled product, you cannot receipt the Purchase Order, only complete it for the Auto-Disassembled product. Use Split Receipting to receipt the other on the Purchase Order.
  • If you have a receipted Purchase Order, you cannot manually disassemble products currently included in a receipted Purchase Order.
  • The Stock on Hand Quantity for the product(s) will be updated.
  • The receipted product's Average Landed Cost (ALC) will be recalculated based on the Purchase Order's prices and costs.
  • The Purchase Order and Purchase Order Costs will be sent to the integrated accounting provider.
  • The Last Cost field for the product(s) will be updated.
  • The Purchase Order cannot be deleted.
  • The purchase price and existing costs on the Purchase Order cannot be edited after being receipted.
  • You can add further costs to a receipted purchase order. The additional costs will recalculate the product's ALC and will export to the  integrated accounting provider. The costs added post receipting will be labelled as a Recost.
  • You can complete Assemblies, Disassemblies and Stock Counts for receipted and completed products.
  • You cannot add any additional costs to a completed Purchase Order.
  • You can return the stock from a Purchase Order using a Supplier Return.
  • The Last Cost field for the product(s) will be updated.
  • You cannot delete or change any order quantities for a completed Purchase Order.

Receipting a Purchase Order

By receipting a Purchase Order you are agreeing to add the ordered products to your inventory at the price currently advised in the order. It is recommend to double check the Purchase Order's pricing, order quantities and costs, prior to receipting.

There are two ways in which you can start the receipting process: 

  1. From the main menu in Unleashed, go to Purchases | Purchase Orders | Receipt Purchase and enter the existing Purchase Order's order number, selecting the correct reference as appropriate. Once selected, the Purchase Order's details will populate. 

  2. In a Purchase Order, select the green Receipt button in the top right of the page.  

    Once the Purchase Order's been located and Receipt selected, a new page will show to receipt the stock with:

Follow the below steps to proceed with receipting the ordered products:

  1. Update the Supplier Reference and Supplier Invoice Date field, to align with the Supplier's details and expectations. The Supplier Invoice Date is what will export to your accounting provider.
  2. Confirm the Receipt Quantity per purchase line:
    • Use the Barcode feature to count the receipting quantity by scanning the units received. Select the barcode icon in the top right the the Purchase Order and choose between the Single Scan and Multi-Scan options available. For more details, see Barcoding.
    • If all the ordered quantity has arrived, hover on the Action Cog in the Receipt Quantity header to select Set All to Ordered Quantity. Similarly, to start again with updating the receipted quantity, select the Zero All Quantities.
    • Click in each purchase line's Receipt Quantity field to manually edit the quantity to be receipted.

      NOTE: The Receipt Quantity field will auto-fil with the ordered quantity if the Auto Set Receipt Quantity setting is enabled in your Company settings. For more details, see Company Settings.
  3. If there are any Batch or Serial Tracked products being receipted use the Batch and Serial columns that will show to advise a the Batch and Serial Numbers for the receipting stock. 
  4. Once the Receipt Quantity and Batch or Serial numbers have been allocated, select either Split Receipt or Confirm Receipt:
    1. Split Receipt: If the receipting quantities are less than the ordered quantities
    2. Confirm Receipt: If the receipting quantities match the ordered quantities.
    3. If there are no added costs due to be added to the receipted stock, you can instead select Split Complete or Complete.

During the receipting process, you can exit from the Receipt Purchase page to discard it and start again at at a later date. Receipting isn't saved against the Purchase Order until it is either confirmed as Receipted or Completed. 

Split Receipt

If you've received only a portion of the stock from your Purchase Order, you will still need to add what has been received to your inventory, for traceability and for further use. In this instance, you would select the Split Receipt option:

  • The quantities recorded in the Receipt Quantity field will be added to your Stock on Hand and the Purchase Order's status will update to Receipted.
  • To account for the outstanding ordered quantities, a new Purchase Order will be created in Placed status. The new Purchase Order will have the same initial order number but will also include an incremental suffix to signify it's a follow-up purchase. For example, PO-00001936 has been Split Receipt, the remaining ordered quantities are transferred to a new Purchase Order; PO1-00001936/1. You can Split Receipt each split from a Purchase Order as many times as necessary before all the stock has been received.
  • If further costs need to be added to the Receipted Purchase Order, you can either add them in the Cost Lines of the Purchase Order directly, to be applied when Completed. Or you can use the Add Shared Cost action in the View Purchases page to add a total cost across multiple Receipted Purchase Orders. For more details, see How to share a cost between multiple Purchase Orders.
  • The costs added to the purchase order will apply to the receipted quantity that is selected. Costs for subsequent receipts from the purchase order can then be added to the newly created purchase order before being receipted. For more information, see How to Split Receipt a Purchase Order.

Split Complete

You cannot add costs to a Purchase Order once it is complete. It is therefore imperative that you only select Split Complete if there are an further costs due to be included for the receipting products. 
  • The quantities recorded in the Receipt Quantity field will be added to your Stock on Hand and the Purchase Order's status will update to Complete.
  • No further changes can be made for the Purchase Order.
  • If any of the receipted stock or value is due to be returned, you can complete a Supplier Return to accomplish this. For more details, see Add Supplier Return
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