How to Split Receipt a Purchase Order
FollowAfter you have imported or created a Purchase Order and it is in Placed status, you can receipt or split receipt it to add any delivered goods to your inventory.
Split Receipting a Purchase Order means you are receipting a portion of a Placed Purchase Order, where the outstanding quantities are to be receipted at a later date. This enables you to use the stock you have already received for subsequent transactions, yet keep track of anything that is still on-order.
The Split Receipt function becomes accessible when you adjust the Receipt Quantity of a product on a Purchase Order to be less than the Order Quantity.
Points to Note
Split Purchase Orders will replicate the Supplier and order details provided in the Purchase Order it is being split from.
For each new Split Purchase Order, ensure you enter the newest Supplier reference (e.g. order number) and appropriate Supplier Invoice Date.
Only select Split Receipt after reviewing the Purchase Price and Receipted Quantity of the Purchase Order. Edits cannot be made after the Purchase Order is in Receipted or Completed status.
- Any Cost Lines included on a Purchase Order will not automatically be distributed to a split Purchase Order. Costs will remain on the original Purchase Order.
Use Split Receipt
When receipting a Purchase Order (either select Receipt in the Purchase Order or select Receipt Purchase from the main menu), the Receipt Quantity field will populate based on your account's Auto Set Receipt Quantity setting. If enabled, the Receipt Quantity will populate based on the order quantity. If disabled, the Receipt Quantity will populate as zero, to be manually updated with an appropriate quantity.
If the Receipt Quantity populates with the order quantity, the only button options available are to Confirm Receipt or Complete as there is no quantity remaining unallocated to a receipt.
If you change the Receipt Quantity to be less than the Ordered Quantity, the button options will update to show Split Receipt or Split Complete instead.
Select Split Receipt to add the Receipt Quantity to your Stock on Hand, the Purchase Order will update to Receipted status and any included costs on the Purchase Order will be used to calculate the Landed Cost of the receipted goods.
The outstanding quantity will be automatically added to a new, Placed Purchase Order with the same order details, pricing and order reference as the receipted Purchase Order, but will include a numerical suffix e.g. /1, /2, /3 to identify each split. For instance, each split from PO-000000233 will be generated as PO-000000233/1, PO-000000233/2 etc. It will be possible to include additional costs as Cost Lines to the newly Placed split Purchase Order, where necessary.
Use Split Complete to add the Receipt Quantity to your Stock on Hand when no further costs are due to be added for the receipted products. The Purchase Order will update to Completed status and the outstanding order quantities will be added to a split Purchase Order, in Placed status.
Update Receipt Quantity
- Set All to Ordered Quantity
- Zero All Quantities
Use barcoding to Split Receipt a Purchase Order
When receipting a Purchase Order, select the Barcode icon button at the top of the Purchase Order and the Receipt Quantity fields in the Purchase Order will update to 0. As each product unit is scanned into the mutli-scan or scan single barcode pup-up window, it will update the product's Receipt Quantity field. If any ordered product quantities are not counted, the Purchase Order will show the Split Receipt or Split Complete buttons.
For more details on using the Barcoding feature, please see Barcoding.
Add costs to split Purchase Orders
If a Placed Purchase Order has any costs added in the Cost Lines section, those costs will automatically apply to the goods initially receipted from a Split Receipt. If the costs added are expected to apply to all goods that may be split receipted from a Purchase Order, we recommend adding the costs after split receipting but before completing the Purchase Orders.
When the split Purchase Orders are all in Receipted status, go to the View Purchases tab, tick the Purchase Orders using the checkboxes available and from the Action Cog header, select Add Shared Cost. You can then enter the total cost from the Supplier and it will be distributed evenly across the selected Purchase Orders.
For more details on adding a cost to multiple Purchase Orders, see How to share a cost between multiple Purchase Orders.