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Import/Export Suppliers

Use the Import Supplier page to download blank and pre-populated CSV templates, used to create and update Supplier details in bulk. 
To access the Import Supplier page, from Unleashed's main menu, go to Suppliers and select Import/Export. From here you can import or export the following templates:
  • Suppliers
  • Supplier Contacts

Tip: If updating existing suppliers it's best practice to save a copy of the original export as a back-up copy. Once a template is successfully imported to Unleashed the upload cannot be reversed and you will not be able to revert to the previous version.

Before you begin

You must always import Supplier details using Unleashed's templates. Read the following topics to understand the correct process details and avoid common errors:

Import Suppliers

  1. Go to Suppliers | Import/Export | Suppliers.
  2. Click Download Suppliers Template File.
  3. Enter data in the template format. For field definitions, see Import Suppliers field definitions
  4. Save the file.
  5. Drop your file or click the upload area to Upload Suppliers.

If you are required to update the supplier codes after you import the supplier details, see Supplier Change Codes

Import Supplier Contacts

  1. Go to Suppliers | Import/Export | Supplier Contacts.
  2. Click Download Supplier Contacts Template File.
  3. Enter data in the template format. For field definitions, see Import Supplier Contacts field definitions.
  4. Save the file.
  5. Drop your file or click the upload area to Upload Supplier Contacts.
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