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Configure Unleashed


Before going through these steps, we recommend attending one of our free training Webinars in the Unleashed Academy.

For information on moving your trial data and user data to a new subscription, see Retaining or Deleting Trial Data in Subscribe to Unleashed.

System Settings tutorial

Setting Up a New Account

Once you subscribe and get an Unleashed account, you are ready to complete the set-up. These steps are recommended to help you get started. They are not mandatory and do not have to be performed in order.

1. Company Settings 

2. System Settings

3. Doc Designer Templates

4. Users and Permissions

5. Accounting Provider Settings

You can integrate with either Xero or QuickBooks or use Unleashed standalone from any accounting provider. 

6. Import Data

7. Confirm Stock on Hand

You must import stock on hand before using Unleashed. Ensure that the value of your stock in Unleashed (after importing Stock on Hand) matches the Stock on Hand value in the accounting provider. 

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