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Import Stock Counts


When performing a physical stock take, you can use the Import Stock Count feature to accurately and efficiently record it in Unleashed. The import allows you to upload a CSV file, listing all the appropriate products from your inventory with their current count quantities to ensure you physical stock aligns with Unleashed's stock on hand and availability. 

Refer to the following help files for tips and best practices when processing any CSV imports with Unleashed:

Points to note

  • The Stock Count must exist with a Stock Count Number, and with the "In Progress" status in order to successfully import a Stock Count CSV. For more information, see Create Stock Count and Create Stock Count Entries.
  • Every Product Code referenced on the Stock Count's CSV must exist in Unleashed as an active product. 
  • Every row that includes a Product must specify a Count Quantity. If left blank, the quantity will be set to 0.
  • Stock Counts can only be imported with an "In Progress" status. Any discrepancies found after import can be corrected in Unleashed directly, prior to completing. 
  • You cannot import a product's Count Quantity for multiple Warehouses in a single CSV import. A Stock Count can only be created and imported on a per Warehouse (and bin location) basis. 

Import Stock Counts

The below steps outline how to process an Stock Count via an import after it's initially been created in Unleashed, thus providing a Stock Count Number and an count with an "In Progress" status. For details on creating a new Stock Count, see Create Stock Counts.

  1. From the main menu, navigate to Inventory, Transactions, Stock Counts.

  2. To download a blank Stock Count template, click on Import Count in the Stock Counts page.

  3. Click Download Stock Count Template File.

  4. To download a pre-populated Stock Count template for all products due to be counted, open the "In Progress" Stock Count and click on Export (choose either a PDF or CSV export). 
  5. In the Stock Count's CSV file, fill in the Stock Count Number, Product Code and Count Quantity fields. For field definitions, see Import Stock Count field definitions.

  6. Once the CSV file is updated and saved, navigate back to the Import Count page and upload the Stock Count CSV file. Use the task bar in the top right to monitor the import's progress:
    • Orange circle: In progress.
    • Green tick: Import completed.
    • Red cross: Import failed. 

  7. Once imported successfully, the "In Progress" Stock Count will update to show the upload Count Quantity per product. You can make any necessary changes to the uploaded quantities in Unleashed directly. 

  8. Select Complete once all counts have been finalized. 
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