Sales FAQs
How do I change a customer's default currency?
Can I create a shipment from an invoice?
Can I create a purchase order from a sales order?
How do I show the customer what was not shipped or invoiced?
When do the invoices go through to your accounting provider?
Can I go back and edit a completed invoice?
How do I add freight to a sales invoice?
Can I create and complete shipments before creating and completing invoices?
How do I modify a completed Sales Order?
Can shipping labels be printed?
What report shows a shipment that has not been invoiced?
How do I clone a sales order?
How do I add freight to a sales order?
Can I create a template for free credits?
Where is the Payment Terms calculated off?
How do I change a customer's default currency?
You cannot change the currency once you have created a transaction for the customer. If you were to be able to change its currency then it could have a negative impact on transactions— such as profits and margins etc. However, as a work-around you can delete that customer and then create a new customer with the revised currency.
Can I create a shipment from an invoice?
No. You can create a shipment from the sales order.
Can I create a Purchase Order from a Sales Order?
Yes, however this function is only available when Order Management has been enabled in your Company Settings. For more information, see Create purchase order from a sales order.
How do I show the customer what was not shipped or invoiced?
This information is added to sales order and sales invoice templates in the Doc Designer.
The Backorder Enquiry report, or the View Sales Order page.
- Backorder Enquiry report provides Shipped and Invoiced columns on its report page.
- View Sales Order page enables you to add the Shipped and Invoiced columns to its page to view this information.
How do I clone a sales order?
- Go to Sales | Orders | View Sales Orders and on the action cog, click Clone.
- Open the sales order and click Clone.
How do I add freight to a sales order?
- Add a product and call it '"Freight" or "Shipping".
- Mark that product as a Never Diminishing Product.
- Add the Product to the specified sales order.
Can I create a template for free credits?
Credits are currently not available for custom templates in the Doc Designer.
How are the Payment Terms calculated?
The Payment terms are calculated from the Invoice Date and not the Order Created Date.
How are Sales Order totals calculated?
Sales Orders are computed for a total amount on line by line basis. Meaning;
We calculate and round off the discount, tax, and subtotal value of each and every product line first and then sum them all up to compute the final transaction sub-total.
We use round-up methodology but we also limit the decimal places from 4 to 2 on each price revision i.e after adding the discount and then tax on each sale/purchase order line.
UnitPrice = RoundTo4Dp (InclusiveUnitPrice / (1 + taxRate)
DiscountedUnitPrice = RoundTo4Dp (ExclusiveUnitPrice * (1 - DiscountRate))
LineTotal = RoundTo2Dp (ExclusiveDiscountedUnitPrice * Quantity)
LineTax = RoundTo2Dp (ExclusiveLineTotal * TaxRate)
TaxTotal = SUM(all LineTaxes)
SubTotal = SUM(all ExclusiveLineTotals)
Total = TaxTotal + SubTotal