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Why do you need to put costs on component products in a Disassembly?


For Disassemblies, the value or cost attributed to the component stock produced per disassembly is determined by the assembled product's current Average Landed Cost (ALC). To ensure the disassembly accurately distributes the assembled product's value to it's components Unleashed will use each component's current ALC (or last cost if it currently holds zero stock on hand) to calculate the appropriate proportional value per component product.

If a component product has no stock on hand, and a Last Cost value of 0.00 then the "Disassembly Cost Total" value will be distributed evenly across the other components. If there is no value or cost provided for any components of the disassembly, then the "Disassembly Cost Total" value is split based on component quantities.

Whilst a Disassembly is in "Parked" status you have the option to manually adjust each component's "Disassemble Cost". This empowers you to manage the value of the component stock as and when needed, with accuracy. 
NOTE: The sum of the Disassembly Lines' "Disassemble Cost" must be equal to the "Disassemble Cost Total". 


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