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Can I manually import/export my data with the B2B Portal?

Product and customer details automatically sync from Unleashed to your B2B Store, but cannot be manually imported or exported across the connection. Similarly, Sales Orders will automatically sync  to Unleashed every 15 minutes once they're placed in the B2B Store. 
The expected sync time for stock availability, products, customers, and Sales Order updates is approximately 15 minutes, but sometimes it may be longer depending on the amount of data updating and syncing. To force trigger an update for customers, products or stock availability, try resaving the record in Unleashed and you should shortly see the update apply in the B2B Store.
If the setting "Allow Customers to import Orders to Cart" is enabled in the B2B Store's Settings (see B2B Store: General Settings) B2B customers can place bulk Sales Orders with a large number of product lines, through the B2B Store using a CSV template. This will eliminate the need to click and add each product to their cart, creating a better customer experience. For more details, see B2B Store: Import Orders.
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